Design Process

The Design Process can be simplified into:
  1. Understanding
  2. Brainstorming
  3. Researching
  4. Concepts
  5. Refining
1. Understanding:
This is the most important step.
If you don't understand what the client is saying you can't depict it graphically.
Also you must try to get a feel for the client's likes-dislikes.  This is some
times crucial cause if you are understanding they want
a Mona Lisa look and they are thinking Picasso,
you will save a lot of time & effort.


2. Brainstorming:
If this is done with your client it will better help narrow down what you will
be creating.
Team Brainstorming- Don't restrict the initial session with your team.
There can come out a lot of good ideas that may be used on another
Once you get out those wacky ideas then concentrate on brainstorming
about the project at hand.
You may have to do some Researching.


3. Researching:
You may have to hit the library, internet, book stores to understand & learn
more about the subject of your project.

If you are creating something that needs to be understood in layman's terms
and targeted to the lowest common denominator:
Then it may be good for at least on person in your team to not know anything
about the subject.  This way you can get good feed back from this person,
cause if he/she can understand then probably your target audience will as well.


4. Concepts:
Create & develop a few of your ideas.
This can be as crude as sketches to storyboards to almost finished graphics.

Then present back to the client your best three.


5 .Refining:
After showing your client your best three, make sure you get definite feedback
on such things as color, fonts, graphics, ...
and then try to implement them the best you can.
I would always keep showing your client the work as its evolving, just incase
there is a change in mind or misunderstanding.
This will avoid painful situations at the final stages.

{This process essentially consistent, with other professions
However for different projects or clients it has to change slightly.}

To findout more chose the below categories,
then click on the dp_s.jpg (750 bytes)icon to see how the project evolved from.

Web- GUI Designs
Video Graphics
Scientific Visualizations

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