Ready to really spark some thought? This is the page for you. Each week a question, thought, essay or commentary is posted on this page concerning the Word of God. Remember this site is open for any opinions and any criticism and or essays. So if you want to question on what is posted on this site, or post your own essay feel free to do so. Keep this in mind, don't steal one jot, one period, or one tittle from this page.  Better to have taken away knowledge or wisdom from this site rather than to have a lightning bolt strike you because you stole someone elses work. Remember this is freelance (Not so free that we are free from the Lord, but I like to see somebody try that.).






  In a national survey, Ten thousand people die of starvation a day. A thousand more people die of hurricanes, earthquakes,and the like. What we are seeing is actually the result of what happens when people choose to live their own lives and not the lives according to the Father. So because of that people reap what they sow. Remember as Paul said, the spirit brings life, but the flesh brings death, and since most people choose to live a life apart from God's Word which happens to be spirit, then that will result in them reaping from the harvest of their own desires which is death.


                                                                                                                                             Ray Comfort

                                                                                                                             Springboards for Powerful Preaching 




     If the isssue of abortion or homosexuality comes up, you have two choices, you can either start talking about how the        moral fabric is torn in society because of abortion, thus risking an argument and pushing them farther away from the          Gospel, or you could wait till you have planted the seed of the Word of God in their hearts to make them realize the           Gospel.  It also helps if you carry a picture around of an aborted fetus to show them what the results of abortion really       is.  This "It's my body" argument has got to go, and only the Word of God can cause that to happen.

     In any situation or outcome pray because no move of God has been made without being petitioned.  Pray because            Jesus, John, Paul, Westley, Hinn, Hagee, Duplantis, and Jakes prayed and got results.  Pray that the comforter will            bring the church of Jesus Christ to it's knees.  The name comforter just dose'nt mean that the Holy Spirit has got your        back, King George was the comforter because he poked his troops with a sword to lead them into battle, the Holy          Spirit works in the same way, especially when we are about to go to sleep in prayer.


                                                                                                                                               Ray Comfort

                                                                                                                             Springboards for Powerful Preaching 



      If the issue of abortion or homosexuality arises you have two choices, you can either start talking about how the moral fabric is torn in society because of abortion, thus risking an argument and pushing them farther away from the Gospel, or you can wait till you have planted the seed of the Word of God in their hearts to make them realize the Gospel.  It also helps if you carry a picture around of an aborted fetus to show what the results of abortion really is.  This "It's my body argument has got to go and only the Word of God can cause that to happen.

       In any situation or outcome, pray because no move of God has been made without being petitioned.  Pray because Jesus, John, Paul Westley, Spurgeon, Hinn, Hagee, Duplantis, and Jakes prayed and got results.  Pray that the comforter will bring the church of Jesus Christ to it's knees.  The name comforter just dosen't mean that the Holy Spirit has got your back, King George was the comforter because he poked his troops with a sword to lead them into battle, and he himself was known in that sense as comforting the troops.  The Holy Spirit works in the same way especially when we are about to go to sleep in prayer.

                                                                                                                                                Ray Comfort

                                                                                                                             Springboards for Powerful Preaching 




         Y'know music and a good atmosphere sometimes isn't the best way for driving sinners to the foot of the cross.  If thy miss what the song is saying, then that's when it's taken to another level with the alter call.

          When you deal with preaching in open air it's hard to deciper the saved from the unsaved. Maybe in musical performances it's easy, but not in situations where you have 150 people and only 95 percent of those people are born again.

            The problem has been we have equated not saving a soul with failure, and saving a soul with success.  It's enough  that God gives you the courage to make an alter call, all you have to do is carry out his instructions.


                                                                                                                                              Ray Comfort

                                                                                                                             Springboards for Powerful Preaching                                                                                                                                                                  



      Often when the Gospel is is preached, non-Christians will attempt to cover their sin by using Scripture.  What they are trying to say is that we have no right as Christians to judge them.

       It is not the Christian who are doing the judging.  Humanity is already judged -- we are judged guilty before God (Romans 3:9-23).  Christians are called to walk with discernment. Who can judge whether or not one is saved by their confession?  If they deny the Lordship of Christ or the resurrection we can conclude that they are not Christians. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 John 2:22).  We should be able to judge or discern Christians by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20).  Jesus condemned unjust criticism when He said "Judge not, that you be not judged."  (Matthew 7:1).  In John 7:24, He said "Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.                                        

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                                                                                                                             Springboards for Powerful Preaching 




      After you have finished pouring your guts out to somebody about Jesus and they still don't want to turn from their wicked ways, what do you do?  Let the Holy Spirit deal with them.  When something like this comes up, just pray that his false egotistical pride will be broken and that thunder coming down from the sky tell him there is a God and he dosen't take sin too lightly.

