Jock's Portrait

Jim Davis's Jock Ewing was most likely the most important character of Dallas next to JR, his role continued on long after his death, in the form of this painting.

Jim Davis as Jock Ewing

An all-time Dallas great and founder of Ewing Oil.

Clayton Farlow had some adjusting to do after moving in to Southfork. Jock casted a heavy shadow over the ranch.  Click here to listen to Clayton's pondering to himself about it.

This is the first time someone attempted to remove Jock's painting from Southfork to make Clayton feel more at home.
Click here
for JR's
reaction to this.

Jock's painting finally wound up at Ewing Oil, where is served as JR's inspiration.

Click here to listen to JR after reading a letter Jock wrote him during World War II, when he thought he might not make it back.

JR temporarily gave up the painting to Bobby when he thought he had lost Ewing Oil during the Weststar tanker ordeal.  He later reclaimed it, and rightfully so, after Bobby sold Ewing Oil to LeeAnn De La Vega.