29th July 2001
Hi! Sorry for the delay
-__-;;; We really don't mean to abandon this page for that long <we swear!> We
planned to update it in early or mid of June but then Fortunecity stopped their file
manager service. <sniff> Well, you've knew about that if you read our 'Art
Collections' updates ^^;;;
Hey, we still haven't receive any entry for our contest. Is the contest so
difficult? <grin> Why don't you e-mail us? We'll give you some 'sure-win' clues.
<grin> Well, we'll only accept 5 winners, so hurry up or you'll have to wait for our
next contest, huh? Yup, we'll open new contests soon. ^^
Okay, for the updates... we have some new chapters for Sailor Moon Millennium - The
Rise of The Stellar Scouts, The Six Heavens of Mishna, Power Up!, Sailor Moon Harmony
& Children of Innocence. We also have a new story in the Fan fiction section - Sailor
Moon Crystal. Due to some problem, 'Realm Knight' tittle was changed to
'After Gaia' and we also took down the first chapter of the story (by request from the
author). But she promised to send us the re-written chapter 1 as soon as she finish it.
Ok, that's all. Enjoy our updates ^^
15th March 2001
We've posted up the result
and all of our contest entries ^^ Congratulations to all the winners. We'll send the
prizes A.S.A.P. Also, new chapters of Sailor Moon Millennium - The Rise of
The Stellar Scouts, Power Up!, Sailormoon Beyond, Realm Knights and Child of Light,
Child of Dark are up.