                                                                                                                                              Ray Comfort

                                                                                                                             Springboards for Powerful Preaching             



      Unfortunately, Christians who have tasted genuine miracles often succumb to the temptation to be able to control the occurence and increase of God's power through methods, principles, and laws. Perhaps many are not aware that they have thereby denied the true miraculous and have locked God in a box where He must respond in a predetermined manner to their positive or possibility thinking, positive confession, visualizations. and affirmations. The fact that they may have stepped over the line into the occult without realizing it dosen't help either them or their followers to escape the consequences.

                                                                                                                                        Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon

                                                                                                                                          The Seduction of Christianity


A Selection from the book The Christian Family by Larry Christenson


      The distinction between forgiveness and punishment touches on a basic aspect of discipline which we must understand.  A spanking is aimed at controlling outward behavior.  It does not, of itself change the inner life of the child. It merely creates a better atmosphere in which that inner life can be developed.  Forgiveness, on the other hand, deals directly with the inner life.  And the point is this: God alone can effect inner life.  And the point is this: God alone can affect a change in the inner life. My spanking will change a change in the inner life. My spanking will change a child's actions: only the Holy Spirit can change his heart.

                                                                                                                                            Larry Christenson

                                                                                                                                          The Christian Family

                                                                                                                                   Chapter 4, God's Order for Parents


Exerpt from The Art of Understanding Yourself by Cecil Osborne

      The government has vast reserves, and the petty amount one may deduct illegally from his income tax bears little relationship to the billions recieved by the Collector of Internal Revenue. The dishonest tax payercan rationalize that millions are wasted in one way or another by the government; but he suffers in that he has become a dishonest person.  The government may never discover the deceit, but the taxpayer has not gone free.  The inexhorable inner self knows the truth. From this inner tribunal there is no escape.  It demands repentance and forgiveness, or punishment; and the self does not wait for the day of judgment; it is judging constantly, "If our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God."  Unresolved guilt robs us of the openness with God which makes prayer effective.  In some subtle way guilt condemns us to mask our true selves from the gaze of others.  It is a totally unconscious mechanism. Act by act, day by day, lie by lie, we become progressively more and more opaque, less and less open.  We become persons who cannot afford to be open lest we reveal the dishonesty within.

                                                                                                                                    Cecil Osborne

                                                                                                                  The Art Of Understanding Yourself

                                                                                                            Chapter 7 Guilt and Punishment, pp. 104



       What do you want to be when you grow up in God?  Or better yet, what does God want you to be when you grow up in Him?  It was twenty years ago when my English teacher in high school told me I'd never amount to anything if I continued down the path of destruction on which I was walking.  It was at that point that I made up my first plan to clean up my life: I acknowledged my own need to change, and I began the process.                         

         After I overcame my drug and food addiction and went through an emotional healing, I was anxious to make a difference in the lives of others, but I didn't know how to start. Up to this point I had only focused on myself and all the obstacles that surrounded me. I knew it was time to make a new plan.  A plan that would benefit not just me, but would contribute to society.  There comes a point when you just have to stop focusing on your own problems, leave your pity party, and stop making excuses! One of the greatest ways to experience fufilment is using your life to touch anothers.  When you use your passion for the purpose of benefiting others, you experience the true joy of living.

                                                                                                                                          Sheri Rose Shepherd

                                                                                                                                             Fit for Excellence


       Live dynamically, enthusiastically, and with vitality, is the message of this book.  But some face the problem of pain and suffering and to them this type of life may seem difficult. Life can indeed be a tough, hard road when one must walk with pain. But, even so, you  can make of it a creative experience.

       As difficult as it is, pain is not without value. Du Nouy discered it's purpose: does not really humanize himself nor liberate his spiritual aspirations. It is because of this that pain is fruitful..."

       Always hold a mental image of yourself as healthy and vigorous. Such an image held in the mind has a strong tendency to develop in actuality.

