Spiritual Realization
for The
Final Generation
of the

Dr. J.S. Chiappalone

Presented by:

Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

First printed and published 1989

by Annwn Publications for

Dr J S Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia   4885.

Copyright:   Dr J S Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy


ISBN 1 875286 04 7


This books is dedicated to
who have suffered so much
in so many incarnations
in order to bring about
the eventual destruction
of the evil demiurge, called
and his evil essence.





Gnosticism And Eschatology - An Overview


Joseph Chiappalone was born in Italy and migrated with his family to Australia in 1952. He obtained a Medical Degree from the University of Melbourne and practised general medicine for almost 20 years. In 1985 he began writing on philosophy and metaphysics. He has written Gnostic explanations to various areas of knowledge. While many agree with his views, he has been quick to point out that each must find his/her own truths within and he hopes these writings help people on their journey of self-realization and philosophical fulfilment. There are no "sacred cows" as far as he is concerned.

His books include:

The Revenge of Camelot (written with Amitakh Chiappalone)

Journey into the World of Metaphysics Vol. 1

Journey into the World of Metaphysics Vol. 2

Essential Gnostic Truths

Towards Divine Warriorship

Making Sense of the Madness Volume One: What's Going On?

Making Sense of the Madness Volume Two: Keys to Reality

Making Sense of the Madness Volume Three: Death of an Evil God


I have been asked to add these comments to the reprints of the various books.

It was in 1985 that I had been asked to give this information, contained in the various books, to the world by a group of Extra-terrestrial consciousnesses. They form part of the Rescuers in the Space Command and more will be heard about them in the near future. As part of the Plan of Rescue, I also, with others who are part of the Rescue Team, made an open Declaration of the commencement of the Final Phase of the War of Essences. The significance of this you will have grasped if you have read my earlier books.

The books contain news about the "End of the World" and, in fact, I was asked in 1985 to state that this would occur before the year 2000. Readers may have come across the prediction of the "End of the World" in many ancient books, including the sayings of Jesus Christ, Zoroaster and Manichaeus. Ontologically these Divine Messengers, and others such as Buddha, Mohammed, Rama, Krishna, and many, many others, have been the same Consciousness (Being) presenting onto this level at various times in differing manifestations. The "End of the World" as a message was a CODE for certain Beings of Light who were to prepare themselves for evacuation at those times, in their own generation. They were also given a general timing within their generation. The Messengers knew this and the Beings of Light subconsciously knew this also and prepared themselves accordingly. It appeared that these Divine Messengers were wrong in that the End of the World did not eventuate, but, in fact, they knew it was a special code and used it accordingly, much to the chagrin of the Evil Ones who were reminded by it of their own eventual outcome. I have been asked to explain this apparent anomaly in the ancient texts for a very good reason. This is the last time that the code will be used as the physical destruction of the planet is, in fact, going to occur and the special code will no longer be needed. When reviewing literature of cultures, modern and ancient, from around the globe, many of you may be amazed at the similarities of the historical concepts present in various cultures and these concepts are recognizably similar, inspite of the distortions and regional peculiarities. The reason for this is that the basic religio-philosophical history of this planet is that of Gnosticism. It has been distorted over time into the various myths, cults, religions and fables by inadequate minds and by those of evil who wanted such distortions for their own gain. From another perspective, the End of the World will have occurred by the year 2000 for the remaining True Beings of Light for none of them will be present on Earth by that date. Their consciousness will have all been transported out into other dimensions. Some Rescuers may remain to supervise the physical destruction.

The globe may linger on without Beings of Light being present for perhaps 5, 10, 15, even 20 years beyond the year 2000. But for all intents and purposes, the End of the World will have occurred by the year 2000 when the last Being of Light will have been evacuated.

Remember, the evacuation need not be a physical one and the body may linger on under the control of its own lower consciousness or it may even be taken over by a trapped evil consciousness. Lack of understanding of the process may cause anguish, hence do everything possible to connect to the Higher Spiritual Self for greater realizations. Between now and total evacuation we shall witness the active intervention of Extra-terrestrial consciousness in the affairs of this world and all will become aware of the earth's total destruction in due course, and the existence of the spiritual component of all consciousness. It is this component which the evil ones have been trying to deny for a very long time. But they have failed. The Rescue Plan has succeeded. The War is all but over.

Inspite of the endless stream of data which bombards the world daily from TV, newspapers, magazines, the information Super-Highway, etc., people are becoming more confused and frightened just by living in ever-deteriorating conditions. The information in this book is to dispel such confusion and fears by providing a basis for the understanding of WHAT'S GOING ON from a metaphysical perspective, and as you will see, ultimately that is the only perspective worth having. The bombarding data of this world is as useless as yesterday's news.

I am aware that a few people who think they know better call this information I am imparting Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo. I am flattered. Let me explain. After practising General Medicine, I came to the conclusion that while modern medicine was good at the short-term alleviation of pain and making some feel better, it had no answers to life's mysteries. I then started reading philosophy and after much confusion about what hte writers were on about and after some headaches trying to sort out what they were trying to say, I came to the conclusion that philosophy as it is written has no answers either. In fact, I came to the conclusion that most philosophy books are published so people will stop reading philosophy books.

After writing all my books referred to here, I studied and acquired a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science and continued avid reading of general science and its technological advances. My conclusion has been that it is Metaphysics which provides meaningful answers as far as I am concerned. All other aspects of epistemology are dead ends. My reading has allowed me to categorize Mumbo-jumbo as follows:

Philosophical Mumbo-jumbo is good for causing headaches and good heated debates, and that is about all. However it never killed anyone.

Religious and theological Mumbo-jumbo is dangerous and has spawned the various religious Wars, Inquisitions, Crusades, etc., with much destruction and loss of life.

Scientific Mumbo-jumbo is the most dangerous of all, for it has spawned a monster called Scientific Technology which will be the death of Humanity, the Earth and all living things. It is doing this via its ability to deplete the Ozone layer and poison all living things with excessive ultra-violet radiation, via its ability to cause the irreversible Greenhouse effect and global warming, via its ability to irreversibly pollute water and food so that life will soon be unsustainable on the planet, via its pollution of the environment with nuclear and chemical discharges so that everything is carcinogenic and incompatible with life, via its ability to cause nuclear holocausts, via its ability to infect everyone on the planet with death-dealing AIDS, and other totally resistant strains of microbes such as malaria, tuberculosis, staphylococci, pneumococci, the ebola virus, etc. Science has promised short-term gain but delivered long-term pain and destruction, even planetary annihilation. If you read any alien abduction reports, you will note that many of the aliens, in seeking other areas to invade, are lamenting to abductees that their advanced science and its technology have, or are in the process of, destroying their dimensions as well!

Is this so? In support I turn to one of America's famous and favoured sons. In 1959, J. F. Kennedy was quoted as saying: "I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours."

Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo is the only one with the answers. It is a personal Mumbo-jumbo and it involves no one else. It does not interfere with the thought processes of any other individual. In fact, it encourages diverse, individualistic thinking in all beings. In contrast to the others above, it fosters harmony, love, peace, truth and respect for all aspects of creation. It promotes awareness and rightful knowledge with which to dispel all fears. Even if none of its mumbo-jumbo is true and it is all a self-deluding exercise, the fact that it heals so many in body, mind and emotions is reward enough. Surely the study and practice of metaphysics which promote understanding and tolerance are much more preferred to the programming of religious bigotry whose aim is to prove one religion is better than others. And surely it is better than wasting one's life making Science and its Technology the Modern Age "god" by which one can develop more innovative, more exploitative and more painful methods of global destruction and more complex sceptical arguments for the denial of the existence of God whose heel is about to descend and crush such evil.

