Carolyn. She was the first person in Baltimore to welcome me to my new
home in that strange city. Her unnerving cutness and adorable innocence
always melted my heart. The first night i stayed at her house, we sat upon
her roof, drinking sorbet floats, listing to Tori Amose and talked about,
well about nothing. It was pure peace and ever since that has been our
ritual. Yes, times have changed and i am thousands of miles away but we
are still the best of friends, which holds true for all my friends in Baltimore.
is Erica. As you can see she is one of the most original and creative person
that i have the pleasure of knowing. She has opened worlds of dreams to
my eyes. If there was one thing i could wish for her, it would be that
her fantasy world to come alive that she may runaway and live with in it,
meet her prince and fly with the dragons of story books.