        Also, when you pray for well-being of other it is important to hold  optimistic thoughts. While voicing the words of faith, if you visualize that person as sick instead of well, your real prayer becomes an affirmation of sickness, not health.  And the result is you see what you will believe. "According to your faith" [that is according to to the image in your mind] "be it unto you." (Matthew 9:29).

                                                                                                                                       Norman Vincent Peale

                                                                                                                                      Stay Alive All Your Life


      A GREAT LOVE SONG is a moment of ectasy frozen into words, a rhapsody of enthusiasm and passion, a metaphor pointing to a moment when the poet was lifted outside of himself to see reality in its ideal form.  It charms us with a memory or ecstatic moment or allures us with the hint that seduce us from routine into a fantasized ideal of perfect love.

      God's love song is in many ways like other great love songs. It's human writer St. Paul was taken outside of himself and his ordinary level of experience and given a vision of idea love.  He saw beyond the normal range of human vision, beyond life's patchwork of of routine demands and conflicts, and into love's ideal form. He crystalized the qualities of love into simple absolutes that have never-save once-taken solid hold in the network of demands that we reckognize as our world.  And yet his love song seems somehow meant for our living it.  It draws a profile of ideal love, but it is too plain for mystic passion.  Love is not jealous, does it get angry quickly, endures very much--these are qualities for ordinary living in ordinary days. This is our challenge: to find ways to bring the heavenly rhapsody down into our own worldly realities.  

         We are not village saints with little to do but find ways to be nice to needy people.  We are salesman trying to survive for our families sakes against tough competitors.  We are directors of business, who know from experience that "love" is not a byword in the boardroom.  We are union stewards in conflict with an obstruse management.  We are husbands and wives trying to survive in a marriage where love has wilted into the boredom of mutual toleration.  And we are complicated individuals.  We have needs, drives, rights, and goals that do not easily harmonize with self-giving love. Love may be simple. Life is complicated.


                                                                                                                                         Lewis B. Smedes

                                                                                                                                        Love Without Limits


     Are you phat? Is anybody you know phat? Is your house phat? Is your wife phat? Is your dog phat? No, I do not need Hooked on Phonics, and yes I can spell! Just with me saying this out loud you would have probably taken it that I have not been in school in years to spell the word or even use the word phat in such a way that you would think I would need to go back to Kindergarden, and relearn my A,B,C's.

     But this is not the case (Thank God!!). When I speak of something as being phat, I speak on the popularity of a certain person, place or thing. The word came about very simply because we know anything huge that happens is going to be popular. So we as I mentioned in our culture cut words off or make them longer. In this case instead of saying that something big is coming, we say something "phat" is coming.

    So with that linguistic lesson being said, what exactly is phat? What exactly constitutes to something being called "phat?" Who would be considered "phat?" Why is this particular person or thing considered "phat?"

    Recently I was viewing a commercial for Sprite, and Sprite has really opened the eyes of its consumers about what is real and what is fake with it's "Image is nothing, thirst is everything" campaign. Colby Bryant did a commercial for the beverage, stating in the commercial if he was a cook, a firefighter, a garbageman, or even a bum, and not a professional basketball player, would you still drink sprite? The point Colby was trying to make was simple. We buy into a product because of an influence or an influential person. St. Ides which I usually term as the "Hip-Hop beer", because many famous rap stars have made commercials endorsing the beer, has artists rapping about how great the beer is, but according to some personal research and inquiry, the beer does not match up with what the rapper is professing it is supposed to taste like. So once again we see what is image and what is reality.

    This is what is causing our youth to fall spiritually, the majority of youth cannot tell the real from the fake. Because they don't know what exactly what is real in this world. Rappers have come on the scene and stated this is real and that is real, and our youth are getting mixed signals because of this. You cannot base something on what the world calls real. There is only one real thing on this planet and in this earth. The Lord of Heaven and earth, the one and only Lord Jesus Christ. Things that are seen will pass away, but a word based on faith shall never pass away. So if it dosen't line up with the word, then it is totally fake.

    But our perception of what's real has been through the people who market the product, and who consider that product as popular. When you seek the approval of man, then you will always fall, but God's approval causes no man to stumble or fall.

    As stated in the first half of this book, the cars, money and girls (or boys, considering that girls are rap fanatics also) are the bait that these rappers use to sell their records. Not to mention the fact, easy solutions to everyday problems that totally outside the will of God. Such as instead of getting a job, stealing would be the best alternative, instead of casting your cares on the Lord, you use a marijuana joint to cast your cares away, and an alternative to peacefully working something out, is resolved and replaced, by shooting somebody in the head with the 32 Caliber handgun.