If one has to be fanatical in life, its better to be fanatical about loving "God" and "Truth", about studying metaphysics, rather than being a fanatical religious bigot or a fanatical sceptical scientific know-all who self-deludes in thinking he has all the answers when in fact he has none that matter! By the way, by "Truth" I mean the personal Inner Guiding Light, which varies and should vary for every True Being, for each was created as a purposeful, distinct individual with its own version of the Truth within its own creative, Divine Blueprint. I do not consider that there is a "Truth" consisting of a set of Dogmas and facts which all must adhere to, which are absolute and which must be fought for, or cause others to kill for. That is why I refer to the personal Inner Truth in these texts. And it is why I urge each True Being to search for its own Inner Truth and warn each that the search is a personal endeavour, the completion of which can favour no other individual in spiritual terms. What is right for one may not be Truth for another and this is another reason why we need to suspend judgement wherever possible in spiritual matters. Inner mental and spiritual experiences and Inner realizations are unique and will have interpretive connotations which will be as diverse as the experience and as unique as the individuals having them. That is why I stress that no influence should come between a True Being and the Source of his Light, Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth within. I am aware that this is directly opposite to all the extant religious teachings except the Gnostic ones. It is opposite to all the impositions and restrictions of this sorrow-filled plane.

So, my advice to you is to read on and use whatever you find within these pages to assist you in awakening to your own Inner Truth. Feel free to choose and discard as you wish for only in that way can you destroy the fetters placed on your spirit by this moribund and deceptively ignorant, evil system. And having acquired such freedom, and having found your Inner Truth, learn to soar to greater and greater heights with an unbridled spirit and joy, knowing that all evil shortcomings of this miserable system will shortly be no more. Rejoice in the spiritual and mental freedom of the newly found Divine Presence within and reject forever the soul-destroying iniquities and shackles of this soon-to-be-no-more physical dimension. Enjoy yourselves, for only your Inner Spiritual Truth can give you the Freedom worth having. Your own personal Inner Truth will give those things you search for, those things which cannot rust, or be stolen, or be eaten by moths. It will give those things which are of inestimable value, those things which are eternal, as you are and shall be!

Ignore your Inner Truth and you will continue to be a programmed robot of this pernicious system which is self-destructing and which spiritually assassinates unaware True Beings.

I have been aware of Ockham's razor while writing and have tried to stick to the modern version of his axiom: K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid). But alas, complexity is part of the problem.


The following introductory remarks may help you understand this subject more easily, for it is not an easy one to grasp. The subject matter can be so foreign to some readers that they should be given every chance to comprehend it at the first attempt.

1. To some of you, because you are reading this information for the first time, it may sound foreign indeed, but that is no reason why you should dismiss it. Rather you should think about it and see where it fits into your outer mind pool of knowledge and scheme of things. This information is given to promote preparation and understanding for certain inevitable changes which are upon us, and that is the only reason why this information is being given at this stage. In other words, it is given to dispel ignorance, fear of the unknown, and unawareness. It is also to prevent panic when the changes come, for those who are least prepared are the ones who are going to panic and suffer the most.

2. Be open-minded. I know this is difficult for many. It is difficult because most are programmed and prejudiced by all the training that they have received and all the peer pressure to which they are subjected, by effects of the culture that they receive throughout life. This training is nothing less than indoctrination. Nonetheless, bypass the outer programmed mind and allow your frame of reference, that is, the mental picture in which you place knowledge, to expand. Bypass the emotional reflexes triggered by past teachings and past indoctrinations and bypass preset ideas which can be quite prejudicial.

A new paradigm of reality needs to be created.

3. I am not giving this information in order to convert anyone to my point of view. Nonetheless, I do not impart it to have it compromised. In Australia at any rate, one is free to accept or reject any information as one sees fit. In other words, one has freewill. I am not offering these facts to have them praised or approved either. I am offering them for any who can value them and profit from them in their quest for greater awakening and understanding.

4. Take whatever will be of benefit to you and allow others the freedom to do likewise. Be an individual and learn to think for yourself. Do not follow others like sheep. Most are indoctrinated through their work, schooling, religion, peers, relationships, etc., to be like sheep. Do not swallow any information glibly, no matter how authoritative it appears. Do not let others sway you one way or another in making a personal decision just because they think they know better than you or because in the past they had more outer mind information than you. Letting them dictate to you (as the religions do) gives them the opportunity to suppress you. Do not allow that to happen. Do not accept any person or being, consciousness, entity, fact, doctrine, revelation, etc., at face value. Think about it. Refer all things to the Divine Component Godforce within you.

5. One thing you probably may have already realized is that the reward for spiritual advancement is entirely for the individual. In other words, through your efforts no one else can advance. Nor can you advance through anyone else's efforts. Naturally, the more effort you put into awakening, the more you will reap. And these two things, effort and the product of effort, of course, are proportional. No one said the path to realization was going to be easy, hence effort is needed at all times.

6. Each reader will be polarized to a certain extent by this information and will join one of two sides, for or against what is written here. And this polarization will be dictated by one's ontological essence.

7. Do not be in haste to reject this information nor to judge in ignorance. That is what fools do and none who are on the path of spiritual discovery want to be classified as fools.

8. Use this information as a stimulus to awaken and to think. Do not reject it just because it sounds too foreign or because you think it is too different from the information with which you have been indoctrinated since childhood. After all, many times you have heard that truth is stranger than fiction. Is that not so?

9. Remember that most truthful things are mockingly rejected by the inertial masses and even by erudite individuals. Think of Christopher Columbus was called mad because he believed that, as the ancients believed, the world was round. Galileo was persecuted for contradicting that worthless collection of nonsense called the bible by stating the Earth revolved around the Sun as Copernicus did. Aristarchus had stated as much in ancient Greece almost two millenia before. Likewise Pasteur, H.G. Wells, and many, many others were mocked for revealing some aspect of the Truth. When Einstein became increasingly spiritual in his later life, he was outwardly and publically tolerated, but privately scorned. Jesus of Nazareth was executed for espousing Gnostic Truths as were Zoroaster, Manicheus, the Cathars, the Bogomils, the Paulicians, Savonarola, Giordano Bruno, and may, many others.

10. You may hear some tell you not to listen to this philosophy. Well, what they are really trying to do is dictate to you.

And the last time a certain group dictated to other groups about what they should or should not read on a grand scale, you will remember, ended up in the book burning Hitlerite camps of the Second World War. That form of censorship is not wanted by anyone.

Listen, become aware, and then make up your own mind. If you remain ignorant, you certainly do not know what is going on. Without knowing what this information contains, you cannot become aware and you cannot reach a balanced conclusion.

11. You will hear many say that this is a negative philosophy. Well, those who say this are ignorant and jealous.

How can any form of knowledge be negative?

How can any form of education be negative?

How can awakening be negative? The more you know about things, the more you will awaken.

How can preparation or Realization of the Truth be negative? It cannot be. The Truth may be painful to realize, and unpleasant, but it is never negative. The Truth may be painful and unpleasant because it threatens us often and forces us to make difficult decisions but it is never negative.

