Senseless Survey

hmm....well no new Senseless Survey answers..but I felt the need to fix the way editor M arranged this..cause well..quite frankly it was starting to bug the hell out of me..but that's just me and i'm a bit anal nothing special really, it's just reorganized. Peace Out! Love Always, ~J NOTE: My color coordination skills really aren't this bad..I know that these colors don't really match..i just picked random hex codes and after noticing the bad color combinations, I decided that I was going to be lazy and not fix it.

Question 1:

"When was the last time you've consumed an entire block of cheese? If not how much cheese have you consumed and what kind was it? If it was the processed Amercian cheese this question does not apply to you."


1. Hmm...The last Time I consumed a block of cheese must have been in the summer of 19...are you kidding me? Eat an entire block of cheese??? There's no way I could stomach that...although my babysitter quite frequently did while she was watching us....but it was that nasty American processed stuff, you know...that individually wrapped stuff...Anyways, I did eat about half a block of cheese though, It was CoJack cheese, if I remember right, considering that's my favorite cheese, that would be a safe guess, I'm not sure when it was, but I know it was after practice of some sort.

Enjoy, Rebecca

Question 2:

"If you were stuck on a deserted island who would you take with you, Pauly Shore or Jesse Camp?"


1. Hello......I would take Jesse Camp with me rather than Pauly Shore.

Bye, Sarah :-)

2.If I were stuck on a desert island I would bring along Pauly Shore, that way I'd have someone to laugh at, and I wouldn't always be the fool....And besides, I like laughin more than anything else, and to be a good comedian you have to be intelligent, so I would be garunteed some good conversation.
Enjoy, Rebecca

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