Non-fiction account as told by Brave Hawk...

this is a story that is true that someone told me
In the early 1800's, my grandmother was a small girl. As with all children of that era, they had chores to do every morning.
But, when the chores were done, they were free to play until evening chore time.
My grandmother had a friend that she would meet half-way between her house and her friend's house. 
There, was a big tree stump that they used for their "table" for their tea parties. Two days went by that the friend failed to appear for their play time. 
On the third day, my grandmother, slightly miffed, decided not to wait. As she turned to leave, she had a feeling someone was there. 
Thinking it was her friend, she turned. There on the tree stump, was the figure of an angel with the face of the little friend. 
Badly scared, she ran home to tell her mother. Her mother fussed at her, thinking she was making up the story. 
But later that same day, the friend's father came to tell them that the little girl had been very ill and had died that morning.
the end