Moods are like seasons In spite of the inhibitions of our culture everyone of us is driven by impulses which we refer to as moods. Moods fluctuate between extreme happiness and deep depression, just as summer is contrasted to winter, between dashing optimism and pensive melancholy just as spring differs from autumn. Basically there are four of them that rule the human soul and each of them corresponds to a certain season. Spring is the time of revival, of growth and development. Spring inspires zeal and raises hopes, as if the very invigorating sun forces us to look on the bright side of things. Therefore spring is the time of optimism. Summer is a period of maturing powers, of triumph, of blissful happiness and sweltering passion. In the summertime nature is at its prime, love is at its height, passion – at its climax.Autumn is a season of maturity and incipient decline that tarnishes the triumph and casts a gloom on nature. The euphoria of summer gives way to nostalgia and melancholy. Autumn is an irrevocable fall.Winter is a period of inactivity and decay. While summer is an intesimal moment of bliss, winter seems to be an infinite lethargy. The perish of life is inevitable as it season is to close the cycle. All the four of these moods: lethargy and passion, optimism and melancholy are present in the continuum of human spirit, though it may be that one of them prevails. All of them are different expressions of human spirit, just as seasons are different expressions of nature. That is why moods can be properly identified with seasons. |