Get Ready to Learn

I will be continually searching through numerous throws and such and picking out good ones that i think just about anyone should be able to do. Afterall, not practice, but repetition makes perfect, and if you constantly try and repeat these the right way, you will master them. (Remember...i am not justifying this as a substitute for actually being taught in martial arts. But i am not a professional, i am just making a website for mine and your enjoyment. You people know how to take care of yourselves and that is what i am relying on, but just in case: i take no responsibility of anyone's actions taken or knowledge taken from, as well as practiced, by reading this website...thank you.
Now, on with the show!!

Spring Hip Throw
This is called a spring hip you can see, it is quite easy to execute. The best way i can explain would be: A (the dark guy) and B (the light guy) are facing each other (holding arms as shown). B pulls A towards him. B twists his body throwing A off balance. B continues to pull A over his side (notice the leg sweep, when B pulls A, B just sticks his leg out and kicks A's feet out from under him). It is much easier to go by the picture then by how i am explaining it, which you have probably already noticed.

Advancing Foot Sweep
This is one of the many types of sweeps incountered. It is called the advancing foot sweep. This one (as in pretty much all "throws") requires that you get your opponent off balance. My suggestion (and what works best for me) is that you kindof push and pull on him to keep him guessing what you are going to do, and then at the right time...pull him towards you to move his weight onto that front foot and then sweep that foot (kick it out from under him) while you push on him. Be sure to do both at the same time or it won't be very effective (push him down while you kick his foot from under him so he falls). The whole point of all of these is to subdue your opponent by getting them on the ground.

One Arm Shoulder Throw
Being one of my personal favorites, this move is extremely easy and when done well enough...really hurts. The picture should be good enough to see what to do (as all of them should be) but if not then i'll do my best to explain. Fortunately, this one is (like i said before) extremely easy. Okay, going back to A and B. The only thing that happens is...B grabs A's arm and slings hims over his own shoulder. It's that simple, B grabs A's arm. B put's is back towards A's and pulls A's arm causing him to come over B's shoulder (or side) and landing on the ground. *When done hard enough, and the correct way; A should land on his ribs for the most part* (or at least on the back of his ribs, either way it hurts).

Circle Throw
This throw is called a circle throw. I must say, this is probably another one of my favorites because it is just plain awesome as you can probably tell. Well, there's not much to explain about this one obviously, fortunately the pictures speak for themselves. Umm, let's see...B just drops back (rolling onto his back) while placing his foot into A's lower stomach (or if you want to kill them, place your foot on their crotch, it doesn't feel very nice at all) and continues to roll on his back, thus, throwing A over his head. (Remember to hold/pull A with your arms also.)