The Great Debates
by Joseph C. Hinson
Tuesday October 17, 2000
12:02 a.m.
We are on the eve of the last in a series of great debates by the five candidates for president. Who will soon forget the images of Al Gore, George W. Bush, Ralph Nader, Pat Buchanan and Harry Browne all sharing the spotlight? Gore and Bush were called on the issues with the three "third party" candidates forcing the big boys to stand on issues that affect us, such as the critical need for education reform, the useless War on Drugs and the need for better highways.
And you know what? Gore and Bush actually said some things that were constructive. At least now we know where they stand on more issues than military readiness, prescription drugs for the elderly and Social Security reform. These are issues that come up every four years, then die down. Nothing ever gets done about it. But that's OK. Because at least it gives the candidates something to shout and scream about in election years.
After the second of the three debates, all the polls showed the same amazing thing: All of the candidates were about equal in the polling. The exception was Buchanan, who actually had negative numbers. Harry Browne was leading in the polls with 26% to Gore's 25, Nader with 23 and Bush at 20. The remaining voters were writing in Kurt Warner.
So, I ask, hasn't the Great Debates made you proud to be an American?
Except that it didn't happen that way. Ralph Nader was not only barred from participating in the debates, he was also escorted out of the first one in Boston by state troopers. He had been given a ticket by a college student, but was asked to leave since he had not been invited. And here I thought we lived in a free country. I guess it's only free until you start rocking the boat.
This is wonderful. What we have witnessed here have not been debates. They have been bullshit sessions by two men so out of touch with America that they actually believe what they're saying. Bush and Gore have met twice now and the thing that has not escaped me is the simple fact that these two men -- and the parties they represent -- are the same side of the same coin. There isn't a lot that separates the two presidential candidates politically or personally.
Except that Bush is a stupid fuck and Gore may be too smart for his own good. The Bush camp spews all this garbage about how Gore lies and exaggerates his stories. They do this in part by claiming that Gore said HE created the internet. That's a fucking lie, used by dickweeds to support their statement. What a system we have here! It's like Ronald Reagan, who told wonderful stories about the need to tell the truth in all instances. None of these stories were true, but they made the point, didn't they?
And then there's W.'s deep and thoughtful statement from last year in nearby Florence, South Carolina: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" Well, no duh, you moron! No one asks that question because everyone knows it's grammatically incorrect. You would think that a Yale graduate could form logical sentences, but then this idiot is his father's son.
Look. I said sometime ago that I'm voting for Browne. Yeah, I know he's going to lose. But I cannot in good conscience vote for anyone else. Bush scares the fuck out of me. Gore frightens me a little. Buchanan is a Nazi and I keep getting Ralph Nader mixed up with Alan Greenspan.
But I swear if George W. wins this thing, I'm moving to Canada. Get
the guest bedroom ready, hath, I may be knocking on your door come November
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