
California sets sights on USA twinning

by Emily Flanagan

CARNFORTH'S film star station could help the town forge links with a sun kissed Californian city near Hollywood. Fullerton's palm trees and blue skies may seem a million miles from Carnforth, but both have a strong railway heritage which has prompted trans-Atlantic twinning talk. Fullerton, in the heart of Orange County, lies five miles from Disneyland just outside Los Angeles and was built around the Santa Fe railroad. It is also close to a town called Lancaster. And, apart from their respective climates, Fullerton shares so many similarities with the north Lancashire market town of Carnforth that the two may soon be united in a twinning deal. The first step towards this coupling has already taken place and on January 5th, the voluntary organisation Friends of Carnforth Station, were twined with their American counterparts, Fullerton Railway Plaza Association, or FRPA. For the last 10- years the American organisation has tried to revitalise Fullerton's station and stimulate public interest in the town's rail heritage. Their plans are strikingly similar to those for Carnforth Station, which campaigners hope can build on its fame as the location for scenes in the classic British film "Brief Encounter" as well as its strategic importance on the rail network. Both aim to restore station buildings, build a shop and restaurant and a museum to local train heritage. They are also trying to encourage interest among younger generation. Crag Bank resident Michael Chorley has played a vital part in the plans and finalised the union of the two rail groups during a trip to California over Christmas. A former railway engineer, Mr Chorley always aims to meet local train enthusiasts, when travelling abroad and in this way met members of the FRPA in America.


We have similar aims and we're going to share experience and knowledge and motivate both organisations. "Fullerton started out as one farm in the orange groves and then they built the railroad and the station to send out oranges. The town grew and grew around its railway. "Carnforth was built in a similar way. There was nothing here until the railway was built. The similarities are uncanny." He added "People say it's just like Carnforth Station apart from the palm trees." The Californian city and its Spanish-style station were first built in 1887 when George H. Fullerton, a land agent from England, asked for the Santa Fe Railroad to be re-routed a few miles South to what was then orange groves and a farm. Since then the city has grown dramatically in size and boasts 67 restaurants - including one restaurant that serves wild game, and another that serves Mongolian food - and is within five miles of Disneyland. On April 7 to 15, at least 14 people from Fullerton will visit Carnforth and in October about 12 members of FOCS will visit California.

Fullerton station bathed in blue skies.

Fullerton station bathed in blue skies.


Map shows position of  Fullerton

Map shows position of Fullerton

Twin town facts

Lancaster Guardian, 27 th January 2000

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