Design Process

Original first shuttle
shuttleSIDE.100_s.jpg (3051 bytes)


The final shuttle before textures
jetfiveback_s.jpg (4832 bytes)
jetfivetop_s.jpg (5302 bytes)
jetfivehigh_s.jpg (5261 bytes)
jetfive_s.jpg (4517 bytes)
jetfiveclamps_s.jpg (5435 bytes)

I still need to scan in the numerous sketches I did before coming up
with the final model.

The original concept was for a very dingy cargo/passenger shuttle, very
modular and crummy.

As  the art director was not 100% satisfied with the look, we wanted a more
sleek look & also maintaining the modularity.

The final idea was to have it as an all purpose shuttle, able to carry cargo and have
passenger compartments.  I came up with a kinda flat bed truck concept.
As is clear in the last image the compartments are laid on top and the clamps
secure it to the shuttle.  This version was designed to expand to carry two
containers or just one (depending on the cargo however; due to
time constrains this was never shown in the final game)

The wings were also designed to fold up and down and actually uses it to land on.
Also I designed to with 4 Harrier type jets so it can land and take-off vertically.

A lot of thought and detail went into the making of the shuttle, as well as how the
space port would function, but had to be cut out due to time limits.

�1998 SouthPeak Interactive


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