PLA909/UPL meetings - First Saturday of every month
in the foodcourt of the Ontario Mills Mall by GamesWorks arcade.
This is not only the PLA909 meeting, but a majority of the UPL staff
members are also in attendence and is organized by UPL. Starts at
about 3:00pm.
For those of you who don't know where the Ontario
Mills is (although, if you live in the 909 you should, what else
is there to do here besides be mallrats?), here are some
directions taken from
Ontario Mills is:
For More Information, Call (909) 484.8300
People had been suggesting that the Phone Losers of
America start PLA Meetings for years now but RedBoxChiliPepper always thought it would be pointless since
there is already the 2600 meetings. But a few hundred emails
later he was finally convinced - the people who live in the
boonies and can't make it to 2600 need a place to get together
each month. So thanks to all the people who would not leave RBCP
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