It is negative instead to remain ignorant, to remain unaware, to actively choose ignorance by not listening to other points of view and to not seek an understanding with all the facts examined.

It is negative to play the ostrich, that is, to bury one's head and not want to know the real situation because it threatens one's illusion.

It is negative to pretend that all is well.

It is negative to ignore the warning signs, be it in a physical or spiritual disease.

It is negative to remain trapped, to remain in the position where exploitation of energy can occur and where one can be spiritually humiliated.

12. Many people, particularly in metaphysical groups, think they know a little. Well, they do know just a little. But knowing a little can be a dangerous thing, for many then think they know it all. They know everything or so they think. They cannot be told anything. One meets such people every day. They are ruled by their evil Ego.

We can all learn.

We should all learn, every day.

And as I have often said, the day you stop learning is the day you become intellectually dead.

Needless to say when you do learn something new that embarrasses you, it is often difficult to accept, and it takes courage and strength of character to say:

"I was wrong with my previous beliefs. I was fooled. I have been fooled. I was trapped", and so on.

But one can find that courage and strength of character if one is honest enough with oneself.

So, as you read, take your time and consider the facts - regardless of how foreign they appear. Be flexible in your outlook and thinking. And above all, because of the energy within these books, expect the unexpected.

13. In many `New Age' people to whom I have lectured, in spite of their talk of love, of sharing, of world harmony, of peace and so on, I have uncovered hate, intolerance, prejudice, bigotry, jealousy, and recurrent attempts at humiliation and oppression of those who do not agree with them.

Many of these so-called New Age people may simply be fooled and deluded by the false philosophies they have accepted. But many others are blatantly evil.

14. If you do feel uneasy as this information reaches you, it could be that preconceived ideas within you are causing "blocks" within you. Or else, it could be that the Inner Truth has been awakened by the information you hear and then the physical body and its emotional body begin to react against it.

Ask yourself when this happens:

"Why do I feel uneasy? Is it because it is Truth that I am hearing, and it hurts? Or, is it because I do not want to let go of the sensually comfortable illusion I have created for myself?

Have I been programmed to reject and attack these facts without thinking or understanding?

Am I so severely programmed, polluted and indoctrinated that I cannot now see the wood for the trees?"

These questions you have to answer for yourself. No one else can answer them for you.



Many have said (as an excuse for not accepting it) that this knowledge is too complex. They are mistaking their own physical limitations for the Truth.

Knowledge is vast and cannot be contained in one sentence, or one act, or even one physical mind.

To an illiterate, a book is infinitely complex.

To a child an algebraic problem is infinitely complex.

To a labourer, the practice of medicine is complex.

To a carpenter, a computer is complex.

To the grossly limited physical mind, the vast amount of Supramental knowledge which is available here on this plane and other levels of consciousness, is extremely complex.

Even physical life is complex. Just think of the workings of DNA, workings of the brain, the eye, simple viruses etc.

These things are understood by the minds who created them.

The celestial Powers and their knowledge are immensely complex. This knowledge is all knowable. But like the child who acquires knowledge slowly as it grows, we must realize that we do the same. However, unless we expand beyond the confines of the physical mind, we cannot adequately comprehend those concepts which are beyond its limited capabilities.

The complexity of a subject decreases as one learns more about it. Only fools in their ignorance think they know everything and reduce things to such a simplistic form that the fact are missed and the subject becomes useless.

We have seen and heard such people who say "A little bit of everything is good for you, everybody does it" , etc.

They, in their ignorance, are opting out of having to make any decision. They are intellectual morons.

So too, there are many spiritual morons who are too lazy to awaken. And they say this knowledge cannot be right because it is too complex.

"I like the simplicity of sunlight, the breeze, the flowers in the fields and the love I feel for them. Your message and explanations are too complex" I have often heard them say, particularly the followers of many eastern gurus and of the New Age philosophical garbage.

Well I ask them: How simple is the process that gives us sunlight, that allows it to reach earth, that allows us to see it, that warms us, that radiates us, that sparks off photosynthesis, that causes the rainbow, that fractures into many wavelengths? Not so simple really is it.

In the case of a breeze the mechanism of rotation of the earth around its axis, around the sun, and the solar system's rotation in the galaxy, the change of clouds, weather patterns, movement of differently heated air, sudden loss of atmospheric pressure, pull of the moon and other planets, combustion on earth, change of the seas etc, all have to do with its creation.

Not so simple, is it?

And the flowers of the fields; how simple are they? Very complex indeed. As are the emotions one feels.

To say one refuses this information on the ground of complexity is not tenable. One would only say this if one is a fool, or deluded, or wanting to escape his spiritual responsibility.

There is one other reason. If one is evil and trying to undermine the Truth of it all, he would blindly attack this information for all he is worth for its presentation signifies termination of his unacceptable existence, a fate he has avoided because of the protection of the his evil essence!



People have always engaged in a spiritual search because life has always been enigmatic, a great mystery. But as you will see, the Truth has been available, it is just that it has been obscured for a very good reason.

Regardless of how advanced you think you are, I want you to be open minded, totally unbiased, because some of the information I give to you may be quite new and radical to you. And the human mind, particularly the outer human mind, is created in such a way that often it rejects what it does not like. If something is foreign to the way the mind has been programmed it tends to block it off.

We are all products of prejudices and blocks that have been programmed into us since early childhood and even before, since babies in utero respond to the mother's reaction, to the mother's emotions.

So we all have prejudices of nationality, of race, of location, of the food we eat, of the drugs and medication we take, of the alcohol we have drunk, and so on. And this of course often prevents us from accepting ideas which appear foreign to us. So if things appear foreign to you just remember that point. Be open-minded. Make up your own mind.

That which you integrate may help you understand a bit more, it may stimulate your thinking.

The moment we start restricting what we can think, or what we can say, is the moment we start to stifle free thought; it is the moment we stop searching and it is the moment we stop others from searching. And that, in a free country, is not what we want to do.

Bypass those reflexes and blocks that you may feel come from your schooling, from your nationality, from your race and so on.

This information is to promote understanding and preparation because certain INEVITABLE CHANGES are about to occur to the whole world.

Many people are now receiving this information themselves by a number of mechanisms: by dreams, by intuition, by recalled astral travel, and by a phenomenon called channelling. So what we are doing is preparing ourselves for these changes, and awakening to the truth.

That means that if you are already prepared for an eventuality, you are able to cope with it much better. And so it is that dramatic physical changes are going to occur to this planet and the ones who are prepared will not be spiritually shocked. They will be able to immediately go to the next phase of the work, of existence, whereas the others who are not prepared are going to be traumatized spiritually, and upset, and that can cause them not only further suffering, which we want to prevent, but it can stop them from getting on with their existence.

Philosophical questions have plagued man since he was able to reason and that is a long, long time. And many of you that have studied various philosophers know that many have declared that God is really dead, God does not exist, because they could not answer this question:

How could a supposedly just, loving God create such an evil planet with so much pain and suffering?

Another question that plagues thinking people is this: If religions are a pathway to God, why are there so many, why are they so diverse and conflicting, and why do they cause so much trouble?

If you study history, you will find that most of the wars are due to religious intolerance and bigotry. Even today the war in the Middle East is all about religious differences. The war in Northern Ireland is all about religious differences, the war in Fiji, the war in Central America, the war in the Punjab, between Pakistan and India, the war in Sri Lanka and so on are all because of religion.

