Here is my gratitude

There are really a lot of people I would like to thank, without them this homepage would not have been possible...

1)Mammy and Daddy:
Thanks for loving and supporting me all these years...
Thanks for your encouragment, sharing and support. You are my best friend forever...
Who is there for me through my ups and downs...
Who taught me a lot and helped me a lot to make this homepage...
5)Roger, KF, Amnesia, Henry, Ken, Edwin, Brother-in-law(jer fu):
Thanks for your inspiration and support...
6)My Sisters and Brothers:
I don't know what you guys had to do with my homepage, but thank you guys anyway : )
7)And all my other friends I have not mentioned:
You're not forgotten. I just didn't want to sit and type forever, if I had to mention you all...

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As this is my first attempt in creating a homepage, if you have any suggestion on how I can improve my homepage, please feel free to email me!! Thanks alot!

Please email me! [email protected]