What Would the Gods Do?
You have heard of WWJD.....(What would Jesus Do?) Well.... Here are a few Pagan Versions!! -WWAD? (A= Astarte) Make love AND war. -WWAD? (A- Artemis) Turn him into a stag to be torn apart by his barking hounds. -WWAD? (A= Athena) Stare him down (then beat the crap out of them...in a logical manner.) -WWAD? (A= Apollo) Test their musical skills...in a fair contest. -WWAD? (A= Aphrodite) Don't you mean "Who" would Aphrodite do? -WWBD? (B= Bacchus) Get them drunk and turn them into dolphins. -WWBD? (B= Britannia) Rule! -WWBD? (B= Buddha) Does it matter? If you are enlightened it doesn't. If you are not enlightened it still doesn't. -WWCD? (C= Ceres) Discuss it calmly while holding a scythe. -WWCD? (C= Ceridwen) Stir it up one more time. -WWCD? (C= Chaos) No one is quite sure...but it will be messy and... interesting. -WWDD? (D= Demeter) Lay waste to your lands if you don't have her daughter back by 10 PM! (And don't even THINK of laying a hand on her!) -WWDD? (D= Discordia) Here...have an apple...IF you are the fairest! -WWED? (E= Ereshkigal) Strip them and hang them on a hook to rot. -WWTED? (TE= The Elueusinians) It's a mystery! -WWFD? (F= Flora) Say it with flowers. -WWFD? (F= Fortuna) Play the lottery. -WWGD? (G= Gaia) Remind them to worship the ground they stand on. -WWGD? (G= Ganesha) Saddle up his rat. -WWHD? (H= Hades) Tell them to go to Hell. -WWHD? (H= Hecate) Show them the right path...or is it the left? -WWHD? (H= Hera) She'd get jealous. -WWHD? (H= Hercules) He'd labor to come up with an answer. -WWHD? (H= Herne) Lead them on a Wild Hunt! -WWJD? (J= Janus) Look the other way. -WWJD? (J= Jupiter) Strike them down with a bolt from the blue. -WWKD? (K= Kali) Tear out their beating heart, drink their blood and dance on their trembling corpse. Then wear parts as jewelry. -WWKD? (K= Kwan Yin) Show them some mercy. -WWLD? (L= Loki) Turn left at the next street, buy five chickens, "borrow" some jewelry, change into a seal, & steal some apples. For starters. -WWLD? (L= Luna) Moon them! -WWMD? (M= Mithras) Cut the bull! -WWMD? (M= Mars) Suit up for battle. -WWMD? (M= Mercury) Change his mind... again. -WWND? (N= Narcissus) Huh? Is there someone else here? -WWPD? (P= Pan) Tell them to pipe down or f*** off. -WWPD? (P= Pluto) Hump Minnie's leg. -WWPD? (P= Priapus) Rise to the occasion. -WWSD? (S= Sekhmet) Drown her sorrows in blood. -WWSD? (S= Set) You don't want to know, but it won't be nice. -WWSD? (S= Shiva) Smoke some weed and dance the night away. -WWTD? (T= Thor) Hammer it out. -WWVD? (V= Vesta) Keep the home fires burning. -WWVD? (V= Vulcan) Live long and prosper. -WWYD? (Y= Yahweh) "I hear you, I hear you. Stop with the burning bush already! OY!" -WWZD? (Z= Zeus) By Jove, he'd flirt with the girls!