This page is only just started so hang on....

Right brace yourselves for my big confession... I'm a Kylie fan...*cringe!*

Despite the hugely eclectic range of music that I like in addition to Kylie Minogue, sadly I fear that people will still think I'm a saddo...

At the end of the day, after all these years (13 is it?) I still have a massive soft spot for her, even if her accent has gone a bit wierd from being in London too long...

So you can all bugger off, I like her... and anyway, you can't embarass me about it any more, as I'm a fully 'out' Kylie fan, all my friends and family know...

And it's not a case of 'ooh, I'm gay so I must be into things that gay people like, off to G.A.Y. with me every Saturday then... '.

Here's a piccy I cobbled together from photos of when I saw her at a concert recently... and yes it was at G.A.Y. ... oh fuck off.... just press the bloody button...


Other more intelligent music tastes will be exhibited here shortly...