All around the world and throughout history you will find the Inquisition of the Catholic church, the persecution of the Jews throughout history, the persecution of the Bogamils, the persecution of the Gnostics, the persecution of the Essenes, the persecution of Zoroastrians, Manicheians, and so on, all because of religious differences. And that is quite unjust, because if religions are tools to reach God, that should not be so.

And that is one of the reasons why philosophers were unable to grasp what was going on.

Another question to be answered is this: Why, if we are children of God, here, learning on this planet, do we suffer so much pain and suffering, and emotional exploitation and death?

No loving father would allow his children to suffer in this way? And yet that is exactly what happens. And everyone suffers, I do not care how many people say to you: "But I'm happy, this is a beautiful life. I feel comfortable."

They are lying, because everyone suffers in one way or the other.

Another question : Why, when we love someone, are we so exploitable? Why is it that the more you love the more you suffer?

A child of yours may be kidnapped. The wife you love may die. You may see your parents withering away with cancer. There may be accidents. Mothers lose sons in war. People are unfaithful to each other and hurt each other, and so on.

Why is this emotional love attached to so much pain? Surely if love is what runs the world, (but it is not of course) that should not be so. There must be a reason why this is so.

God would never create such a state at all.

Another thing that has always puzzled philosophers is this: Why is it that there are laws that we claim come from God and yet the body is programmed to actually break those laws? In other words, there appears to be an irresistible force that programs us to actively go against these tenets of God.

In other words, people are programmed for lust, to steal, to hurt their neighbour, and to fight. They are emotionally blackmailed by these feelings, and they are programmed. They are insensible once that programming occurs and people have to know why that is so. There appears to be a divergence, a dichotomy. On the one hand you have laws, and on the other hand you have this force that makes you break them.

If it was God's way, surely he would help us not to break them.

Why is there always war on this planet? There seems to be a force that will continue to program people to fight. There is a force and it needs to be identified.

In 1945, there were scriptures discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt, and these contained philosophical papers of the 3rd century and of the time before. They include many gospels, many papers of Hermes, and of earlier writers. And in one of them, Jesus is quoted as saying that "This planet, this universe, this physical universe can be likened to a vineyard that is spurious and growing outside of my father's influence, and must be totally destroyed."

He is talking in a parable, of course, but he does say that it is evil and that it must be uprooted and totally destroyed.

Exactly what is going on? What is this phenomenon of Channelling? It is giving people different ideas and causing further diversion and creating a greater illusion for people to misunderstand what is going on. And a lot of the information that is being brought down by these channellers is in direct contradiction to the Ancient Wisdom and the Wisdom of the old Prophets such as Rama, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Manicheus, Mohammed and so on.

How can we explain this?

Another phenomenon that has been noted more since the Second World War, but that has been in existence for a long, long time, is that of UFO contacts on this planet.

How is this explained in terms of philosophy, in terms of metaphysics and in terms of what is going on in the planet? These things we have to know.

There are many people being kidnapped around the globe by UFOs. And of course UFOs are experimenting on animals. Many animals have been found with surgical incisions and so on from these crafts.

There have been disappearances of planes, and ships and other people in the Bermuda triangle and in other areas. We have to seek explanation of all these things to make sense of exactly what is going on.

In historical texts there is one article that says: "There will come a time, there will occur a generation, which will not know death."

This is the generation that will not know death. But by that saying, it is not that we will not die, because we must all physically die. But it means that we will see beyond death and the interconnecting barriers between states of consciousness will be completely destroyed in this generation.

So these are the questions that are posed by life to philosophers throughout the ages, and many of them of course have died frustrated for not having those answers.

The answers have been available through the knowledge of what is called the Ancient Wisdom, or the Gnosticism, Gnosis.

Gnosticism existed even before the time of writing, but it can be traced in an unbroken line from this century as far back as we can go. In fact Moses wrote about Gnosticism. And most of the work has been destroyed.

Zoroaster wrote about Gnosticism, but of course less than 200 years after his death his works had been destroyed and rewritten. Hermes Trismagistus wrote about Gnosticism. Horus in Egypt wrote about Gnosticism. Orpheus also wrote of Gnosticism. But many of these writings have been destroyed.

Manicheus wrote about Gnosticism as did others like the Essenes, who were described in the Dead Sea Scrolls which were found also in the 1940's, the Bogomils, the Cathars, who were in Southern France and in Spain in the Middle Ages, the Albigensians, who were destroyed by the Inquisition of the Catholic church, and so on. Another very famous Gnostic was Luria of Safaad, in the 16th century.

All of these were persecuted one way or another for the same reason: so that the true knowledge would not be revealed.

All the things that they wrote throughout the ages have been distorted, and many of the texts form the basis for religions. But the religions themselves became distorted, divisive and punitive, very much on purpose.

What had been written in the Nag Hammadi Library were texts that had been buried by the monks in the 3rd century because they had been ordered by the Christian church of the time to destroy all those texts. And that was because it did not suit the church to have them around.

Today most people in the world are so materialistic and hedonistic that they think that God, and a time of assessment and a time of Final Judgement with reward or punishment are fairy tales and not to be believed.

And unfortunately most people are going to be awakened very rudely to exactly what is going on.

The basis of most religions in this world is the answer to this question: Who created the world? And the answer was: God created the world!

Well that is not true.

God did not create the world and this is where the problem is. Gnosticism gives us the story of how this world came into being, why it is such an evil, exploitative, suffering place.

An evil demigod, or demiurgos as Plato called him, created the whole physical manifestation and since that time there has been a war between the Light and Darkness to help correct the physical universe.

The whole material universe is a product of this evil demiurge, the evil demigod.

The more one looks into Gnosticism, the more it is found hidden away in the philosophy of just about every race on earth. So you see the truth has always been known, it is just that it has been obscured and distorted.

It is found in the story of the Altaics, who are the Mongolian-Chinese races, who themselves gave their philosophy to the Hindu, and of course to the Babylonians, Assyrians, Chaldeans and so on, from whom Judaism and Christianity arose.

It is also found in the texts of the Salanen Indians in North America, quite isolated tribes who had absolutely no contact with the west or the middle east. And it was even in texts or philosophies of the Eskimos.


Creation is quite massive and there are many universes. In fact there are many, many sectors in creation and this universe is only one of seven in a small sector in one part.

Creation is run by a level of consciousness which is the uppermost level of consciousness and which has an unmanifested part and a manifested part, and this highest level we call God, for we have no other name for it, and God can manifest at all levels.

And below that level of consciousness there is a Hierarchy of controlling Divine beings. They are called different names such as the Supreme, and Supreme of Supremes, and Absolutes and Higher Absolutes, and so on. That detail is not important.

These creators create units of consciousness that the Hindus have called Chakras, because to people with clairvoyant vision they appear as spinning wheels. There are 7 of these major chakras in a human.

These chakras are tiny little centres of consciousness created by the Absolute and they have an inner nucleus with the essences of the Absolute which created them. And around that nucleus are rings of awareness, rings which allow knowledge to be gathered. And the reason why these units of consciousness are created is so that they can go forth in the universe that is created by the Absolute in order to learn, to experiment, to evolve and then be, as they graduate, incorporated back into the Absolute and enrich it with that experiential knowledge.

