The lyrics to Aiya! Cik Siti (Oh My! Miss Siti) by P Ramlee

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Aiya! Cik Siti
( Oh My! Miss Siti)
Pronounced: "see-tea" 
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(3 minutes 16 seconds)

Background to the song: This song appears in the comedy Ali Baba Bujang Lapok (Old Bachelor's Ali Baba), part of the Bujang Lapok series that starred P Ramlee, S Shamsudin and Aziz Sattar. Here, Ali Baba has a brother, Kassim (KA-same) - a Scrooge, who got the secret password to the cave from Ali, who in turn, got it from the leader of the 40 thieves. When Kassim is caught trying to make off with the treasures in the cave, he is chopped to bits. Ali finds his brother and brings him home. He then calls Kassim's servant (slave - the story is set in old Bagdad) Marjina (marr-g-nah) to fetch the tailor (a Chinese man) to sew Kassim together. She goes across the street to his shop in the middle of the night, veiled, and promises him gold if here does the job, on condition he is blindfolded. He agrees ...

Click here to LISTEN to the STREAM

Aiya Cik Siti perempuan banyak muda
Ana banyak susah jalan tutup mata
Wang dan ringgit ana dah tak heran
Ente tutup mata ana tak tentu jalan
Marilah apek oi mari sayang
Ikutlah ana apek jangan bimbang
Mata tak nampak ana tunjukkan jalan
Kaki melangkah oi perlahan-lahan
Ana tak nak bimbang ana tak nak takut
Tapi ana jalan banyak sangkut-sangkut Semua hitam lagi banyak gelap
Macam orang Habsyi negeri Arab
Oh Apek sayang oi jangan susah
Habis menjahit wang mas ana upah
Marilah jalan ente cepatlah cepat
Awas Pek longkang oi kaki melompat
Apek jaga depan ada longkang
Lompat apek lompat
Oh my Miss Siti, lovely young lady
I can't walk with my eyes closed
I don't care about money
When you cover my eyes, I'll stumble
Come here Apek, ooi come here
Follow me and don't worry
If you can't see, I'll show you the way
Carefull, take a big step
I don't want to worry, or be frightened
But I keep stumbling
Everything's black and dark
Like the Habsyi of Saudi Arabia
Oh my dear Apek, don't be concerned
After you've stiched, I'll pay you gold
Come on, walk faster
Careful, there's a drain, jump
Apek, careful, there's a drain ahead
Jump Apek jump


Tid-bit:  Marjina the servant/slave is played by Sarimah, in her first feature film, who later played Sabariah in the classic Ibu Mertuaku.

Song by P Ramlee
Lyrics by S Sudarmaji

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