My intention is to change the photos each month until I display all (~1000) photos.

This month features the three Division Commanders during my tenure.

MGen Seamans (LtGen in the photo) brought the division over from Ft. Riley in 1965. He was the commander from 1/64 -3/66

MGen DePuy was the commander from 3/66-2/67. Many of the troops of the division considered him to be the "Patton" of Vietnam.

MGen Hay was the commander from 3/67........

Good-bye America, Hello Vietnam

Troops of the 1st Infantry Division board the trains for San Francisco.

The ships leave the Golden Gate behind.

Thank God for land, the troops off-load at Vung Tau

Sights from "in country", building a home:

Building the Hooches

Bunkers too

The Country Store

Leaving our mark:

Hey Air Force, guess who?

Order of Battle - Authors