      What is real and what is fake? What is live, or what is Memorex? Sometimes even in our Christian walk it's hard to tell the difference. Paul, spoke of every man having his own wife because of the fact that there was so much sin in the world. So Paul was saying that, to do God's will is not the will or fashion of the world.

      Well let's just look at seven aspects of what fake rappers do and don't do shall we?

   1. Fake rappers are the ones who represent where they are not from. This may sound like a strange statement, but there are people who want to be in the limelight of stardom so bad they will lie where they are from just to get their record or album sold. In other words, there are some urban communities that are filled with drugs, alcohol, murder, prostitution, and other vices, that would give the average rapper the perfect inspiration to write on. But there are some communities that are not as "fortunate" to have all this and are nice residential communities, but there are people in those communities who want to blow up in the rap game so bad they will actually tell a lie about how they are from a certain community to sell a record. The rap group De La Soul, lived in Los Angeles, but they lived in the suburbs of Los Angeles which has almost little crime and they themselves rapped on just things around their community. They didn't rap about where they weren't, they just rapped on where they were. However this goes back to looking at the seen to find a subject to rap about instead of looking at the unseen factor. If more rappers could just look at what is ahead beyond what is not there, then they could see not only a present repaired, but they could see what already lies in the future. God has already something planned out, all we have to do is take it.

    2. Fake rappers are usually the ones who camouflage themselves. Let's say that there was a rapper by the name of "Two-Big." Now Two-Big was a positive rapper who expressed only positivity.

    In his records and his songs. His appearance is very clean cut which appeals to most parents as a sort of role model for children if there has to be one in rap music. Because of his positivity, and his clean cut image, his records sales starts to take a decline. Ok. Two-Big now drops his new album and on the cover, Two-Big's appearance changes a little bit where on the cover it displays him smiling with a gold tooth in his mouth. When the video comes out for the first song on the album, on the video Two-Big has on everything except what he was known for in his past videos. He is still rapping positive…..that is until the second video where he does a remix for one song and includes two curse words. It's almost like the clean cut rapper we knew so well is gone, and replaced by this quasi-gangsta rapper.

   What Two-Big's hangup was, is simple to identify. He dressed himself up to be something he wasn't to sell his records. At one point and time that was the case with MC Hammer. Everybody in 1988 and 1989 was sold on the baggy pants idea, and the new "back to Africa" dances that we tried desperately to emulate. But then he came back during the era of gangsta rap with a sort of new gangsta image that would make the usual person wonder, "what happened Hammer?" But now as Hammer would put it, "It's all good," now that the Lord has entered his life and showed Hammer who he was really supposed to emulate.

      The point in this allegory was to show how most rappers to sell more records or CD's will go to the extreme of changing their image to fit what society wants to hear and see. You see it today. Most of the rappers who were speaking on positivity back in the day, are now in videos with half naked women, talking about how much money they make, and those people who wish they had the loot they had. It dosen't even have to be from a music artist. We have at one point and time dressed up in some shape, form, or fashion to fit what society wants to see because of the reason it was popular in the eyes of society. I'm not saying that you should'nt keep up with what is popular in society, it would be ridiculous to walk around in something that would be popular in 1898, and try to pass it off as something popular in 1998, (even though the styles of 1898 are coming back into style) but what I am saying is this, when you have to dress up to impress somebody else, then you are not emulating God, you are emulating man, which is a direct violation of God's Word. Paul stated in one of his letters "Imitate me as I imitate Jesus." That should be our goal, to imitate Jesus and get his approval only.

     3. Fake rappers put very litte value on education. You can do a lot of things without a college or high school degree by just self learning what you need yourself. This is the road that most rappers have taken. They have dropped out of high school or not furthered their education to college because they think that the life style of a rapper is all you need. This could not be farther from the truth. To rap is to rap on and about something. To rap on or about something is to know about that certain thing. I'm not just talking about just what you can see, but how this certain thing not only operates, but moves and performs certain actions. Of course you could get this knowledge without a college education but it would look more impressive if a rapper could show that he not only represents knowledge on the street level, but he is willing to take his style and represent for high school and college levels of thought as well.

