Sincerity, Honor, and Friendship...

sincerity is considered a gem to anybody you respect or love.
it shows that person that you are honest of mind and free from hypocrisy which feeds the relationship with the nutriment of trust and which it can blossom into something beautiful.

honor can be a strong foundation to any friendship which can survive for all eternity. To be dishonest is to build friendship on a weak foundation which can come crumbling down at any time and bring ruin to you.

friendship is perhaps one of the greatest and most precious gift that can be given to any individual. But to some this gift is taken for granted and sometimes it is troddened on with out a care in the world. to these people the gift is not a gift but something to put up with little do they know that what they do can cause great wounding which sometimes can never be healed. to these people who do this they will soon find themselves being the wounded someday and to those who cherish this gift well they create a bond so strong that nothing in the world could taint or peirce this steel chain of friendship. So to those of you reading this cherish your friendships and you to can create the bond that can last for an eternity.

The Pandas Are Coming!!!!