Welcome to drageyes. This site is dedicated to transsexuals.
If you find this subject matter offensive, use the 'back' button on your
browser. For the rest of you, please read on.
drageyes is a new monthly
web publication for transsexuals and their admirers. Future editions will
include more women, articles, links, stories, tips, travel guides, and all
kinds of other good things. One of my goals is to provide entertainment
as well as information about the transsexual 'phenomenon'. While there are
of sites about crossdressing and transvestitism,
the focus of drageyes is primarily on transsexuals. However, there
should be items of interest that span across all gender issues. If you need
a definition, you're probably at the wrong place.
If you haven't figured it out yet, Kimberly is
the WebMistress (the WebMistress is Kimberly..cho cho ca chou). If you would
like to be featured in an upcoming issue or make a contribution, just let
me know. Additionally, I'm starting a webdesign business. I offer a complete
service, including logo design, layouts and digital photography (if in the
greater Bay area). Anyone interested in having a page created
is welcomed to email me as well. I'm non-judgemental and very open minded.
With all of that out of the way, come on in and
enjoy drageyes...