Tiny Toon
Cast And Characters Page.
Background information
Voiced By: Cree Summer
Age: 12 (Elmyra's mental
age may be obtained by adding the digits of her real age)
Character: Nothing is more
important than loving and caring for others, and no-one would agree more
with that sentiment more than Elmyra. Unfortunately, Elmyra is so inept,
that her good intentions are bad news for all the other Toons. "Another
job well done" is Elmyra's favourite phrase as she walks away from yet
another disaster. All her 'good' deeds are delivered in a blanket of syrupy
sweetness and those unfortunate enough to come within 100 yards of her
are instantly cooed over, and bombarded with a barrage of cutesy names.
The other residents of Acme Acres avoid her at all costs for fear of being
squeezed to death, all except Hamton, whom for some reason she loathes!
Character Comments:
Kev's Comments
A *MUCH* more common phrase
for Elmyra is "Waaaaah! I lose more pets that way!", if you ask me. It
is hard to work out whether Elmyra is just vicious or stupid, and judging
by her brain age, why is she in the same class as the other Toons?
Christian's Comments
Imagine the most cloyingly
sickening little girl you know. Imagine ten of her. You are now getting
quite close to a pale imitation of Elmyra. Elmyra is passionate
about animals of all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, natural selection
is such that few animals feel the same way about her. This has meant that
Elmyra has had to resort to capture and imprisonment in order to indulge
her, erm, hobby. The only animal known to be immune to this peculiar phenomenon
is Big Butt.
Elmyra has incarcerated a wide
and wonderful range of organisms, including:
Bart Simpson
Pinky & The Brain
Harrison Ford
Ross Perot
The Alien from Alien
The Warner Siblings (almost)
Episode not yet screened
in the UK
The entire human race
The entire martian race
Everybody else
Elmyra's single I'll be Chasing
You deserves much more airtime.
"I lose the most bunnies that way!"
"Oooooh! Fuzzy-wuzzies!"
"I'm going to hug you and love
you and lock you in a cage."
Fan material
Elmyra has appeared in several
net.scripts - all of them of a very dubious nature! There are a few gifs
out there too, and in a couple of these Elmyra is seen in varying states
of undress and they are all screen captures! |
Merchandise available
None that I know off!
For more information check out
the newsgroup
alt.tv.tiny-toon where
the merchandise list is periodically posted. |