Glossary of Terms as they are used in this story. All mistakes herein are my own. ------------------------------ Aishiteru = I love you. Arigato = Thank you. Thanks. Baka = Idiot. Fool. Chi = Life force. Soul. The power within. Ganbatte = Do your best. Gomen = Sorry. Hai = Yes. Okay. Right. All affirmatives. Hayaku = Hurry. Ichi = One. Itai = Ow. Ja Ne = See ya. Bye. Konnichiwa = Hi. Casual greeting. Matte = Wait. Minna = Everyone. You guys (or just "guys"). Moshi Moshi = A telephone greeting. Nandemo = Nothing. Nani = What. Ne = Alright? Right? Ni = Two. Ohaiyo = Good morning. Oi = Hey. San = Three. Sayonara = Farewell. Senshi = Soldier. Shimatta = Oh no! Sugoi = Wow. Cool. Great. Yuh = No. All negatives. -chan = A term usually used for girls or children. -sama = A term usually reserved for emperors or gods. A term of great respect. -san = Mr., Miss, Mrs., Ms.