So you see the whole of creation is a massive experiment, a cycle of experiments that continue. In the undistorted system these units of consciousness start off at the mineral level. They start at the mineral level and when the universe is retracted all those units of consciousness, having experienced everything they can at the mineral level of consciousness, go into the vegetable level of consciousness.

There are units of consciousness in the mineral level, so you see rocks, the elements, compounds etc all have a consciousness. When they finish evolving, and they have learnt everything they can, and this takes a long, long time, they graduate to the vegetable level of consciousness.

From the vegetable level of consciousness these units go to the animal level. And from the animal they go to the human level. This is in the undistorted system, before the interruption due to evil occurred.

From the human level of consciousness they go to the spiritual level of consciousness, and from the spiritual level of consciousness, (that is where we get our angels, our devas and so on) they go to a galactic level of consciousness, and the galactic level of consciousness is what gives rise to the logi of planets, of suns, of solar systems, etc. And once the units of consciousness there have evolved sufficiently, they then go to the universal level, where the whole of the units of consciousness get together and control a universe as a unified consciousness.

And that is what the consciousness of a universe, the consciousness of galaxies, the consciousness of black holes, the consciousness of nebulae and so on consists of.

Remember, all of creation is experimentation, is an experiment, and of course as experiments go wrong there are corrections and restarts.

In this particular sector, in the universe we are at now, a particular error occurred at one level of the hierarchy. And you will find it, for example, referred to in the Nag Hammadi texts as the Celestial error of the Pistis Sophia.

Now what happened with this error is this, and you must remember now that we are discussing things of an essence, of an energy and really we are anthropomorphisizing concepts into our own words to try and understand them:

A diverse polarity was created, at the level of hierarchy, and this polarity, this change, went against the polarity of the essence which created it.

In other words, it became opposite and that manifested in terms of what we can understand as an evil energy.

It went against the "Mother" energy that created it.

The adverse polarity became evil.

It became self-aggrandizing.

It became destructive.

It became exploitative.

These are all adjectives we're using in our own sense to try and understand it.

It went against all the rest of the creative energy, the creative force. And this is how evil evolved at that particular level.

At first energy from the Mother essence was poured in to try and change this error. But what was happening was that as the Mother was pouring in energy into this error, that energy was being incorporated. And instead of correcting the error it was making the error bigger. And it went on and on and on.

And as more energy was poured into this error the bigger it became, until it was realized that it could not be corrected by direct energy transfer. In actual fact it had to be totally destroyed, and a way had to be found for it to be destroyed.

Now what this means in our own terms is this: This evil essence is a mind, it is a consciousness and it immediately encapsulated the dimension that it had, and closed itself off from outside influences from the hierarchy. They could not penetrate it, and as far as we are concerned, what happened is that the more it removed itself from the Divine essence the more it solidified.

And so matter came into being. The energy solidified more and more.

Once this consciousness encapsulated the dimension it had, it also trapped the Divine consciousnesses that had been sent here into this dimension in the first place. And what we have is the expression that beings of Light were trapped in matter. Even Edgar Cayce said "The human soul has been trapped in these physical bodies."

A number of things happened when this polarity came into being and it went contrary to the Divine polarity. A CELESTIAL WAR occurred, because there was a constant fight between the Divine polarity and this negative polarity which had encapsulated itself.

So it built resistances to try and prevent correction. But of course it was only a matter of time, because nothing could resist the superior consciousness of the Divine which is the God consciousness.

In the meantime the evil essence did a number of things, apart from encapsulating itself and closing off the dimension which includes this universe. It made changes in order to self-perpetuate. Its basic aim was to extract the Divine energy from the beings that were trapped in the system in order for it to continue.

So all the systems it created in the material universe have been geared directly to exploiting the energy from the Divine beings it traps within its system.

Not only did it do that, but the consciousness of the demigod invaded other dimensions when it suited it, in order to extract energy.

There has been a celestial war between these two polarities since this error occurred, in a very small portion of creation. But it affects us, because this planet, this universe are in the trapped dimension. So we are in the midst of the celestial war that has been going on for a long, long time.

Once it started trapping this energy, this evil demiurge started creating beings in order to assist it to trap and exploit the energy from the others. Hence you see we have two creations, within this universe, and this you will also find in the ancient texts.

1. There is the Divine creation trapped here, its consciousnesses created by God.

2.The evil or spurious creation, the creation of "counterfeit beings".

70% of the humans on this planet belong to this second, evil creation. They are the counterfeit beings, creations of the evil demiurge. Only 30% are of the Divine essence.

They have all been given the opportunity to become Divine, they have all been offered the Light. Because of their ontological nature they have not turned to the Light, in fact the reverse has occurred. Many of the Light have become beings of Darkness.

So although ontologically they are Divine, many Divine beings have become evil. So what we have is two creations, and we have basically two types of human beings. And you will find these in the ancient texts. Even in the Bible, in the Old Testament you will find that "The sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and found them fair."

The human creation, not the Divine creation, is the spurious creation which was created by the demiurge, in order to exploit those others, and since that time we have had nothing but conflict and war between the two.

Now many of the changes that occurred once this celestial error occurred include the following:

The planets were sealed off. There is an electro-magnetic covering on all the planets that prevents consciousness from escaping. Before that consciousnesses could travel quite freely. In other words, the consciousnesses became trapped in the individual planets and could not move.

And in order to fool the beings, (the whole plan was to fool these trapped beings) astral planes were created around all the planets. And they are merely slightly higher dimensions around each planet. On earth the astral plane has a ceiling of 400,000 kilometres above the surface of the earth.

If a physical body goes beyond this level, the astral and etheric bodies will separate from the physical, because they are held together by an electro-magnetic envelope. And this is what the astronauts experienced when they went on the other side of the moon, which is right on the boundary of 400,000 kilometres. They started travelling out of the body, because their subtle bodies started to separate from the physical body, and many of them had psychic experiences. But if one goes beyond that distance, the subtle bodies separate off the physical bodies and of course one would die.

Some other changes occurred. This demiurge created its own hierarchy and was able to translocate consciousnesses from various planets. What that means is that people from other planets are brought here, and from here are taken elsewhere, but not in physical terms. Their consciousness is taken to other planets. And in actual fact one billion people that are now on earth are from other planets, from other dimensions.

Many people are now regressing to the times when they were kidnapped and they were brought here. People are starting to talk about these things. They are talking about people from different star systems and so on.

People are starting to have specific dreams. People also spontaneously regress to the times when they were kidnapped from other planets and they remember that they do not come from earth.

Even many people today, when they meditate, connect back to the time when they were on or from other planets, or dimensions. This is something very, very real and when your special clairvoyant vision develops enough you will be able to see alien consciousnesses and know that they do not belong here.

We have many people from Vulcan. Vulcan was a planet just outside the orbit of Mars, where the astroid belt is now. It exploded due to pollution, and many Vulcanites are now on earth in human bodies.

But the story is even stranger than this. You have seen now, that many people are communicating with dolphins and whales. Many of these people that have been brought from other planets have not been placed in human bodies, and in fact many class 4 consciousnesses, humans, (the mineral is class 1, the vegetable is 2, the animal is 3, the human is class 4) have been placed in the bodies of dolphins and whales and also in larger birds and other animals. And because it is now the time for inter-dimensional communication to be established, with inter-dimensional barriers to be broken down, people are starting to communicate with them.

