This page provides some resources for online gaming, specifically targeted at the MUSH/MUX user. Not all of it will work everywhere, but most of it will work on/for Seattle or Detroit, and it should require little porting effort.

My main macro file and the little scrap of Perl code that makes some of the commands work Note that this also contains hooks into mpp for uploading offline code.
It's part of the rite of passage. If you want to be taken seriously as a softcoder, you hafta write (or at least use, or argue against) a preprocessor. You definitely need to have an opinion. Here's mine. It handles #defines and even #ifdefs, but not #includes or general-purpose #ifs. I stick it in my ~/bin directory and symlink mpp to the current version.
The +info command
In version 1.2.1. May require In fact, almost certain it requires at least one version of libGeoff. This command allows various bits of information to be set so that people possessing the appropriate etiquette skills will see everything up to a their level in the skill. A Shadowrun hack of a WoD classic. Version 2.0 expected within the month.
The +monitor device
Version 3.0.5, presently supports a wide variety of options. I don't think the patch to plushelp.txt is in here. Relies on not having another use for a player's userlock. Almost certainly requires libGeoff in one version or another.
Named in a fit of silliness, libGeoff is a collection of utility routines that have found their way onto a common object. Some of these routines aren't so ideal for some sites. This will be the Seattle version, cuz that's the only place I've constrained myself to one really big and butt-ugly object.
A MUSH/MOO Guide for the Truly Clueless
It's not ideal, but it worked fairly well for the members of one of my classes a semester or two ago, and might be expanded to be more useful overall.