Volume Two

Dr. Joseph S. Chiappalone

Presented by:

Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

First published 1988


Dr Joseph S. Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia   4885.

Copyright:   Dr J S Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy


ISBN 0 9587952 2 3


6          Traps For Awakeners

21        Psychic Atttack

23        The Mechanism And Value Of Suffering



Learn to practise controlled haste.

A little knowledge is dangerous.

Do not judge the worth of things when they are not understood.

Only fools judge in ignorance.

As the veils of the illusion are lifted, and as the stimulation to awareness causes a general awakening, many answers will be provided and many more questions will need answers.

Until the complete switch from an evil environment to purity occurs, traps will still be in existence. And until a being becomes proficient in discerning pitfalls and traps it must be extremely careful lest it is juggled from one trap to another to another.

This would cause confusion, frustration, bruising and emotional suffering and exploitation, the very things the being is trying to avoid.

A sincere and substantial effort is required by all beings to break away from the traps, to see other traps and avoid them. It is not easy, for if it was easy,, we would not be in this mess, and evil would not have controlled for so long and cause so much pain, suffering, and destruction.

Not all who profess spirituality and an interest in things of the spirit, of goodness and of healing, etc. are of the Light. The majority will prove to be those of Darkness.

There are there as traps.

The formal institutions and religions, the well established schools of thought, etc. are all overrun by these beings of Darkness. All schools of thought of the past have been overrun by the evil demigod's robots.

It is the intent of their actions which gives them away - see the proliferation of sects, gurus, mystics and masters from the East who ave seen the almighty dollar in the West and have set about selling mysticism to the Western masses. See the slick talking Evangelists stripping the dollars from their compatriots in the West.

Very few are genuine teachers of the Light.

Very few teach the seekers and then send them away to think for themselves. Very few do not demand enrolment, power, money, allegiance, etc.

The many who set themselves up as teachers of meditation, as psychic healers, as masseurs, as protagonists of Eastern mystic exercises for enhanced spirituality and awakening, of awareness and wisdom, need all to be questioned.

Their sincerity and intent need to be closely scrutinized at all times.

Many may set up as `life readers', as clairvoyants, gnostics, astrologers, chirologers, tarot card readers and as various subtle body manipulators, readers, etc. etc.

Many are cashing in on the movement to expand awareness. Many are insincere and fraudulent. Many are apparently sincere but still fraudulent. Many are puppets used by the evil side. Many do have overt clairvoyancy and other psychic abilities and may be used by either side to contact other realms and dimension as was explained in Volume 1.

Remember psychic ability does not reflect spirituality or Divinity in any way. In fact in most with psychic ability lower entities are being used to supply the information via the lower units of consciousness (chakras).

The ones who prove to be fraudulent are just as much a part of the evil plan as the genuine mediums used by evil entities. They help to cause confusion, frustration, and a general loss of awareness by being exposed.

Hence people hearing such exposures tend to regard all psychic phenomenological manifestations as fraudulent.

Frauds colour the view for the genuine ones. Seekers are embarrassed and shaken and many bluffed out of their search. Others who are fooled and duped naturally feel indignant and may paint all the practices that profess to expand awareness with the one brush. They are in danger of losing interest.

All these traps are there to prevent the true seekers from succeeding. It is the intention of these practitioners which counts. Look at them and their personal lives. Are they sincere, happy, wholesome, or are they heavy drinkers, drug users, destructive deceivers in their quest for fame, fortune, power,sex, etc. Look deep - their ulterior motives may be quite well camouflaged.

As more and more awaken, more and more will search but their search should always be WITHIN.

As more are awakened to a greater degree, various abilities and powers which are their Divine abilities will be rediscovered and come to the fore.

Abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, connecting to other planes, realms and dimensions, connecting to other consciousnesses will all manifest in previously `normal' people.

Those whose intention is questionable and who develop these abilities before others may use these abilities to the disadvantage of others.

Beings of both sides, that is Permanent Atoms and non - Permanent Atoms can become mediums, instruments, channels, etc.

What it really means is that they have rediscovered the ability to allow consciousness, usually higher but not necessarily so, to use the shell for communication.

The shell may be used by both good and evil entities.

This can cause much confusion to seekers early on in their path. Not all who come through mediums and channellers to speak are spiritual beings of the Light. Their information is not all correct and their advice is not always for the benefit of the Divine.

Some of these entities may give correct personal information in the early days just to create confidence. Once the receivers drop their guard these entities manipulate the receivers as well as the unguarded mediums and channellers. Mediums are used by either side.