But of course they have not realized that they are human consciousnesses in these amnimals that cannot express, because the higher two chakras, (Centres of consciousness numbers 6 and 7) are not functional in the animal bodies they are in.

But they are humans that have been trapped in there because of this translocation by this evil demiurge. And the reason for that is in order to exploit them of energy. And then, after a certain time when they have been exploited, when they die out of the animal bodies, they go to the astral and often reincarnate back as human. And quite a lot of people now remember the times they have being translocated from somewhere else, spent some time in an animal body, or dolphin body, or whale body, or turtle body, and so on, and then come back into a human body.

What many are recalling in regression is actual and really happened.

Once this demigod created the physical more and more, he made tremendous changes to all the physical plane, and at the human level, he made changes to the bodies of expression that we have.

The bodies that the Divine humans had on this planet when the planet was etheric (it was not physical like it is now) were ethereal bodies. They simply had envelopes that contained the 7 chakras and they could be discarded. Then the units of consciousness could move about the planet, exchange with others or go to other planets.

But what the demiurge did was create this physical body and then these beings, as the conditions on the planet changed, were forced into physical bodies. And once they were forced into physical bodies they remained trapped.

Now the conditions that caused them to be trapped were very simple.

PRANA, the energy that is needed to run these units of consciousness, was cut off, because Prana and oxygen do not mix. And when he created massive amounts of vegetation, the oxygen that resulted destroyed the prana. During sleep one has to go into the astral world, to get prana. That is the reason for sleep. Without it one dies.

The other reason why they were trapped was that these ethereal envelopes depended on radiation from the sun. The radiation of the sun was altered. But not only that, the massive amount of atmosphere cut off that radiation, the ultra-violet and so on, so these beings were starved. And the only way they could survive was to go into the physical bodies, which were made to depend on oxygen, did not need the full range of radiation, and needed food which was provided.

The food was created not only to sustain the physical bodies, but also to serve a very important function. It programs the physical bodies so that those physical bodies do exactly what the food programs them to do. And that is why the correct food is a very, very important factor for one on the spiritual path.

Many of the elements in the mineral level are evil, they are spiritually toxic. Not only are they radioactive, among other things, but they are toxic in other ways. And as they go into a vegetable, that vegetable concentrates them and makes them more spiritually toxic. And of course the animal comes along and eats the vegetable and gets a greater concentration of these. And then of course man comes along and eats the animal and he is even more poisoned by these spiritual toxins.

And that is why all True Spiritual Masters who have come down have warned us about not eating animals. And that is also why most people who are on the spiritual path are vegetarians. One picks up the vibration of the animals. The animal is terrorized when it dies, when it is slaughtered, because it is a consciousness equal to five sevenths (5/7ths) of a human.

It has 5 units of consciousness and the human has 7. So the animal is almost at the same level as a human. Therefore eating it you pick up all its programming which then affects you.

All you have to do is go off meat, fish and chicken and so on, and you will notice the difference. But we have identified other food stuffs that are very detrimental to the spiritual psyche. Things like alcohol remove the etheric protection that is around the being so that possession by evil entities can occur.

The mechanisms and anatomy of the physical body are fairly complicated. They are not like the simple bodies of the Divine beings. There are a number of mechanisms that we have due to what the demiurge created.

We have this physical body, which apart from being programmed by food and drink and other things is programmed by the DNA and RNA molecules so that it degenerates and dies very quickly and whenever the demiurge wants it to. As well as the physical, immediately above the physical we have an electro-magnetic coat, called the ETHERIC BODY.

The etheric body is also a physical structure and as some of you know, has been photographed by Kirlian photography. That is the one that people also see clairvoyantly. It weighs up to 15 grams.

After that there is an ASTRAL BODY. These are all physical components of what make up the Vital being. This is the one we use in the astral levels. All these are attached and between them is a FILTERING MECHANISM so that you do not remember events when you slip out of the physical. You do not remember what you do. But people are starting to learn to remember. When you slip out at night and go astral travelling, and then re-enter your body, the filtering mechanism blocks off the experiences and usually you do not remember.

You do not remember past lives, or why anyone reincarnates, because of this filtering mechanism.

But through experiments that doctors and others have done, and through regression that we teach, you can bypass the filtering mechanism to some extent. And this is what happens when people recall near death syndromes or out of body experiences. They bypass the filtering mechanism and they can remember exactly what they did. Now experiments are being conducted where people are consciously getting out of their bodies. Instead of sleeping they are in an altered state of consciousness and go out of their bodies into other rooms and so on, and report back. They are bypassing this filtering mechanism that was purposely placed there by this evil demiurge so we would not know what was going on.

As well as this there is another electro-magnetic structure which is extremely important to the demiurge but very destructive for us. And that is the EMOTIONAL BODY.

All true Divine Masters say to "Destroy the ego and bypass the emotions!" The reason for that is that whenever you use your emotions, the spiritual body which is inside with the spiritual essence, is stimulated and this causes a drainage of energy. So you lose energy through the emotions and of course life on this planet is nothing if not emotional.

If you get angry you lose energy. If you become highly excited even through joy you lose energy. If you become depressed you lose energy and so on.

What all this does is make you lose energy to the demiurge.

In the times we go out of the body, particularly in sleeping, during meditation, in naps, in daydreaming, in petit mal epilepsy and coma, and so on, our consciousness is related to other dimensions. We do not simply exist in this dimension. There are many dimensions. It is a multi-dimensional system and people are starting to be aware of multi-dimensional existence. I mentioned before that the bodies are programmed. Now this is a very evil thing to do, but the demiurge has done this on purpose. Not only does it program the bodies, but it also programs the outer mind of the individual. By being able to do this it can make the individual do what it wants. So you see if you eat the wrong food, or if you eat things that can affect you, it can virtually make you go and kill someone, or it can program you to break laws, to fall into lust, or to steal, or to become angry and so on. And what does that do? That excites your emotional body so you lose energy, so it wins.

That is what programming does, it incites people. You know that people are programmed by nationality to fight, by religion to fight, by other things to become lustful and so on. Besides programming of the body it programs the physical mind and what that does is to cut off the connection to the nuclear Divine mind inside those centres of consciousness (and there are 7 in the human) which have the essence of the Divine. They tell you what to do, how to act, how to be Divine, how to not fall into trouble. And these are the ones that people connect to when they meditate. They connect, purify, protect and then connect to the Divine being within them, if they are of the Divine origin, obviously.

So by programming this outer mind evil cuts off the connection of the Divine being within and therefore it can control the mind and make the individual do what it wants.

In other words, it prevents the individual from expressing his Divinity. Jesus: ..."The kingdom of God is within". Look within, because it means that the Divine essence is inside us, not outside, and if you cut that off you are merely a shell, you are not a Divine being at all, a shell that can be programmed by what you eat and all the other things of the outside environment.

The programming agents, apart from FOOD are:

1.  OXYGEN which has a very strong effect on awareness. As you breathe it cuts down spiritual awareness. That is why, mediums who do trance work after a large meal cannot perform satisfactorily. The metabolic rate increases and one requires more oxygen. Hence one cannot transmit higher consciousness because the extra oxygen cuts off that awareness.

When you meditate and you connect to a higher consciousness you have episodes of apnoea, and the oxygen saturation of the tissues decreases. And that decrease is sufficient to connect to the higher consciousness.

2.  RADIATION cuts spiritual awareness. The more sunlight you get, the more it blunts your

centres of consciousness and of course in the combination with alcohol, it cuts your awareness immediately because they act together.

