Nintendo64 Codes

My Favorite Goldeneye Codes

Shoot Tank Shells From Your Forehead

This is a cool code that will only work on the tank levels (streets or runway). You will also need to switch the infinite ammo code on.
Go to the the tank and climb on the top. Switch your weapon on to the one immediately before the tank shells, jump off the tank. If you did it right, Bond's weapons weapon will still be switched to tank shells. Now you are ready to fire some "big ones" from your forehead.

Magic Box(Caverns)

In the caverns there is a way to get 2 assult rifles.
Find the radio room. There are many boxes scattered about, but only one of them is a "magic box." Shoot it and the smaller boxes. Computer monitors will keep flying out. Now shoot the monitors. You should now be able to get a second Assult Rifle.
Thanks to [email protected] for this code!

Slap Jaws to Death

Having trouble with Jaws in the Aztec level? Rather than sniping Jaws with a rifle, take the pugilistic pathway. After taking out the 3 guards close to Jaws, attack him armed only with your fists. It takes guts to lay Kung fu on this big guy, but since 007 is close in, Jaws is unable to get any shots off.
Thanks to Ramon for the code!

The Invisible Odd Job

Surprise your buddies by lurking in a spot that renders you invisible.
Play the multi-player mode in the Archives levels(without radar). Choose Odd Job as your character, go into the basement, destroy one of the metal crates(make sure the top is still on), then go into the crate, duck, put your head down, and viola: No one can see you!!
Thanks to Sean Bain for the code!

Mixed Weapons

This trick allows you to pair up more weapons(not only the ones you can pick up twice).
First, you must have 2 sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list as well as ammo.One example of this is the Military Archives, where you can have 2 Dostoveis and 2 Klobbs.
Now, cycle through your weapons backwards(press and hold A, then tap Z button) until you have 2 of the second set of weapons ready.
1. Press and hold A.
2. Press and hold Z twice before cycling forward.
3. Release A.
4. Press A once.
5. Press Z to fire 2 or 3 times,fireing while the weapons are changing.
If you did it right, firing the weapon will result in a glich that leaves a second weapon up as well.If you have the "All Weapons Cheat" enabled, you can virtually do any combination.
If the above didnt work try this: Cycle through your weapons forwards twice, backwards twice, then shoot twice.
Thanks to Fen Phen for this code!

After beating every single level in the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting, including bonus levels 19 and 20, a special "007 mode" opens up. This is a level editor level.
Players can configure options such as reaction time, accuracy, enemy health, and more cool stuff.
Thanks to Ken Lobb!

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