The same medium may be used by either side simultaneously and give a modified sitting, that is, the medium may censor the information to suit itself.

Evil entities may come through and claim false identities, give false or misleading facts and/or advice.

Mediums should be shunned!

There is no need for them.

We all have the abilities to communicate with higher realms and consciousness directly.

Turning within is sufficient.

In that way all that occurs can be monitored by the practitioner personally and one cannot be exploited, tricked or mocked by unscrupulous hucksters.



One of the things one tries to protect from on this plane is what is termed `psychic attack'.

A psychic attack can manifest as physical symptoms which can mimic various forms of disease.

Hence, a migrainous headache and cluster headaches can be due to a psychic attack. Sometimes sinusitis and other facial pain can be due to psychic attacks.

Certain attacks of biliousness can be due to psychic attack, as can pain and tension in the frontal area, occiput, neck and shoulders, These have often been called stressful or tension headaches. They are characterised by severe tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. In actual fact they are manifestations of psychic attack.

Many people are aware that there are no physical causes for these symptoms and in fact they are able to perceive that the tension has been brought on by attacks on them by others in energy terms.

When awareness is grossly restricted people doe not perceive such a connection.

Psychic attack can also manifest as a number of syndromes sometimes termed mood-altered states, or states due to psychosomatic illness.

Hence, listlessness, lack of energy, inertia, symptoms similar to anaemia, depression, etc. may manifest. Clinically no physical abnormality is found.

More profound effects of psychic attacks can occur and these can so affect the targeted being that both physical and mental health can be seriously threatened.

This is the mechanism of voodoo, evil eye, bone pointing, black magic, etc.

Psychic attacks can be directed and manifested in the form of malicious thoughts, invocations, mantras and energy work by others. These practices of voodoo, evil eye, black magic, etc. do work and they do affect the aura, subtle bodies and energy fields of others. And it is because of these mechanisms that protection is necessary.

In our modern societies such overt mechanisms are not obvious and are practised less and less, but the reason is because there are other more exploitative mechanisms by which beings can be attacked.

I have covered some of these. They include the media and its expressions, particularly emotive scandals, pornography, slanted censorship giving exaggerated importance to things of a negative nature in newspapers, films, TV etc., multinational cartels with their deceptive adverting and injurious products including unsafe food, drugs and other consumer items.

These mechanisms of exploitation and psychic attack may not be recognised as such on first encounter but they are nonetheless very real means of psychic attack.

Even certain music, bright lights, various colours on billboards and their contents can be means of psychic attacks in modern society.

Other forms of psychic attack can come from specific rings of evil awareness, and then entities, discarnates, and demonic beings which can impinge onto the aura and subtle bodies of a being, either help cause more accumulation of negative energy on the subtle bodies of the being or influence the being adversely, or drain the True Being of positive energy.

A being experiencing a psychic attack can feel a heaviness about the head and a weighing down feeling across the shoulders - a metaphor not too exaggerated in order to express the effect of accumulated negative energy and these entities being carried on the subtle bodies.

Most often these entities merely influence the being to act in one way or another, thus programming the outer mind and causing the being to fall more and more into polluted situations.

The psychic attack often results when a malicious attempt by these entities or demonic beings, or other beings on this plane, try to invade the aura and penetrate the protective shield of the being they are attacking.

As one grows more and more aware and realises that such attacks can occur, and that energy drainage can occur, one should practise praying, and strengthening the protective barrier around the aura so that less interference and attacks will come from these entities and beings, and the less will awareness be jeopardised.

This will also spare the positive energy of the inner being and so Divinity is safeguarded.

Those who do not experience such things as psychic attacks, and those who deny that such attacks occur and therefore say that they are forever harmonious with the environment and both deny and defy the existence and effect of related practices, mechanisms and needs for protection are really totally converted to the evil system. That is why they feel totally harmonious.

They have complete evil outer mind programming and/or a loss of the connection to the inner mind. Remember it is the inner mind connection which cause scruples and uneasiness within, when evil programming is encountered.

Once connection is lost, due to negative energy programming and a severance of the pathway, harmony can result with the evil environment.

A being thus affected loses awareness and is not aware of the psychic attacks which occur upon him and the degree of programming and pollution affecting him adversely.

He is not aware of the stripping of positive energy from his inner being and of the danger to his spiritual well-being and Divine essences (provided of course he is a True Being).

It is the function of non permanent atom beings to trap and drain True Beings. And it is they, being perfectly harmonious with their environment, who are able to convince the unaware True Beings that any problems giving inner conflict are problems due to inadequacy of the individual and not to the evil environment.

