LE FastCounter

Formal Poetry

        After A While by Veronica A. Stoffall

        After a while, you learn the subtle difference
        Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
        And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
        And company doesn't mean security,
        And you begin to learn that
        kisses aren't contracts
        And presents aren't promises,
        And you begin to accept your defeats
        With your head up and your eyes open
        With the grace of a woman,
        not the grief of a child,
        Because tomorrow's ground is
        too uncertain for plans.
        And futures have a way of
        falling down in midflight.
        After a while, you learn
        That even sunshine burns if you get too much.
        So you plant your own garden and
        decorate your own soul,
        Instead of waiting for someone
        to bring you flowers.
        And you learn that you really can endure...
        That you really are strong.
        And you do have worth.
        And you learn and learn...
        With every goodbye, you learn.

        The Storm
        by Night Storm October 15, 1997

        I sit by the window,
        staring out at the rain
        reminding me of tears

        They fall...
        all the time, tears fall
        trying to erase my pain.

        The raging storm outside...
        reflects the way I feel
        collecting over time, and bursting

        I wonder...
        Is it my fault?
        am I just unable to be loved?

        Do I do something....
        to hurt others?
        am I unaware?

        Or am I too sensitive...
        for this world?
        I wish I knew...

        Am I forever destined,
        to be romanced ...
        then cast away?

        Am I too kind...
        giving to others,
        what I desire for myself?

        Do I give up...
        and live only for myself,
        staring at the rain?

        Should I turn you away
        when you need comfort or love?
        the way you do to me?

        Constantly getting my hopes up
        only to have them battered
        like the rain beating down ...

        I don't know, I never will...
        I just sit here, watching the storm
        the only thing that cries more than I....

        A Dog Sits Waiting
        by Unknown...published in Heloise in local paper

        A dog sits waiting
        In the cold autumn sun,
        Too faithful to leave,
        Too frightened to run.

        He�s been here for days now
        With nothing to do
        But sit by the road,
        Waiting for you.

        He can�t understand
        Why you left him that day.
        He thought that you
        Were stopping to play.
        He�s sure you�ll be back
        And that�s why he stays.

        How long will he suffer?
        How many more days?
        His legs have grown weak;
        His throat�s parched and dry.
        He�s sick now from hunger
        And falls with a sigh.

        He lays down his head
        And closes his eyes.
        I wish you could see
        How a waiting dog dies.