

Yo! Well, there's not much to say really. My 'name' is Some Anonymous Mammal, I'm a 19 year old male UK furry and I like to write. I have always liked writing, and have also had a some what unhealthy fascination with transformation (specifically werewolves). From Transformers and Mask to An American Werewolf In London, if it changed, twisted or turned in anyway, I wanted it/to see it. It was this which brought me to that fateful day when I entered 'Transformation' into Yahoo!, and among the many pages one inperticular caught my eye: The Transformation Story Archive. I threw my curser over to the link and clicked. I was greeted by one of the largest collections of transformations stories out there. For just over a year I waited eagerly for ever update until finally I had an internet connection of my own, and thusly an e-mail address. I made a beeline to the TSA talk Sign up page and entered my details as quickly as I could. Within a day I was receiving mail from all over the world and finally had somewhere to direct my creative juices.

Well there you go, my life's story (or at least the important bits). Now what are you doin here still, get on out there and read some of my hard labor. TTFN!
