Remember that!....Pain is temporary. If you think and believe that, you should make it through this with no problem. If you are hurt from a fall or a missed jump, anything, then just rememeber that pain is temporary. Obviously it hurts now but it will not after a little while so why cry about it now! I know what i'm talking about when it comes to this...once you believe that, the pain will go away or you will at least be able to ignore it for a little while and focus on whatever you need to. Granted there are sometimes when you may need to stop but usually only if you are EXTREMELY hurt and cannot bare it at all. But usually, there will be times when you get hurt and you can keep going quite easily with the right frame of mind. I didn't think that having that frame of mind would work but it does. For instance, a while back i was practicing one of my many ways climbing on top of my house (with using the atenna or anything like that of course). It requires me to step on a small log pile we have (very very small) and jump up real quick and put my foot on the extremely tiny ledge on the side of our house, and at the same time grab the edge of the roof. Well, i messed up and all of my weight (and more) came down on my knee on the edge of the brick on the side of the house... i laid there for a minute because i couldn't walk on my leg and then i said "screw it" and climbed up my house and jumped off the roof. Now i know that sounds dumb, but it is the only example i could think of right now. Soooooo....that is something i'm going to try and get you to understand.......