This is of course not true.

The problems are not due to inadequacy of True Beings but to the evilness of the environment.

This has caused much heartache and many frustrations in True Beings in many, many cultures, in many, many lives.

There is less need in modern societies for overt mechanisms of personal psychic attacks. That is because the impersonal traps in modern society for exploiting beings are far more effective, appear far more obviously natural and are very refined. To the aware being they are obvious mechanisms of psychic attack.

The whole existence in modern society is now so exploitative in energy terms that there is no need for the specific practices of witchcraft, voodoo, evil, eye, pointing the bone, etc. which are the products of more ancient cultures.

All ancient societies had these mechanisms and they are remnants from the days when the significance of energy interactions, psychic phenomenology and spiritual awareness was of far more importance in the lives of people.

Hence, in the Australian Aboriginal society there is the practice of `pointing the bone'. In certain tribes of Africa voodoo and black magic exist. In the ancient cultures of Europe are found practices of the `evil eye', witchcraft, and black magic. These also exist in all other cultures - South American Incas, Red Indians of North America, Hindu tribes of India, the pseudo-Taoists of China, etc.

Every culture has been aware of these mechanisms. They were not accidental discoveries.

Modern society has stifled these practices, hidden them from view but only because other modern and more exploitative and more collectively efficient methods have been developed.

Besides, the degree of spirituality of the modern cultured societies is so far less and the people are so unaware that less direct methods than the ancient ones are used in a less personal way. The population is affected en masse in order to drain individuals within it of their energy.

So in truth, these modern societies are even more evil and more damaging to the Divinity of True Beings.

In the ancient cultures from which these practices of psychic attack arose the individual in society was not as constricted.

Although he was exposed to these practices and knew of them he was also aware of protective techniques and had far greater spiritual freedom. He was not as vulnerable as modern (and more spiritually stupid) man.

In the modern societies where these mechanisms have been obscured, beings have lost the knowledge of the significance of such protection and the modern beings have been more trapped, exposing themselves more and more to the overt practices which strip energy from them.

They do not realise this because the awareness has been reduced by modern societies in this way more effectively than in the more `primitive' ancient cultures.

The outer mind awareness, of course, is improved in modern society with trivial information and with spiritually useless education of a technical nature. The spiritual awareness is greatly reduced and the personal freedom for spiritual advancement is greatly curtailed.

Modern science and man claim they do not need "God". They have no need for a belief in what they term `mumbo-jumbo'.

This claim is of course due to evil programming.

Modern society is also so homogenous, programming, restrictive, and so constraining with its oppressive laws and systems, (due of course partly to overcrowding, partly to the concentration of populations in massive cities, and partly due to the polluting food and drink, which are unhealthily produced, chemically contaminated, dangerously irradiated, pollutedly packaged and unhygienically sold), that personal expression of spiritual freedom and practice is far less than in earlier societies inspite of laws having been passed to allow freedom of religious expression.

It is the mind of individuals which is programmed to a degree of restrictiveness far greater than in other previous cultures.

The system is so tightly governed that he who dares to go against it, or even merely question it, is singled out quickly, humiliated and ridiculed.

Individual expression along spiritual lines is far more rigorously inhibited than expression of aberrant physical traits or eccentric social habits.

This loss of awareness in modern societies and its resultant loss of protection have done more to destroy the Divinity of True Beings in these last few decades than centuries of previous existence.

It is certainly no coincidence that this has occurred.

It is a frenzied effort by the demonic demigod to exploit True Beings as much as possible in trying to avert its fate that will occur with the conclusion of this war.

It tried to manipulate its way out of the final confrontation which is to occur, hoping that it could strip enough energy from the beings with which to escape.

It is with great joy that the True Beings can celebrate the fact that it has failed miserably in its attempt to escape its final defeat.

Overcrowding, pollution, chemical contamination, antibiotic and other drug poisoning, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, negative television, etc. have reach their zenith at this time so that True Beings can be stripped of their energy.

The population explosion is an indication that more and more non permanent atom beings are being created with which to crowd this plane and cause the problems with which this overcrowded planet is burdened.

The higher the percentage of non permanent atom beings is, the more successfully can the evil system work to exploit the True Beings. Many of the demonic beings have been concentrating onto this plane also for the reason of energy extraction.

This manifestation via insatiable appetites for violence, anarchy, corrupting music, negative sex, pornography, alcohol, drugs and ungodly behaviour are overt signs of demonic takeover of this plane.

