Don’t be fooled by advertisements!

Commercial advertisements have obsessed all the mass-media. Their aim is to arouse customer’s interest in certain goods and eventually to prompt them to buy.

On the one hand advertisements procure a useful awareness of the market, but on the other, common people could be easily deceived for the sake of sales.

The practice of advertising was brought about by the industrial revolution and has been flourishing since than alongside with industrial development, which needed a continuous extension of markets. The quickest the marketing , the greatest the profit. Advertising caters for the increasing need of disposal of goods for new ones to come. For this reason it is indispensable for the overflowing markets, especially those of highly developed countries.

But let us see through the dazzling progress of the world of ads. Doesn’t it seem somewhat suspicious that on a single TV channel there are at least five washing powders that are ‘ the best’? What about the dud shampoos demonstrated by beautifully wigged girls? They may not only improve hair condition but also cause it to fall. And you can think over the absurd phrase: “Johnny Walker is a whiskey of character” and try to puzzle out does a hard drink, rather than sobriety, strengthen character.

It is a no sophisticated job to penetrate the fake facade of ads, once you’ve got the knack of it, provided that you do not easily yield to temptation. For it is temptation that advertising agents rely mostly on. Attractive young girls appear in almost every ad, although sex-appeal has nothing to do with the goods presented.

To those who are dazzled either consciously or subconsciously by the overpowering effect of the world of ads I should say: Don’t be fooled by advertisements. They are a bloody shambles of carefully disguised short-comings in almost all of the advertised goods. Everything in their presentation is calculated for effect.

What is most sinister about the omnipresent advertising campaign is deleterious effect on society as a whole : it has been commercialized and reduced to a gullible mass of consumers, That is the consumer society. And advertising is a trap for gullible customers.