Here is my gratitude
There are really a lot of people I would like to thank, without them this homepage would not have been possible...
- 1)Mammy and Daddy:
- Thanks for loving and supporting me all these years...
- 2)Amanda:
- Thanks for your encouragment, sharing and support. You are my best friend forever...
- 3)Vincent:
- Who is there for me through my ups and downs...
- 4)Simon:
- Who taught me a lot and helped me a lot to make this homepage...
- 5)Roger, KF, Amnesia, Henry, Ken, Edwin, Brother-in-law(jer fu):
- Thanks for your inspiration and support...
- 6)My Sisters and Brothers:
- I don't know what you guys had to do with my homepage, but thank you guys anyway : )
- 7)And all my other friends I have not mentioned:
- You're not forgotten. I just didn't want to sit and type forever, if I had to mention you all...
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As this is my first attempt in creating a homepage, if you have any suggestion on how I can improve my homepage, please feel free to email me!! Thanks alot!
Please email me!
[email protected]