The energy drainage caused by large cities, crowds, certain music, noise, television, films, shopping centres, apartment blocks, etc. is the result of massive, concerted, purposeful psychic attacks by the evil society on True Beings.



In this chapter I wish to write about suffering and its mechanism, worth and significance. Having reached an understanding with this philosophy that the whole dimension has been overrun by an evil usurper, and that all has ben under his control, and that his main aim has been the exploitation of True Beings, in order to extract energy from them, it is obvious that he would cause the maximum amount of suffering so that the maximal amount of energy could be exploited.

This immediately corrects a profound fallacy, which has been propagated by the distorted philosophies of the religions, and that is that suffering is for the good of the spiritual being and that it would lead to a "higher reward in a heavenly abode". This is total and absolute nonsense. It is completely wrong. This explanation of the value of suffering given by the false philosophies is a fallacious one given to us by the evil system in order to trap us into thinking that suffering is worthwhile. In other words, it tries to program beings into accepting all the suffering and make it appear as if it is a consequence of a Divine order. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Suffering is due directly to the takeover by the evil being. It is due directly to the war. It is due directly to programming and pollution of True Beings, and emotional exploitation of them so that they can be stripped of their internal Divine energy, in this way losing awareness, losing their path, losing their Divinity.

Having read the chapters on Programming and Pollution and being aware of negative energy, you will realise that all suffering is a consequence of having accepted negative energy which has been produced by the evil usurper.

Suffering was never part of the Divine creation. It was never planned as part of the experiences of the Divine beings. Suffering caused by accident, injury, disease, degeneration, emotional exploitation, and the fear of many things including physical death, are the direct result of the evil takeover and the evil energy that has been produced since the takeover.

So you see, suffering of the normal permanent atom beings does nothing to improve their lot, nor does it help the general Divine pattern. In fact, suffering, if it is allowed to exploit the beings, causes much energy drainage and has a massively deleterious effect on them, for they lose their awareness and Divine potential.

So the more they suffer, as a consequence of exercising their free will and accepting the evil energy by various ways and means, and agents of programming and pollution, the more are the True Beings trapped and exploited.

All appear to suffer equally on this plane. That is, adverse circumstances affect everyone indiscriminately it appears, with accidents, disease, injury and degeneration touching all. All are subjected to physical death. All levels of consciousness which manifest in the physical plane are subjected to these mechanisms which cause suffering. But let us look behind the maya, behind the illusion.

We see that the targets for the suffering are the True Beings.

They are the ones who can yield energy that can be re-used by the evil usurper. The usurper created the non-permanent atoms, and there is no energy to extract from them for it has spent its own energy in creating them. These mock beings are used merely to set the scene and to allow entrapment of, and suffering in, the True Beings. This may be difficult to accept, like many other facts I have revealed, but it is the true explanation of things. The non-permanent atom beings, the mock beings, appear to suffer emotionally in all the consequences of living in this dimension. However, they do not yield any energy and they are used merely to make the dimension appear normal in this way, making it appear that all need to suffer, that no one should question this degree of suffering we undergo.

In actual fact the degree of loss of energy by non-permanent beings is negligible. If you could see, it would be obvious that they are programmed to accept suffering and its consequences. They cope better in conditions of suffering, humiliation, injustice and emotional exploitation because they have been programmed to cope exactly in that way.

Make no mistake about it, it is the True Beings who are the targets for the suffering and emotional exploitation. It is they who are imposed with excessive amounts of karmic retribution. It is they on whom the system pounces. It is they who are unjustly treated and trapped. But of course, you must remember it was they, who by an exercise of their free will, allowed themselves to be trapped and exploited in this way.

The suffering goes on and on, and would have continued in this way if the Rescuers had not made a valiant attempt to release the dimension form the evil usurper's grasp.

Suffering by Special Beings on this plane is different. Special High Beings have often come down with massive amounts of positive energy and connections to reservoirs of positive energy in order to balance the plane. If They did not do this, this dimension would have been lost long ago, and the True Beings trapped in it would have succumbed totally to the evil usurper. These High Beings, with the positive energy, then allowed themselves to take up suffering and to be exploited by the evil system, in order to pay for the `sins of the world' as it were. By undergoing that suffering they were able to liberate that positive energy within their Divine beingness and therefore balance the planet so that it would not fall further and further into evilness. Their positive energy neutralises negative energy. Obviously this is what is meant by "some of the great Masters have suffered for the sins of the world".

All Rescuers, all spiritual Masters have done this, including those who have been named and recognised as Divine beings and many, many who came incognito onto this plane to accept the suffering in order to be able to distribute their positive energy which healed individuals, communities, countries and cultures without that ever being known.

