Drag Hag

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Drag Rags

Are you too embarrassed to go into the Gay and Lesbian section of your local bookstore? Do you tell the salespeople that that copy of The Art of Makeup by Kevyn Aucoin is for your girlfriend? Well darlings, fret no more. Order directly from Amazon.com, the world's largest on-line bookstore, for the best selection of transgendered-related materials and beauty books. By ordering through Amazon.com, you are guaranteed the most professional service and the best prices on book that deal with drag queens, transgendered issues, and gay and lesbian life. You can order on-line conventiently and safely with Amazon.com's secured browser. By ordering on-line with Amazon.com, privacy is also assured, so there are no potentially embarrassing encounters with sales clerks. Please join me now as together we enter the wonderful world of drag queens through the following books that I personally recommend for your reading enjoyment. The reviews will change periodically to ensure that you get the most comprehensive selection of materials that suit your needs and tastes.

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