Robin daydreamingRobin Hood on the WebCharacters

Here's a (mostly kinda no) finished table of our animal comrades.

NOTE:  The quote in italics is the effigy of each character included in the press kit that was just too corny to leave out.  Also, just because there is an anchor link in the biography DOES NOT mean there is a bio up for that character.

Allan a Dale
Allan a Dale VOICED BY: Roger Miller

"...fine feathered folk singer!"

Local minstrel, and our narrator.  Sings a ballad or two in during the movie to fill us in on what we missed.

QUOTE: "I'm here to tell you how it is, or was, or whatever."

Robin Hood
Robin w/ bow VOICED BY: Brian Bedford

"...a scene robbin' fox!"

The title character of the movie (duuuuuh).  Modeled after the legendary character of the same name, but given a fox body (you know, as in fox=trickster).  Grew up with Maid Marian, and later marries her.  Robs from the rich to feed the poor, accompanied by his cohort, Little John. Arch-enemy of Prince John, Sir Hiss and especially the Sheriff of Nottingham. Not afraid to dress in drag to beat the baddies. :-)

QUOTE: "Rob? That's a naughty word, we never rob. We just... borrow a bit from those who can afford it."

Maid Marian
VOICED BY: Monica Evans

Daughter of King Richard, niece of Prince John.   Like Robin, she is a fox (this is Disney, you know; no inter-species dating).  Grew up with Robin, and at the end of the movie, marries him. Her friend , lady-in-waiting and confidant is Lady Kluck.  Enjoys playing badminton, and terrorising small children while doing so.

Quote: "I wish you luck.  With all my heart."

Maid Marian

Prince John
Prince John VOICED BY: Peter Ustinov

"...the lyin' monarch!"

Our resident bad guy.  Enemy of Robin Hood, brother of King Richard. His lackeys are Sir Hiss and the Sherrif of Nottingham.  Has an ego the size of Europe, and likes it to be fed constantly; also get "royally"  (ha ha! I made a funny!) ticked if he is mocked. Sucks his thumb; loves his mommy.

QUOTE: "PJ!  I like that!  You know I do!  Hiss, put it on my luggage!"

VOICED BY: Billy Whitaker

Seven-year old president of the Robin Hood fan club, Sherwood chapter.  Longs to be just like him.  Secretly plans to form a guerrilla gang of children against Prince John.  (Okay, I made that one up.)

QUOTE: "Kissing? That's sissy stuff."

Skippy: GAAASP!

Little John
VOICED BY: Phil Harris

"...this little goes a long way!"

Robin Hood's partner in crime.  Can fake his way through any situation; the ideal improv actor.  He and Robin rob from the rich to feed the poor, and enjoy doing it, too.

QUOTE: "Borrow?  Boy, are we in debt!"

VOICED BY: Dana Laurita

Sister of Skippy; Robin Hood groupie.  Acts as disciplinarian and mother figure of the group (or wishes she could) while they're out on their adventures.

QUOTE: "They're kissing!  Ha ha!"

VOICED BY: Richie Sanders

Resident sissy.  We're talkin' grade-A wuss.  Great kid to have in an adventure flick, huh? Comrade of Skippy.

QUOTE:  "...or he'll chop off your head!  Like this! ::tucks his head in his shell::"

Friar Tuck
VOICED BY: Andy Devine

"...he badgers the bad guys!"

A clergyman at a local church, and strong supporter of Robin.  He also helps the local poor, and does anything he can to make the royalty uncomfortable. Because of this, he is arrested and almost hanged

QUOTE:  " "

More to come!


Allan a DaleKnow something I don't?  E-mail me!

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