Non-fiction account #3 told by Nikkili... I have one ghost like this that lives with me still To explain The house I currently live in was once an old firehouse in the 1890s and many people lived there, while being volunteers for that I'm not sure if this visitor was part of that I only know that I never was bothered by it before I moved to this house About 6 months after I moved here I woke one night to find something pressed against my back with an arm draped over me I couldn't move at first at last I gathered my strength and sat up it left no argument from it it disappeared next night it happened again and again I jolted awake and it left now, this went on.. for many nights each month was much like the other occasionally it would move over me but when I fought it it would always leave I was very frightened at first but gradually I came to view it as sort of a lonely spirit and gradually it took up residence on the other side of my bed my animals didn't seem to mind it even my small dog rosie who was very old then one day my dog became very sick I took her to the vets and well there was nothing I could do I cried a lot, this pet was my dearest friend at the time you know that night instead of this human presence in my bed I woke to find the body of my small brown dog pressed against me just like this creature, or whatever it was usually did I reached behind me and felt her small coarse haird back she didn't leave me all night in spite of my touching it the next day, of course the dog wasn't there and the night after that the spirit took up it's usual position this makes me think that it's friendly it has never hurt or threatened me until only recently and then it didn't really hurt me but I find it disturbing that it's nature changed for a bit I have been undergoing some major decisions in my life pondering some problems and worrying about consequences on a night that I was particularly worried I awoke to the sensation of someones hands on my ankles dragging me out of bed I jolted awake I was still in my bed no hands but the feeling was very vivid a few days later I woke to the feeling of something grabbing my hands and dragging me to a sitting position this time.. I woke to find myself sitting up I thought about it and slept on the couch that next night no problem but that day I made a major decision the next night I went back to my room and the being left me alone so... is this a freindly spirit? Or part of myself? I don't know only that one time when I needed comforting I think it assumed the form of my little brown dog and another when I was most disturbed it seemed to be saying to me hey pay attention so who knows but it is with me still curled up against my back at night or sleeping at the foot of my bed likea small brown dog end of story, and it is a true oone it is with me still to this day