     Whether you know it or not, as described in the previous chapter on the historical basis of Hip-Hop, Hip-Hop was actually derived from a culture that put very high emphasis on knowledge and wisdom. So Hip-Hop as a culture in turn because of it's cultural roots is a culture that looks at the thought and expression of an individual to express a certain type of thing in culture, or otherwise.

      4. Fake rappers don't own half of what they market on their videos. I dare you to find one rapper, one rapper, just one who owns five BMW's or has ten mansions, or five yachts. It's impossible for rappers to accumulate this type of dough on what the record company is paying them. The only way for a rapper to have all that money is if he was the only artist in the company.

       I say this because most rappers flash money, cars, girls, mansions, yachts in videos, knowing good and well they have not even finished paying for the finished paying for the Benz they just bought, and on the loot they have, they could only treat a girl to a MC' Donalds Happy Meal, and still trying pay the rent on that apartment they still are living at in Brooklyn.

     This is one reason why our children our deceived. They bought into the hype about the girls, cars, mansions, and of course money. But the reality is this, that they don't see behind the scenes

     On how the money is spent on studio time, and the manufacturing of the tape. That comes out of the rapper's pocket, not the companies. So the end result is that the rapper gets less than what he expected to get when he cut the CD or tape.

     5. Fake rappers don't practice what they preach. Many times in the limelight you see entertainers who probably will do a song or two on the ills of smoking marijuana, but after the show they will look for the man who has that exact fix that they are really looking for.

     The funny thing is they don't even have to be rappers, you see people who do it every day I mean these are the type of people who get on TV and try to tell you to quit smoking marijuana, when just a few weeks ago they went to jail themselves for having about a half of gram of weed in the glove compartment of their cars.

     6. Fake rappers never come up with original songs. Of all these things mentioned, there is one thing that even rappers can't stand, and that's somebody else using a word or a song as using a word or song that another rapper has invented, and using it as if they invented the word while rhyming themselves. In most cases, not only will you go to jail over that if caught under certain copyright infringement laws, but, and this is unbelievable but there is a fate that is worse than death in the rap game and that is getting total disrespect because you could never ever think of anything original from your own heart, and just saying that is a disgrace because it's almost as if you don't have a mind of your own.

    Originality in rap music is not only rooted in African history, but also in Word of God, itself  where it states, "To thine own self be true." Not to somebody else, but to thine own self. When you know that you have practiced, practiced, practiced, and practiced at perfecting you rap style, nobody will have tell you if you are hot or not, you'll already know.

    Plus when you're original, not only do you know it, but so do the people around you. The First thing that people will do when you got something original is criticize, because it's breaking The norm of society. When you look at the prophets who followed Jesus, they represented a group that expressed originality. You had to, if you really thought about it would you follow a man who said that if you follow me you will have to leave your family, change your ways, and all for the possibility of being stoned, jailed, tortured, or even killed? If that isn't originality, I don't know what is!

7. Fake rappers never represent God. One reason I started this study was because other than a few acceptions, I have failed to see rappers use or even notify the presence of an Almighty God in their lyrics. In other words, when most rappers do mention God in their tape or CD, it's usually at the end of the tape when they are saying how they thank God for giving them the skills which is cool, but when it comes to rapping, it's almost as if God is put on the backburner and not shown anywhere in the song.

       I'm not saying they don't acknowledge there is a God, they just don't put it in their lyrics, at least the rappers who are saved anyway, because you hear all these other rappers who are Islamic have no trouble witnessing about Allah on their records and what Allah has done for them, but when it comes to rappers who have been washed by the blood of Jesus, we have a priority problem talking about deciding should we talk about the world, or talking about someone who can fix all the problems of the world. They have the best style in the world, but without acknowledging the one who gave the style, then their career and their record will be thrown in the trash.

      So what exactly is Phat is the original question. Is it what you wear, how you talk, what you drive or even how you eat? It's something that is real, realer than the movies or the video tape in your VCR. It's something that you can touch and feel. That's how real Christ should be to us, so real that we can touch, taste, feel and carry him around like the gun that most gangsters claim they pack. Once we come to that realization of what is real and not, then and only then will we really learn what is really phat.



