
Janice T. Ng

First printed and published 1989

by Annwn Publications for

Janice T. Ng

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia 4885

Copyright:   The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

and Janice T. Ng

ISBN   0 9587952 9 0


This book is dedicated to
those Beings whose


will allow their



7          The Foolish Outer Mind

16        Emotions And Energy Loss



Our physical mind is forever attempting to fool us. It is this mind which tells us that we are unhappy or lonely and conversely, it is also the one which tells us how good we are or how much better we are than others. When we use our physical mind we cannot win. We either lose energy directly through such emotions as depression or else we lose energy indirectly through loss of awareness due to the Ego and other acts of self-aggrandizement.

What we do not realise when we use our physical mind is that we are allowing a being which is NOT a part of us, to dictate to us what to do and what not to do. Give it an inch and it will take a yard. You cannot afford to allow the physical mind being to express. It prevents the higher mind being from expressing for as the physical mind being becomes more powerful, your higher mind being will slowly shrink back under the physical's authority which is spurious anyway. You must think of things in this way the next time you think of how good you are.

Forget the material things. They are of the physical mind. These so-called thoughts of the physical actually exist at the mind level as devices which look somewhat like suction-cups which attach themselves to the higher being and slowly drag it downwards to this level so that soon, if this continues, you will be unable to think of anything beyond the physical mind limitations. The physical being must rise to join with the Higher Being part of which can be pulled back. The Higher Being can function without this added part but with it things will be more efficient and easier on both the Higher and lower beings.

Still the outer mind. This is the message which your higher mind is repeatedly sending to you. At this stage, it can only do so through the physical mind which is why the higher mind is so easily `drowned out' by physical thoughts.

If you could implement the use of the higher mind (through efficient cleansing) there would be much less interference for the higher mind could then send messages through its own devices.



Emotions are effective mechanisms for the evil demiurge to gain the energy which he wants. They have been conveniently put together in an expanding web where each is in some way related to the other.

And it is convenient for the demiurge to have placed those whose energy he seeks, in shells which stimulate emotions, thereby doing the job which they were designed to do.

What we must remember is that we are not the shell hence we can break free from such energy-draining mechanisms as the emotions, and function as a separate entity.

We must be able to differentiate ourselves from this shell which is useless and blocks the functioning of the true self.

The emotions and one's thoughts are related quite closely to one another and work in conjunction with one another to drain and pollute.

The expression of many emotions such as anger for instance, begins at the mind level as a thought.

The more energy one gives it, by thinking about it, the sooner it will express on the physical level, verbally or in the way one acts.

If one could learn to harness and dispel thoughts which drain and pollute oneself before they grow too great, much energy could be saved.

In other words, nip the process in the bud before it gets out of control and causes more damage.

The greater the energy thoughts have, the more people they can affect. There is a certain point where the energy of the thought can no longer be retained in the mind level.

When this occurs, the thought is expressed as an emotion. That is why after such emotional episodes one feels tired for much energy has been lost, weakening the individual and therefore opening him/her to further and greater influence.

It may appear as though a person suddenly becomes angry or upset with sudden outbursts or breaking down and weeping.

But it is actually a continuous cycle from the beginning when the energy is directed at the person to create a particular thought, to the moment where it becomes beyond the mind capacity and enters this physical level.

Thus, the degree of rumination has a great deal to do with when this point of bursting is reached. It is a progressive climb upwards to the final surge of energy where it expresses.

If we could learn to watch carefully for this cycle to begin and then as soon as possible, cut its motion, we could gradually learn to harness the emotional body as well as become more aware of when such a cycle begins and in this way, eventually bypass emotions altogether.

It is the early detection of these cycles which is crucial. One can prevent these by ruminating less, especially about the past the energies of which are extremely disruptive.

It can be seen that thinking emotionally is an evil trap which comes with every physical body.

It is not possible to be rid of it while on this level but what is possible, is the ability to, not only expose and see its objective, but also to bypass its mode of functioning sufficiently in order to use it for one's own purposes.

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