Steve's Dome Homes Information Page (current as of 3/99)

(Which contains useful links to various
dome-related webpages)


A list of useful links to dome construction companies, dome info, alternative housing, etc.

Geodomes Woodworks

Geodomes Woodworks is a dome kit manufacturer located in Riverside. Their prices for dome kits begin at $4,500 (which is less than the cost of most second hand trailers) and start at 1,100 square feet. Although they're listed in many of the above lists of links, you need a password to access their page. They do, however, have a catalog ($15.00), and it also might be possible to call them up and get the password for their web page as well. Their actual ad from the November 1977 POPULAR SCIENCE follows:

"Hurricane strong, energy efficient, affordable, pre-cut, pre-drilled, color coded kits are easy to assemble. 1,100 - 6,500 square feet from $4,500. Send $15 for beautiful 150 page catalog, plans and prices. Geodomes Woodworks, Inc., Box 4141, Dept. A-1, Riverside, CA 92514, Tel: 909-789-8800"

Webpage designer/programmer: Steve.