Bubbenhall Annexe Action Group version of
Consultation Open Meeting between the
Governing Body and parents of Provost Williams Primary School,
and members of the Ryton and Bubbenhall communities

Wednesday 24th February 1999 - Provost Williams School Hall

1 Introductions - P Rowland (representing Diocese), Colin James (Area
Education Officer).  CJ defined his role; he was not present to
convince anyone of either option, just to clarify points.  He gave a
brief overview of the Consultation Document and confirmed that
responses to the document were required by Friday, 12 March and the
Governors would make a decision by end March 1999.

2  Governors report that status quo is not an option, but OFSTED
report does not talk about closing the annexe.  Retaining the annexe
is an option.

3 The consultation document reported that financial consequences
would be, at best, cost neutral.  The whole idea is to enhance the
education of the children.  How would annexe closure do this?

4  Many concerns about transportation of four year olds were raised.

5 Why has it taken OFSTED to highlight problems, were the governors
not aware of the problems identified in the report, or were they not
perceived as problems?  Why are they not justifying what has happened
in the three years prior to the report?

6 C James reported that the main issue was efficient use of
resources.  He confirmed LEA would fund transport costs.

7 We want to hear answers to our questions.  The governors cannot
vote without telling us how they intend to address transport issue, but
this is not the main issue.

8 Would transport be LEA transport or public transport?

We would look at the vehicles and see if we could improve transport

9 Is it legal for a decision to close the annex to be made by the
Governing Body?

The position taken by the County is that the governors do have the
power to close the annexe.

Noted that the annexe is considered by Bubbenhall villagers as the
"school" and governing body should not lose sight of this.

10  Temporary classroom - presumably it would be used by years 5/6?

11 Why is decision required by end March?

12 Why close a classroom at Bubbenhall when new houses are being
built in Ryton?

Local education has been in discussion with Bellway Homes to ask them
to assist with the purchase of additional facilities.  The prediction
is 30 extra places from the new houses and Bellway have agreed to
make a financial commitment that will lead to an additional permanent
classroom.  The 30 places would be in addition to the transfer of
Bubbenhall children.

13 This could result in the temporary classroom being a permanent


14 Have the governors had any complaints about the quality of
teaching from the parents or children?

W Lilly confirmed that, post OFSTED, he had received telephone calls
and letters from parents who were not happy with the quality of teaching.
There had been children removed from the school.  But 90% of parents supported
the teachers.

15 The annexe is an excellent part of the school, but so is the
site at Ryton.  If the sites came together it would improve the whole

16 There will be a budget defect, whether the annexe closes or
remains open.

15 What are the educational benefits of single age classes?

There is no benefit, but teaching mixed age classes raises more
demanding challenges in teachers.  OFSTED raised concern about the
wide age range in a class.

16 WL - We are here as individuals and we need to take these issues
back and talk about them.  This means that some of us won't agree.
On the issue of  OFSTED, I have spoken to the Chief Inspector and he
confirms that the report is not under review.  There are various
queries that have had answers, but the judgement and evidence is not
under any review.

17 Seven years ago I fought for the school not to be closed and fully
sympathise with Bubbenhall people.  I would like to see the LEA get
it right this time, but whatever decision is made, it has got to be
made as a school.

18 Administration difficulties were always going to be a problem with
two sites.  OFSTED should have recognised this.

19 The good will of the LEA and more funding is required to support the annexe.

20 Why consider closing the annexe when we do not have sufficient
resources at Ryton?

21 How is closing annexe going to improve strong home links?.
Improved transition at age 7 will move problems to younger age group.

22 We could lose one key stage one teacher.

22 LEA should advise governing body that there is a strong case to
retain status quo.

23 Clarify what the process is going to be.  We want to hear the
final proposal, we have still not received any answers to our

24 I think the school is divided and would be more positive with
single year groups.  The Bubbenhall children travel to Ryton for PE

25 The impact would be felt by both villages as there will be less
money for all the children in the school.

26 The teachers are addressing integration.

27 I think it is a disgrace that the LEA would leave a decision like
this to the governors.

The governing body makes its decision on a majority basis. It is for
them to decide how best to handle it.

28 Whatever decision is made, let us hope that it is a decision that
will benefit all children, and not just the children on one site.

29 To assist the governors in reaching a decision, the LEA should
make its positions clear.