     Y'know I am a big fan of wrestling. To me it's almost like a soap opera. I however do not like the turn that wrestling has taken over the couple of years as a sport. Wrestling in a sense is a a role model type of sport. You get to see the action figures you used to play with as children come to life in the ring.  But it has taken a downward spiral over the years with it's portrayal of nudity, profanity, and satanic images in wrestling.  Hulk Hogan who really isn't Mr. Popular to most wrestling fans and the wrestling world goes now, was one of the forerunners to put morals in wrestling with his "Say your prayers and eat your vitamins" philosophy of life. However that era was smashed to bits by a wrestler by the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin who makes a mockery out of the Gospel of Christ with his Austin 3:!6 theology, which in part because of him is why you see most of the junk that is in wrestling today.  

        However when I look at wrestling, I am astonished at the abuse that these guys take. They are punched, slammed, kicked, thrown out of the ring, into the crowd, hit with a chair, and for what? A strap attached to a piece of metal. But it's not the piece of metal that they want, it's what the metal represents is what they are after.

        It's the glory that the strap holds is what they are after. It's what's attached to the strap. They know they have to go through a lot to get this strap but it's worth the risk. The German stated that which does not kill us, only makes us stronger." It's not only becomes a goal, it turns into a hunger, a thirst to have something that you know is within arms length, and to hold it up and say "I have beaten all my adversaries, and I will not be stopped. I am wrestling champion of the world."

       That's exactly what God challenges us to do. Scripture says in Phillippians 3:14 we are to press on for that prize which is the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. To go up to God on judgment day to recieve your own strap of Gold and have God say to you "Well done, good and faithful servant." But the point is are you willing to take that challenge? And are you willing to take that risk?

        Can you be under a discipline of worship, prayer, scriptural study, ministry, and witnessing of his Word? God is looking for that type of person. He isn't just looking for the normal church goer. Jesus said in Luke 12:49 that he came to bring fire to the earth. That's the challenge. He is looking for people who will risk life and limb for him. Take our streets back from the devil. Restore our home. Making a community that the devil cannot even touch. That is what God is looking for and that's what it's gonna take to recieve the Gold belt of truth from God.  

         You must be under that type of discipline. Not accepting anything that is not of the Word. That is a hard task believe me!!! When you go off to college, or for those of you who are in elementary school or high school or even in the workforce know where I'm coming from. The choice of living for God or being with your friends is really a thin line between love and hate. You may get called a fanatic, people may treat you different when you're around, It's happened me, as a matter of fact and continues to happen to me, not only me but other people I know, so I know how it feels. But let me tell you what the Word says in Matthew 6:24 "no man can serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other." You have to choose your friends or God. It's no maybe in this. And you have to realize what you are giving up to get. You are fellowshipping with a God that will make you go through the most trying experiences that the normal person would crack under pressure  if put in the same situation. But you have a God that will never leave you, nor forsake you and not to mention the fact that he has given you a weapon which is a sword that can break down anything in it's path. Isaiah 8:10 says "Take counsel together, speak the Word, and it shall not stand." It can break down anything in it path. It cannot only break but it can submit also. Proverbs 16:2 says "When a man's ways please the Lord, even the vilest of his enemies shall be at peace with him." So when your enemies all of a sudden start out of nowhere treating you nice, or when somebody shuts up once you start talking about God, don't feel intimidated. That's the result of what happens when you use the Word. And as far as being a fanatic is concerned. Pastor John Hagee gave this definition for a fanatic "A fanatic is a person that loves God more than you do." So don't feel strange or as if you are alone. God guides you toward the right people and keeps you away from the wrong ones, unless of course you have a Word of God for them . But the question still remains, will you take the challenge?

         It is a challenge. Especially for me. But God put us to it and if we want to live for Christ, we will have to show no fear and take everything the devil has taken from us back.  The streets don't belong to the gangs, they belong to us!!  That's one of the devil's tactics for God's people living in a violent neighborhood to live behind locked doors. But that's not what scripture teaches. Scripture says in Psalms 91:11 God will give his angels charge over thee. So you are protected. But with all of that knowledge, with all of that wisdom, with all of that understanding, and of course with all of that revelation, the question still remains......WILL YOU TAKE THE CHALLENGE???

         As I close, we are if we are living for Christ should take the challenge. Christianity is not a religion, but a way of life. It's the air you breath. That type of hunger should be in you to reach that prize and you are willing to go through anything to get it.  So let's make that our main priority to walk up to God and recieve our gold strap of eternal life and for us to tell God "Master I have fought a good fight, all my enemies have been decimated by the blood of Jesus. And now I am truly the victor because of Christ who strenthened me."

          I thank you for your time and patience, and God bless you all.




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