1) Hypocrites - You know, the ones that are a Christian only so they have something to write on a form that asks their religion. The ones that couldn't care less if God liked their lifestyle or not. The ones that think they are already perfect and God's rules don't apply to them. The ones that jump on you for "judging" them when you make a slight suggestion that God may not like what they're doing.
2) Bible Thumpers - The ones that think they are so perfect that its their duty to inform every person they meet that they are going to hell. The ones that would literally cram a Bible down your throat if you'd let them.
3) Churches - Yes, as a Christian, I hate churches.
I don't mean the buildings, or *all* the people. I just mean the
general attitude and atmosphere of the place. In a building that
is supposed to be a place of worship you will find more gossip, slander,
anger, and bitterness than you can in a public high school. I also
do not like the way each different church believes something different,
and the way they believe anyone who disagrees with them is going to hell.
---*note*--- for those of you wondering what
church I go to, I'm what you would call a "denominational mutt" - I go
to whatever church I feel like going to, usually either pentecostal, baptist,
or church of Christ. (simply because I have friends there)
4) Graffiti Artists - The "Christians" who will destruct public property to say "Trust in Jesus". Whether it's writing on bathroom walls, Carving into sidewalks, or spray painting walls. They ignore the law to talk about God. Can we say immaturity? (Granted, it's usually young Christians who do this - simply because they're so "excited" about God... but even still, someone should tell them to back off)
5) Those who do not capitalize the name of God. Whether it be "God," "Jesus," "Jehovah," "Christ," or whatever, it is simply respectful to capitalize the name. Besides that, when someone says "god" it refers to a false god - one that does not exist. "God," on the other hand refers to GOD...the Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and Last, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.... (need I go on?)
6) Cut & Pasters - The Christians who cut
and paste segments of the Bible together to make it say whatever they want
it to. What part of "do not add to my words" do we not understand?
1) People that walk too slow. Some people walk at this pace that is too slow to walk behind, yet just fast enough that it is pointless to go around. Or, in other situations, there will be too many people around to pass them... which leads me to my next hatred...
2) People that stand in the middle of the hall/isle/doorway/etc and do nothing - do they not realize that others are trying to get by? They are almost as bad as the people who walk down the hall/isle not watching where they're going, then glare at you when they run into you.
3) People in love - Again, not all people.. just the ones that anytime they're together they sit there saying cheesy things like: "I love you.... I love you more.... No, I love *you* more" .. its extremely retarded. And of course, anytime they're apart, all they can talk about is how wonderful the other is and how much they miss them. *note* These are also the people that break up bitterly in a few months.
4) People who believe sarcasm is of the devil. There are many people out there that believe sarcasm has no place in a Christian's life. I think otherwise.
5) Computer Illiterates - The ones that *think* they know what they are doing, yet they have trouble finding the "start" button when it is needed.
6) People who can't type. - I don't mean the people who simply don't know where the keys are, I mean the people that instead of typing normally they use "2" in place of "to" or "too", as well as in place of "two." Also these individuals tend to use "y" for "why", and "u" for "you." When reading a sentence such as: "y did u go 2 the store 4 2 loaves of bread?," it takes up a lot of time to simply figure out what the person is trying to say.
6) Doctors - *Definetly* not all of them (seeing as I plan on becoming one), just the ones that are so worried about their next pay-check that they don't care about their patients. (this statement of mine was proven in a law-suit I witnessed.) Another thing I hate about doctors (and some nurses), is that they think they know so much they don't have to listen to the person they are treating. (This is especially the case when they draw blood.) On average, when drawing blood, they stab me 3 times before trying a spot I suggest - and succeeding.
7) Shrinks. - So far, I have not met one decent shrink... and I really don't think there is any. All shrinks suck. They think they know so much about your brain that they can see into it and *know* what you're feeling. Also, they usually assume you've been abused in some way, shape, or form if you are not completely emotionally stable. (By the way, their definition of emotionally stable is anyone that is as normal as *they* are.)
8) Profesors that think they are God -- This is
soooo iritating! I'll have a class at 9:00 and then at 11:00, and
it NEVER fails that the 9:00 prof think that his/her class is the only
class we have.... and he/she will keep us there late! Then of course
I finally get to my next class and *that* prof is mad because I'm late.
Go figure.
1) People that go 55 on the 70 roads. Usually these are the elders in our society that can't see good enough to know that the speed is up 15 mph.
2) People that want to go 90, but since you are going 70 and they don't want to pass, they ride directly behind you. I have found 3 solutions to this: (1) hit your breaks - they'll politely back off for awhile. (2) have a dart gun with you that you can point at them... they'll back off thinking it is real. (3) Slow down gradually to a speed of 20 mph. (my favorite is the last one, although it only works well if you're on a road where the individual behind you cannot pass)
3) People that don't use turn signals. It's extremely annoying when you're sitting at a stop sign waiting for this car to go by and then they turn without warning and you have to sit at the light another 10 minutes to wait for another break in traffic. Also, when you're driving behind someone that doesn't use turn signals you end up slamming on your breaks so they can turn. (*note* most of the time these people live in the state of Texas... which says something.)
4) People that turn on their turn signals and leave them on. Hello! How can you not see that green flashing arrow in front of your face?? And if that's not enough there's that obnoxious *tick, tick, tick* sound to remind the person.
5) The idiots who drive by my dorm window blaring
their horn at 3am then stop and scream "hey! someone open your window and
talk to me!"
1) Conformity - I think the word is self explanatory. I hate the way people walk around in a daze, following whatever is "in" that day. Just as bad are the people that scream "I'm different" simply because that's what is becoming popular as well.
2) Email forwards - Not all, just stupid ones that end with "send this to 5 people in 5 minutes or you'll die tomorrow" or something similar.
3) The United States Government (and probably most other governments as well)- Another hatred that is self-explanatory. I especially hate the Judicial branch of our government. Only in America can you loose a case that was completely obvious that the "opponent" (for lack of a better term) was in the wrong. I could rant about the government all day, but I'm sure I've wasted enough of your time.
4) Gas prices.
1) Professors That Don't Speak English -- It seems
like every math or science professor does not speak english. What's up
with that? I mean, come on, these are the classes that need good
teachers, not people that have to pause every couple minutes to think of
the right word.
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