3.  Another one is the influence of WEALTH and POVERTY. You may not think this is important, but it is extremely important, because depending on your state of wealth your body can be programmed to act one way or another. The wealthier you are the more powerful you think you are, the more ego you think you have, the more destructive you can become, and so on.

The poorer you are, the reverse applies. The more likely you will be to steal. Some are forced into prostitution (because they want to) because of poverty.

4.  Things that are becoming important now in this world, are DRUGS. Drugs program the body and cut awareness very quickly. Do not be fooled by the fact that people who take LSD and other psychotropics can connect to other levels of consciousness. They usually connect to lower levels of consciousness and to evil entities. And they allow themselves to be open and to be possessed, and that of course is what the bad trips are that they sometimes experience later on. Alcohol and tobacco should be considered as drugs.

One can be subjected to negative influences that make one act in a way that is contrary to the Divine nature.

For example, when people drink they become more raucous, make more noise, they become more lustful, they become more aggressive with Dutch courage and so on. That is usually because they are receiving more of the negativity that is constantly bombarding the whole planet, and that is why protection is very important. So avoid alcohol at all costs.

The other thing with alcohol is that many discarnates awaiting to come into a physical body are alcoholics. Many are drug addicts, many are addicted to sex, and so on. And they hang around people who drink. You can see them in their aura and they push the person to drink more and more, because they feel a satisfaction then of the alcohol essence. And not only will they push the person to drink more, but they will also push the person to do other things as well, gambling goes together with sex and alcohol and so on.

Drugs, particularly the drugs of addiction; cocaine, the narcotics, heroin, morphine and all those, but also the non-essential drugs, even the medical drugs have an essence which programs people against their spiritual nature.

If you have to take drugs minimize them as much as possible. Get into the habit of transmuting the essence of the drug, just like you would transmute the essence of an evil crystal.

If any of you are familiar with St. Germaine and his work, or TRANSMUTATION, you can learn to transmute agents so that they will have less of an evil effect.

Tobacco is very much like certain vegetables. If you smoke it will cut down your Divine essence, your Divine awareness.

The cabbage family, which includes brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, but not Chinese cabbage, was found during the war to have deleterious effects on pilots. And in fact the United States Air Force banned it for its pilots because of certain physiological changes. But it also has spiritual effects.

There are disastrous physiological effects from all these anyway. From that physiological point of view you are best off not to have these.

5.  CRYSTALS and various other TALISMEN. Crystals belong to the mineral class. They have exactly the same chance of being Divine or evil as the others, so 30% of them are Divine and 70% of them are evil.

So the chances are 2 to 1, that if you buy a crystal, it will be evil, and it will do you more harm than good. It will have negative energy that it gives you. If it has been programmed by someone who is evil, even if it is a Divine crystal, it can also give evil emanations. So do not be fooled by crystals, they do not all heal. They are not all good.

6.  The other very big thing that programs humans is SEX. After food, sex is the strongest mechanism for programming people. Through sex people can be programmed to do just about anything.

And people do not realize that it is merely a programming mechanism. If we go back to the quote that I gave you from the Old Testament...."The sons of God looked upon the daughters of men, and found them fair", what that means is that because of sex many of them gave away their Divinity simply to be with the robot beings.

Now this mechanism is not only used to emotionally exploit people but it was also used to create bodies. If the sex urge was not pleasurable, if it was not highly emotional, no one would bother to have children. Who would go through all the trouble and suffering? But the demiurge needed physical bodies into which to place its counterfeit consciousnesses.

So you see people are programmed to have sex and to have more and more children. They are programmed even against their own will, in order to give the opportunity to the demiurge to place in the physical more and more of those evil consciousnesses in order to pollute this planet even more. And that is what is happening. All those millions and millions are the robots it is creating in order to exploit more energy from the True Beings whose number has been constant in this dimension since the evil takeover.

One big point affecting all of this is happening right now, with AIDS. AIDS was another mechanism that the demiurge used, like all other diseases, to control people. And this is because illnesses not only exploit and make one suffer, but they program also. AIDS started in animals, like all other viral diseases and then came to man.

But it is now used by the Light to do two very important things:

a.  To help break the sex programming of beings. Now people are starting to get frightened of catching AIDS, so promiscuity has decreased. And what that does is, in a way, prevent people, True Beings, from being programmed. And that is because if one has sex with a negative being it cuts one's awareness very, very quickly. So in a way people are prevented from losing awareness and their chances of awakening are higher.

b.   Secondly, AIDS is doing another thing: It is killing people off. It is taking them out of the physical, very quickly, and more and more will die in the next few years because of the clearing of the planet.

Everyone has to leave the physical in this generation. We all have to die within the next 12 years at maximum, because the whole planet is being destroyed, it is too polluted. It is terribly polluted and it cannot be left. It is too great a danger for the rest of the solar system.

So that is basically what the message is!

The period of clearing was given as a maximum of 15 years from 1985. There are less than 12 years left.

There has been a war ever since that celestial error occurred. Those of you who are aware of metaphysics know, that time is not a constant event. Einstein showed that. Time is a variable.

Now on this planet it appears that millions and millions of years have passed since the celestial error occurred, but in actual fact at the level of consciousness where this occurred it has been a very short time.

On other levels it is an extremely short time from when this error occurred till now, whereas to us it appears as millions and millions of years. But that is because our consciousness is fragmented. We are born, and die, born and die and we think it is a long time, but actually the consciousness is continuous. It is just that our bodies die, you see, and we think it is a long time. We are forced to die because the bodies have been created obsolete.

Our consciousness continues all the time. We simply die and reincarnate, and spend the between times in the astral, because we have nowhere else to go. The whole planet is sealed off. If you die on earth, your consciousness goes up into the astral planes, the level depending on how heavy or how light it is with the negative energy it carries and then you simply come back and start all over again.

It is a stupid system created simply to exploit people.

Some of you have heard of KARMA. Karma is supposed to be a reward for doing good things and punishment for doing bad things. Well, that is total rubbish, because if you look at people, if you regress people, it is the 30% of the Divine beings that are always punished and the other ones always go free.

It is simply another trick by the demiurge to fool people. It does not work. People are forever being traumatized. The Divine Beings are forever being traumatized, because they are the ones with the energy. The counterfeit beings do not have any Divine energy, they are just there to extract energy from the True Beings and they do that by all the evil things, that they do to the True Beings.


When the Hierarchy realized that there was this celestial error, it devised a PLAN OF RESCUE. It had to find a way to extricate the Divine beings that were trapped in the dimension with the least possible amount of suffering. And until this plan came to fruition it sent in Rescuers. These are what we call the prophets, or avatars: Rama, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Mohammed, and so on. But there have been many, many more than that. There has been Hermes, Horus, King Arthur of Camelot, and many others, and these gave always the same message that became distorted.

They told us what happened, and this is what we find in the story of Gnosticism and the Ancient Wisdom, and they said to the people..."Do not be concerned, remain faithful to the Light; there are two creations at war. There will come a time of Judgement. There will come a day of the Final Judgement, a day of Final Liberation, a day of Atonement, and so on, and just wait until that occurs."

And this has been the message of all the Masters until now. But because the majority of beings were evil, this information was pounced upon and distorted.

