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Materials about Soviet   and Russian Koreans

Leonid Petrov's KOREA VISION Online


Russian Media about Soviet Koreans (Russian/English)  

Central Asian Fulbright Project by Steven Lee

Общероссийское Объединение Корейцев  

Association of Ethnic Koreans in Kazakhstan  

О советских корейцах by Stas Kim  

Soviet Koreans in Sakhalin 

Газета "Российские Корейцы"

Корееведение by (Russian/English) 


In Russian:

Агентство «СЕНАМ» (Корейский язык: переводы)
Адвокат Сергей Вячеславович КИМ (Москва)
Адвокат Юрий Алексеевич КИМ (Москва)
Ансамбль «АРИРАН» (Уссурийск)
Ассоциация корейцев Казахстана
Ассоциация научно-технических обществ корейцев СНГ (АНТОК)
Библиотека книг, статей по корееведению
Благотворительный фонд им. КИМ Пен Хва (Москва)
Благотворительный фонд помощи детям АНИТА (фонд Аниты ЦОЙ)
Галерея Михаила ПАКА
Единое информационное пространство российских корейцев
Жизнь корейцев Белоруссии (сайт А.А. ШЕКА)
История корё сарам (сайт Г.Н. КИМА)
Киевский ансамбль корейского танца «Торади»
Корё сарам: Виртуальное сообщество



Корейский молодежный культурно-просветительский центр Санкт-Петербурга
Корейское научно-техническое общество «КАХАК»
Корейцы Каракалпакстана (образовательный сайт Л.Б. ХВАН)
Международный центр корееведения МГУ
Молодежное движение корейцев Казахстана (МДК)
Молодежное движение корейцев г. Тараз «Хваран»
Молодежный корейский центр г. Улан-Удэ
Официальный сайт Рашида НУГМАНОВА (посвящен В. ЦОЮ)
Официальный сайт Валерия ПАКА
Официальный сайт Любомира ТЯНА

Официальный сайт Кости ЦЗЮ
Официальный сайт Аниты ЦОЙ
Портал корейской диаспоры (Ташкент)
Портал корейской молодежи Узбекистана
Сайт Анатолия ПАКА (Москва)
Сайт Михаила ТЁ (Тараз)
Сайт Надежды ХЕГАЙ (Алматы)
Федерация развития малого и среднего бизнеса (Республика Казахстан)
Фитнес от Натальи КИМ
Школа № 3 с этнокультурным корейским компонентом (г. Уссурийск)
Школа № 1086 (г. Москва): шестой выпуск (1998 г.)

Хотите узнать о преимуществах размещения бизнеса в Северной Корее?...

 ...Посетите КНДР в составе Специальной Делегации


WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATION OF KOREAN PHYSICISTS -- We believe in Worldwide Competition --The former Soviet Soviet republics are now undergoing changes in their economic system. For this reason, the e-mail communication can be very expensive to them. For instance, in many cases, each individual has to pay (in hard currency) for the incoming e-mails as well as those he/she sends out. Please do not send them e-mails unless they are absolutely necessary... (Kim Victor, Division of High Energy Physics St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute 188350 Gatchina, Russia. 1997.4.9)

Tribute to Viktor Choi (Documentary & Songs)

Zagadka Victora TsojaDocfilm

Mikhail Nikolayevich Pak

Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Head of the Euro-Asian Research Division, Professor at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Professor of The Moscow State University, Director of the International Center for Korean Studies

Professor Mikhail N. Pak - personal records

Область научных интересов: кандидатская диссертация «Очерки из политической истории Кореи во второй половине ХIХ в.» была одной из первых после второй мировой войны советских работ по истории Кореи. В работе впервые в советской историографии трактуются особенности феодального строя в Корее, определившие характер внутриполитической истории страны в условиях начавшейся колониальной экспансии капиталистических государств. В качестве докторской диссертации защищена публикация (переводы и исследования) памятника корейской историографии XII в. «Ким Бусик. Самгук саги (Исторические записи трех государств). Летописи Силла» (1959). Работа над изучением самого раннего из сохранившихся памятников корейской историографии (Ким Бусик. Самгук саги, 1145 г.) определила на многие десятилетия основное направление научно-исследовательской работы М.Н.Пака, связанной с исследованием социально-экономических процессов в ранней истории Кореи и истории корейской историографии. Обоснованию тезиса о социально-экономическом строе Кореи в период трех государств (Когуре, Пэкче и Силла) как ранне-феодального посвящена монография «Очерки ранней истории Кореи» (1979)... (in Russian)

Preparatory Committees Formed to Commemorate Sun's Day

Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees of the Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia and the United Confederation of Koreans in the Far East were formed on March 10 to commemorate Sun's Day, the birth anniversary of the President Kim Il Sung. The committees set the period from March 10 to April 15 for commemoration and decided to hold multifarious events including a retrospective meeting.


