Tiny Toon Cast And Characters Page.

Plucky Duck.


Background information

  • Voiced By: Joe Alaskey
  • Age: Unknown - presumably the same age as Buster & Babs (14)
  • Character: Plucky has been described as "That silly green duck with an ego the size of Cleveland" and this is spot on. 



    Form the TTA bios (yes they do exist :) "GIVE ME A BREAK!" Yes, that's the battle cry of our green-feathered friend, Plucky Duck! One of life's natural losers, Plucky does nothing to help himself. He tries to live up to his over-inflated ego ... coming up with all kinds of bird-brained schemes, each one guaranteed to bring him the success he so-surely thinks he deserves! Unfortunately, in his desparation to 'get it right', and his unfailing belief in his good looks, intelligence, etc etc, his plans are always too far-fetched and he fails yet again! In fact, the only thing he does well, is to camoflage himself agains any leafy background, thanks to his ever-green plummage!

    More often than not, Hamton is dragged into the Pluckster's hairbrained schemes, much against his will, and this generally means it will be up to Buster and Babs to save the day again.

    Thanks to KeV Beeley ([email protected])

    Plucky was enrolled in "The Looney Begining" as Buster and Babs' sidekick, and ever since he has been intent on stealing centre stage.

    Plucky's home is continually changing, in several episodes he is seen to be living in a reed house in the middle of the acme swamp. In several others he is shown to live in an appartment block in a city, your guess is as good as mine! 

    Both Plucky's parents have put in an appearance at one time or another.

  • Quotes: 
    • "Ridicule is the burden of genius"
  • Comments: Plucky (sometimes known as the pluckster) has some alter-egos:-
    • The Toxic Revenger - a rather nasty PC character who is sworn to clean up the environment (excuse me I think I am gonna barf)

    • Bat Duck - Better than the above, a vicious stab at the Batman films. My particular favourite bit was Hamton as Decoy

Fan material

There are some gifs out there in netland. But the pluckster has never had more than a cameo role in net scripts.

Merchandise available

There is certainly an Applause plushie, but off hand I can't think of much else!

For more information check out the newsgroup alt.tv.tiny-toon where the merchandise list is periodically posted.