!!!!!COUNTER STRIKE!!!!          

Dude I play counter strike and let me tell you it rocks!! I play for like 5 hours every day when Im not writing new songs! My little bro tried to play once but he couldn't do it good like i can! I mostly play on this server called BAR. They won't tell me what bar stands for but they're cool anyway. Except this Rockerhack guy he's a hacker totally! ONe time I like walked out of a door and saw and two guys and I shot both of them in the head before they could shoot me back and I was like take that you n00bs! It was cool!

When I get some good screen shots I"ll put them here! Stay tuned haha!

UPDATE: I couldn't figure out how to do screenshotes, so I just drew some!!


This one is from when I shot two guys in the head before they shot me!


This one is when i shot a guy in the head with the AWP!!!