Can you discuss some of the financial implications?.
2 Are the figures accepted by the Governing Body?
Yes, but it is agreed that the Classroom Assistant would be the main saving.
3 What are the capital costs of the building?
N/A - building belongs to the church.
4 Who would pay for an extension to the Ryton site?
5 Did the Governing Body take into account the new homes being built in Ryton
when they projected class sizes?
6 Who would pay for the school bus?
7 How many people would the LEA have to provide to supervise on the bus?
8 Is it legal for 12 people to close the school in Bubbenhall?
9 Are we saying that the only people who stand to benefit are the LEA?
No, there will also be organisational benefits.
10 Can tonight's Presentation be made to the Governing Body? Invite them to
Bubbenhall for the presentation.
11 Parents are only being allowed to make their views to six people. How can we
trust them to relay our views to the whole Governing Body?
12 At the moment there is no proposal to close the classroom at Bubbenhall. Before
we get the chance to influence the Governing Body they will have made the
13 If we go as a group (on 24th) and ask questions randomly, we will miss some
important points.
14 Surely there should be discussions with the Parish Council?
15 Are levels of education expected to improve as a result of this option?
16 Is this the school's first or second OFSTED inspection?
17 The Governing Body should reject the report.
18 Will the whole Governing Body be present at the meeting on the 24th?
19 Should NT's presentation be given to the people of Ryton?
20 What format is the meeting on the 24th going to follow?
21 At what point do the Governing Body put forward a proposal?
22 How do the teachers reach a decision if they do not attend consultation meetings?
23 Local transport issues should be considered?
24 Why does the Governing Body feel it is necessary to consider closing the annexe
so quickly. If it was a long term aim, it would satisfy the OFSTED
25 They have only come up with one option. If they keep Bubbenhall open they
can still address Key Issue 1 by saying they looked into closure, and decided to
keep it as it is.
26 Why are single age classes a key issue - the document notes that there is no
evidence that they are beneficial.
27 Have the SATS results between both
sites been compared, and have SATSresults at Bubbenhall fallen since the school became an annexe?
28 Could we ask for a second OFSTED inspection, and could that be used as a
stalling process?
29 Have other schools with annexes had the same response from OESTED?
We are unique because our annexe is smaller than other schools.
30 Is the one-off payment referred to a support for the annex?
No, it supports a shortfall in the school budget.
31 Surely the Governing Body can't make this decision if the OFSTED report is
32 Will there be a secret ballot, and is the decision final?
33 Can we prove to the LEA that it is not a reasonable decision to close the
34 Would the school be worse off if all 22 children went elsewhere?
Yes, but is this really practical?
35 Should we be warning Ryton people about what the school is proposing for their
36 Have the school's resources been put into adding the new years into the school,
instead of being spread evenly throughout the school?
37 Can we have a vote of "no confidence" in the Governing Body?
38 Closing the annexe appears to be the main option; were no other options
Using the annexe for all four year olds was discussed, but it was not considered
to be a viable option.
39 There have been rumours circulated about a new building that would be cheaper
to run and more cost effective, and attract more people to the school. How
viable is this?
This might impose more problems ie. ownership issues, planning permission etc.
40 Putting the new building forward as an alternative would mean a decision could
not be made by the end of March.
41 Why have they not tried to address the problems as the school stands at the
moment, without closing the annexe?
42 Are you sending flyers around the village to remind people to attend the meeting?
43 Are you going to bring the issue to the public press - it would be a good idea?
44 Can we put up signs to say "save our school"?
45 At the open meeting, we should say that we want to present our argument to
Ryton and the Governing Body.
46 If the Ryton people got their act together, they could go to the meeting and say
close the annexe.