Collision between banking engine and passenger train, just north of Tebay
28 th January 1876

Board of Trade Report
The Westmorland Gazette 5th February 1876

5 February 1876 .


The steep incline on the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway which ends at Tebay Station, and which is known as Shap Bank, was the scene of a rather alarming accident yesterday week. At Tebay Station there are either two or four engines stationed regularly for the purpose of affording help to heavy trains which are coming northward and have to ascend to the summit. The express train which is due at Carlisle at 5.50 a.m. That reached Tebay, and without stopping rushed on whistling for the engine to help. The engine started at speed to render assistance, when the connecting rod of the express engine broke, and the train being suddenly brought to a standstill the auxiliary engine ran into it. No carriages were knocked of the rails, but the van of the express was injured, and the buffer plank of the auxiliary engine was smashed. Many of the passengers received severe shocks, and some half-dozen or so received rather serious injuries. One, Mr. Routledge of Old Mill, near Port William, Wigtownshire, had one leg broken, and was brought to Carlisle. Mr. Routledge was travelling in a third-class carriage, and hearing the steam of the propelling engine blowing off, he jumped up to put his boots on. He had got one on, and was in the act of putting on the other when the collision took place, and one of his legs was broken. Two sailors complained of injuries, but they went forward to Perth. One of the carriage doors was burst open, and a woman was thrown out, but fortunately she sustained no injuries. One elderly woman got out of the train, was in such a frightened and excited state that she commenced to climb up the railway bank out of the way, and was only brought back by force by some of the passengers. Among the passengers were two Nephews of Mr. Sanderson, returning from a funeral of their cousins at Abbots Hipton. The express was delayed about three-quarters of an hour by the accident.

Collision between banking engine and passenger train, just north of Tebay 28 th January 1876.
From the WESTMORLAND GAZETTE. 5 February 1876 .

Thank you to Robert Heywood for submitting this report.

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