Before I show you (dear reader) these pictures...I must warn you. Some of these pictures are wierd, and stranger still. Beware, lest your eyes be removed from your head by unseen forces.
(just kiddding. You're welcome to look at these fine images.)

Pictures of Heather and myself

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Pictures of Andi+laura

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Pictures of Andi+myself

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Here are a few banners that I have made for friends

(and myself)

this banner is one that I did a long time ago for a friend.
Version B of the same banner.
Version C of the same banner.

This banner is one that I did for an old website. I love photoshop. :)

Web rings occasionally require the use of new banners, I did this one for a website that I happen to advise for.


Some flaming word art.
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Artwork...before it became a banner

the name speaks for itself...really odd

This is what you can do with powergoo. This is a really easy program, and I recommend it for the beginning photo editors. For those who are advanced...please, please don't use powergoo and tell me that it's well done art. I feel like I should break things when people tell me that.
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This is another example of my love for word art. Or art using words. I'm not quite sure which this is.

What happens when Jason goes back to the computer thinking of the feminine form? These two pictures are the fruition of two times when I did just that.
1 (I like the second one better) 2

Megan's Art
(megan is a younger friend of mine)
(that does sometimes quite amazing art.)

this is my sister. Please don't ask to date her.
this is not infact one of megan's pieces of art, but actually is one that was inspired by her art. Pretty neat in my opinion.
I posed for this piece of art. Too bad I'm not a terribly good adonis.
This is another pose of that same work of art.
And lastly, a cartoon Megan did for her sister's college.

Pictures of myself. Some good...some not so good. ;)

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Metal Shtuff I Made

this piece for a lady on the internet. I don't sell them on e-bay anymore as a result.
THE piece of jewelry that I wear.


my mother my sister, and myself on mother's day.
yes...I do have some horrible pictures too.

(I have no idea what category to put this one in)
my hand what did you expect?

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