An example is the Christian faith in the last 2,000 years. At the time of Jesus the Christians divided themselves into the Gnostic Christians, Jewish Christians, Coptic Christians and new Christians. And these are the ones that destroyed all the other three, because the original three groups were Gnostics and knew what was going on, but the new sect was mainly of robots, or the counterfeit beings, that took over and destroyed the others. And this has occurred in every religion, including the Jewish religion, including Hinduism, including Buddhism. And they did this in order to destroy the true message, so that people would not find out what was going on.

And every time Gnosticism reappeared in the western world the Christian church, (which relies on distorted texts, the distorted bible, etc.) persecuted them and destroyed them. And it followed them, as I said, from the time of the Gnostics of the Roman times, to the Bogomils, to the Cathars, to the Albigensians and so on.

But that did not happen just in the Christian religion. When Luria wrote about this Gnosticism in the Caballah he was poisoned. You see, he was revealing what the truth was. And the system could not afford to have that.

Apart from the programming by religion and by education, we have racism, nationality and so on.

Rescuers kept coming in, and reminding us, and they have always come in to remind us. There are many rescuers even now on the planet.


This is a very simple version of what happened: Initially when the demiurge took over some of these people who were here managed to escape. As the dimension closed down they were mobile enough to get out. The original people who were here were called the ANCIENTS. Their first generation was the Ancients of Ancients.

Some of these were trapped but others were able to escape the dimension and are in dimensions around this planet. And they have formed, in order to help with the rescue plan, a unit called SPACE COMMAND.

They are in communication now with many people through channelling and through meditation. Many of them are the Ancients who have escaped and who are going to help people evacuate the planet when the time comes. The consciousness will go with them, the physical has to die. The consciousness will be evacuated. Do not forget the physical is rubbish, it is not worth keeping. It is totally polluted, it is diseased.

The maximum time is 12 years, but it could be much less than that. It could be any day. It could be 5 years, it could be 3 years, you must remember we are in a war, and in a war you cannot tell exactly what is going to happen.

Not only are there two types of beings, that is, Divine beings and what are called robots, or counterfeit beings, but also there are DEMONIC BEINGS. These are particularly vicious beings who were created after the Mother essence stopped sending in energy. And they do not respond at all to the Divine energy. They are particularly malicious and destructive. They are very damaging even to people of their own kind. They are very cruel, they are very hurtful. But sometimes they can appear very pleasant and like very nice people.

But apart from these two classes of consciousness I want to show you how complicated the story is.

There are other beings, there are at least 10 classes of consciousness in the human bodies. We are not all the same.

1. There are Divine humans of this origin who are class 4 beings that were supposed to evolve.

2. There are these evil beings, the robots.

3. There are one billion people, as I said before, who do not belong to earth. They are translocated from other places. There are many people on the planet now that will tell you simply...."I do not belong here, I know I do not come from here. I come from Venus, or, I come from Mars, I come from the Pleiades."

And they are not being silly. What they are saying is true. Because when they meditate they pick it up, or when they dream or when they regress they know that, and they will go back there.

4. There are the Ancients, 5 million of them.

5. There are the Ancients of Ancients.

6. There are class 5 spiritual beings; Angels, and Devas in human bodies at the moment. They are helping this process. Some are of the Divine class 5 and some are of the evil class.

7. There are fallen class 5 beings. If you lose enough energy through your centres of consciousness by accepting negative energy, by being polluted sufficiently, and manifesting evil, you lose enough energy that when you die and reincarnate, depending on what class you are in, you are unable to sustain your original body of manifestation, and then of course you have to go to the lower class.

And the class 5 beings, angels and devas, can actually fall and become class 4. And humans can actually fall and become animals. And you can see these fallen humans, if you are clairvoyant, in dogs, cats, pigs and cows. And even in snakes are they seen. And there is no escape for them, they cannot come back, because the whole system is closed and there is no Divine energy to elevate them, until of course the Final Judgement.

So you see regression can occur. Some people say "Oh, I do not care about being evil, we all come back as a human."

Well, you do not! You can come back as an animal, and you can fall even from an animal, if you lose enough energy to become a vegetable manifestation. That is, your consciousness may take the form of a tree, or a few trees, or a crop and so on.

And then, a consciousness can fall even further in the vegetable kingdom, and even go into minerals. There was a great sage, Babaji of Heidekhan who said that where he lived there are many, many souls in the rocks awaiting Liberation. And no one knew what he meant, until now. He was referring to fallen beings. They have lost so much energy that they are rocks. (Even Luria would walk in the fields and see the plants and rocks around him and recognize the fallen beings.)

8. There are class 5 beings of the Divine

9. There are the Rescuers. These are the consciousnesses that manifested as Moses and Krishna, Buddha, Rama, Jesus, Mohammed, and Manicheus, Nostradamus, etc. They were all Gnostics and they were also persecuted.

The Divine energy of these people, the prophets, was the Christ energy which is always on the planet and is even now on the planet through these Rescuers. Jesus was not the only Christ. There were many others before him, and many others after him.

The demiurge often cleared this plane his way, by destruction and evacuation of the consciousnesses into the astral planes, and then he would start again. And this would happen many times, due to flooding. The great flood of the Old Testament in one of those episodes. That flood affected every continent on the globe. It has been recorded in all the civilizations throughout the world, not just in the Middle East.

The purpose was to prevent people from awakening. For a descent of SUPRAMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS there have to be people in the physical to connect to people in the other dimension. If the people in the physical are not there, you cannot have a connection of the many levels.

Apart from floodings there have been other mechanisms such as nuclear wars and many holocausts on this planet to evacuate it. And of course the last two massive holocausts were in the time of Lemuria and Atlantis.


Because of evil forces and entities around, there is a need to protect your aura, your centres of consciousness. You have to learn PROTECTION. Otherwise your aura can be invaded by evil consciousnesses. Not only that, if you use drugs or alcohol, or you manifest evil in any way, you can become possessed. And many people are POSSESSED by evil entities, and they manifest as schizophrenics or as victims of mental disease. And many around the world now are becoming crazy, shooting people in masses and so on. That is because they are possessed.

This has always happened, but particularly now it is happening more because more and more demonic beings are crowding onto this physical plane to try and prevent that which is to occur in the last few years.

You should also CLEANSE your centres of consciousness.

Most of the channelling that is occurring now around the globe and particularly in America, through Lazarus, Ramtha, the author of Course in Miracles, Seth, etc. is all of the Dark side.

These are all of the dark side, because they are telling you that:

You create your own reality,

You can heal the planet.

You can escape death,

These changes are merely cleansing,

You are all perfect,

You are all God,

There is no need for protection,

There is no such thing as possession.'

There is no such thing as a Final Judgement, and so on.

These are all of the Dark side, and we know that they are. And they are all tricking people and preventing them from awakening. Do not be fooled by them. Anyone that tells you that you must surrender yourselves totally to the cosmic energies, that no harm will come to you, that you will get all the goodness, all the money, all the sex you want, is really trying to put you off your guard so that you will become polluted and will therefore not awaken.

In actual fact all the great philosophers, all the great teachers have said exactly the opposite....

That you need to protect,

That there is demonic possession and

That there is evil.

The other thing beings of Darkness say is that "There is no evil". Now if you believe that you are in trouble, because the first thing that the True Masters have said is that there is a WAR between Good and Evil, and these are saying there is no evil.

Only evil people say there is no evil, because in that way True Beings can be totally exploited by them.

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