Dipkuryer NG's Dmitry Kosyrev published his half- page interview with Mrs. Lee In-ho, ROK Ambassador in Moscow. Chiefly the interview concerned historical and cultural issues from a personal perspective. Lee noted, in particular, that many ethnic Koreans who found themselves in the newly independent Central Asian states wished to leave those countries and to settle in RF, as there's "a huge gap between them and Koreans from Korea....  Our official policy regarding Koreans not only in Russia, but also in the former Soviet republics and world-wide, is to help them become better citizens of the countries where they live."  Concerning the situation in the RF, she said, "everything seems better than we expected....  In general we look at the situation rather optimistically." Dipkuryer NG's Dmitry Kosyrev ("LADY WROTE HER DOCTORATE THESES ON RUSSIAN MASONS," Moscow, 4, 02/17/00, # 3(3))

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated abroad

Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Koreans in China held a meeting on Feb. 14 in Beijing to mark General Secretary Kim Jong Il's 58th birthday. At the meeting a letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted. A meeting was held on Feb. 13 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, under the sponsorship of the International United Confederation of Koreans. The participants saw an art performance given by an overseas Koreans' art troupe "Osandok".


Nezavisimaia Gazeta reported that the DPRK and the ROK have joined together to oppose the PRC's "aspirations" to expand into the RF. This January an agreement was signed between the Primorskiy Area of the RF Administration and the Korean Agrarian Association of the ROK for the ROK to rent almost 7,000 hectares of agricultural land in the Primorskiy Area for 50 years. The DPRK is involved in the building of over a thousand houses for ROK agriculturists and ethnic Koreans from Uzbekistan.  

The report said that it seems that "both in Seoul and Pyongyang are aware that 'Chinization' of Primoriye might forever isolate the all-Korean economy from that area and in parallel increase the geopolitical role of the PRC in Northeast Asia. Therefore both Korean capitals decided to join efforts." The authors noted that ongoing RF consultations about oil and gas exploration on the DPRK sea shelf and showing the South Kurils and all RF territories adjacent to the PRC as belonging to the RF in ROK maps, could be seen as an indirect proof of "both Koreas' intention jointly with Russia to oppose territorial 'aspirations' of certain Chinese circles." Nezavisimaia Gazeta (Aleksey Chichkin, "COLONISTS ALSO CAN BE ALLIES," Moscow, 4, 02/01/00) 

В Южную Корею с Сахалина возвращаются 60 семей российских корейцев

В Южную Корею -- на историческую родину -- с Сахалина возвращаются 60 пожилых семей (примерно 150 человек), насильно вывезенных на остров в годы японской оккупации. Российским корейцам южные корейцы обещали прописку в специально построенном для них "жилом комплексе", который расположен в городе Анчон, что примерно в 50 километрах от Сеула. Переселенцам обещали заплатить "подъемные", а также купить каждой семье холодильник, телевизор, набор продуктов на первое время. 

Госкомстат России провел опрос среди 36 тысяч корейцев, проживающих на Южном Сахалине. Выяснилось, что в Корею на постоянное жительство готовы были выехать не более 5000 человек. По сведениям Общекорейского объединения корейцев, на историческую родину уехало в конечном счете менее одной тысячи (по данным МИД РФ, не более 200 человек), в основном люди преклонного возраста. Сегодня корейцы по-прежнему не очень-то стремятся попасть на постоянное проживание в Южную Корею. Более того, часть переселенцев, разочаровавшись в ее реалиях, хотели бы возвратиться домой, в Россию, где их устраивало качество жизни.(Известия, 28.01.2000, Москва) (in Russian)

General Meeting of Tajik Group for Study of Juche Idea Held

Pyongyang, January 10 (KCNA) -- A general meeting of the February 16 Tajik Group for the Study of the Juche Idea named after "Marshal Kim Jong Il" was held on December 24 last year on the occasion of the New Year. The meeting discussed the issues of expanding the scope of group activity and setting up its branches in different provinces and decided to hold a national seminar on the scientific practice of the Juche idea in Tajikistan in February this year. Measures for its successful opening were also discussed at the meeting. A message of greetings to the great leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Greetings to Kim Jong Il from Koreans in Russia

Pyongyang, December 26 (KCNA) -- The central association of Koreans in Russia sent a message of greetings to the great leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of his election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army. The message noted that the respected Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander is a revelation of the intense loyalty and the iron will of the Korean people at home and abroad to hold him in high esteem and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche started by the fatherly leader Kim Il Sung. It expressed the resolve to entrust the destiny and future to Kim Jong Il and uphold and follow him with the purest conscience and sense of moral obligation, saying that all the honour and pride of the overseas compatriots are precisely the honour and pride of having Kim Jong Il, the invincible banner and future, at the head of revolution.


During the final years of Korea's occupation by Japan, over 40,000 Koreans were sent -- many forcibly conscripted -- to work as labourers on southern Sakhalin Island, then a Japanese territory.  When World War II came to an end, however, and all Sakhalin fell under Soviet rule, political circumstances prevented these displaced unfortunates from returning to their homeland, and their plight has since been largely ignored by the outside world.  "A Forgotten People:  The Sakhalin Koreans", a video written, directed and produced by Dai Sil Kim-Gibson, devotes itself to allowing their moving story to be heard.


  by Dr. Andrei Lankov

The Soviet Koreans were one of the forces which helped Kim Il Song take power in the 1940s. They also made a major contribution toward the crystallization of the Stalinist regime in North Korea. During the first decade after the official establishment of the DPRK in 1948, Soviet Koreans had played an important role in the country's administration and had formed a so called Soviet faction - one of the four main political groupings in the North Korean leadership.


 Dr. Eduard Pak, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 19, 1999

"A LETTER FROM RUSSIA" The tragic saga of the Soviet Koreans

by Lee Wha Rang, February 2, 1998


  a new book by J. Otto Pohl

ABBYY Lingvo Электронные словари

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