Phil lives just across the road from Karen with his granny Rimmer, and he has known Karen for about 7 yrs.
He calls himself a friend of Karen's but Karen is slowly getting wise to him.  She is fed up with him only coming over when he feels like it, drinking her beer and smoking her pot.
When she pulls him up about this, he denies using her and he gets on the defence.

Phil is very immature for his age, which is 20 yrs old.  His recent girlfriend left him for an older man, which gutted Phil.
Karen and Jane found this amusing because although he said that he loved Stacy, he couldn't help sleeping with Karen on occasions.

Due to all of this, Karen just can't work Phil out.  Sometimes she thinks that Phil really does want to be her friend.  But then he will ruin it again by saying that he will buy the drink, and then he doesn't show up.

All of this is the reason why Karen and Jane always take the mickey out of him.  They just can't help it when they have had a smoke.  They know that Phil is intimidated by them and this just adds to their overall amusement.

They laugh at the excuses he makes when he wants to go home.  Instead of just saying that he's going, he will do a pretend yawn, then look at his watch and say, "oh is that the time, I must be going" or "I've got to go now because I need to iron my shirt and trousers for work." 
The latter one is the biggest excuse going, because he only works part-time, which is in the afternoon, so he's got all morning to iron his clothes.

Perhaps deep down their is some good in him.  If he was to be his true self when he is with Karen then perhaps there would be no need for excuses.  Karen and Jane would treat him properly, like a friend should treat a friend.  But instead they continually like to watch him squirm with embarrassment, when they have played cruel jokes on him.

Well what does Phil have waiting for him tonight?