I just happened to find a few isolinear chips lying around the other day. Naturally, I had to pick them up and check them out to see if they contained anything useful. Well, no such luck, but I did find some bits of data (no pun intended) which, while mostly useless, are still pretty interesting.

Oh yeah, if you happen to find any more isolinear chips lying idly around, collecting dust, please beam them to my direction. I collect useless, idle things.

23rd day of Maktag Alexander's birthday
A wonderful ST:TNG novel by John Vornholt. Not exactly a W/T novel � la Nightshade but still, it does have them working closely together.
Darseks Klingon currency
Deck 8/3472 Deanna's office
Deck 9/0910 Deanna's quarters
Eric Christopher Worf and Deanna's son in another timeline (in 'Parallels')
Gault A farm world where Worf and his adoptive family lived on before moving to Earth
Imzadi Betzed word for 'beloved'
Major Rakal The Romulan Tal Shiar special intelligence officer Deanna once posed as (in 'Face of the Enemy')
Mok'bara A form of Klingon martial-arts Worf used to teach aboard the Enterprise.
The W/T ST:TNG novel by Laurell K. Hamilton. It doesn't have them as a couple per se but there are definitely some serious undertones. A must read for any W/T fan.
nuqneH jup Klingon for 'Greetings, friend'
Qapla' Klingon word for 'success, goodbye, farewell'
Rokeg blood pie Worf's favourite food
Shannara Worf and Deanna's daughter in another timeline (in 'Parallels')
Sto-Vo-Kor The Klingon place for afterlife for the worthy
Troi Delta 2-9 Deanna's security override (in 'Eye of the Beholder')
Valerian root tea One of Deanna's favourite drinks
Warnog Klingon ale

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