In this plane it is inevitable that one suffers. Negative energy, programming and pollution are so extensive that they cannot be avoided. Suffering in one form or another is assured. However, one can minimise the effects of negative energy, and the accumulation of negative energy by taking positive steps which I have mentioned to decrease programming and pollution. In this way the suffering and emotional exploitation of the being can be minimised.

Not all things, agents and mechanisms of programming and pollution can be avoided or diminished. Nonetheless, by awakening to this process which causes us to suffer, steps can be taken to decrease the suffering. It is the use of our free will to reject those agents which program us with negativity that will assist in this diminution.

Other things which would assist are the avoidance of the wrong foods, avoidance of alcohol, drugs, tea and coffee, tobacco, chocolate, the cabbage family, etc., avoidance of excessive exposure to the sun, avoidance of emotional stimulation, avoidance of the trap of negative sex, traps of the evil society, etc. These steps of avoidance may request a change of our environment, a change of our diet, an isolation from the mainstream of society if possible. Not all are in a position to do this, hence they need to be aware and this is why protection is very important.

Many of course have accumulated negative energy throughout many previous lives, and even in this one they have a burden of negative energy on their subtle bodies, inherited from those past experiences. It is inevitable that they will suffer consequences of this negative energy accumulation, but there is a way in which the drainage of their positive energy and loss of awareness and Divinity can be minimised while still suffering the consequences of that negative energy accumulation.

The last method of minimising energy drainage is this:

Let the suffering occur.

Let yourself be subject to that disease, injury, degeneration, accident and fear of physical death. However, do not be emotionally excited by the suffering.

Accept any eventuality with the full understanding of the mechanism of suffering, and that it was negative energy you allowed to affect you. It was programming and pollution which you allowed yourself to accept which caused it.

Realise that the imposition of this negative energy was a trap for you to be exploited emotionally, and to be drained of your energy, to be drained of your Divinity and to sever that connection with the inner Divine being, in order to cut awareness.

Realising all this makes one stronger to be able to suffer the consequences of that negative energy accumulation and not be emotionally stimulated, not be exploited, and not to be drained of positive Divine energy.

If this is done and the consequences of the negative energy accumulation are borne as unemotional suffering, then the being will not lose Divine energy. This is extremely difficult to do, but a valiant attempt is needed. The consequences of further energy drainage are disastrous, and therefore the effort put in to prevent energy drainage is truly worthwhile. One must control the emotions as much as possible in all these situations of suffering which threaten the inner being.

When massive calamities occur and individuals in their thousands are subjected to suffering, disease, pestilence and death, we are emotionally disturbed and this also causes drainage. We must understand that these mechanisms are used in order to drain the True Beings. As the non-permanent beings are caught up in them, so too are the True Beings, and they are the ones who suffer energy loss. If we allow ourselves to be affected we will be drained more and more. So in this difficult time ahead it is best to be unemotional to what is occurring, to realise that the suffering has been an evil mechanism to exploit True Beings of their energy. If one is emotionally affected, in this time of clearing, one can fall into the trap of being further exploited.

One must realise that these changes now are not to cause suffering. The same mechanism of disasters is being used for a different purpose, and that is for clearing of the planet and to put an end to all suffering. Therefore, our suffering and the suffering of others due to world changes should be the reason for great joy and happiness for the fulfilment of prophecies given long ago.

Suffer these times willingly and joyously because it is a suffering with a different meaning. I can understand that it will be difficult for people to accept the fact that the suffering they have undergone has been to no avail, that it was not due to Divine testing, that it will not reap any rewards in a new heaven, and that in fact it was a method of exploiting them, developed by this cruel usurping demigod. However, it is necessary to reveal the truth, to explain the evil plot that has occurred, and for people to awaken and come to the realisation that all this has been so.

Having come to the realisation of the mechanism and significance of suffering we are in a position, having exposed this evil usurper's plan, of being able to do something about it. Besides being aware that we ought to suffer as a consequence of accepting negative energy without emotional exploitation, we are in a position to say that we will refuse to accept further Karmic retribution inspite of the fact that we are trapped in this evil system.

This defiant attitude may appear absurd to some, however, it is our Divine right to be able to demand that we be left alone without pain and suffering. In other words, by doing this we are declaring to the evil usurper, in these last few years that remain, that we wish to have no part of his evil system and that by an act of free will we refuse to accept any negative energy which programs us and pollutes us. If the True Beings had done this long ago when the takeover was imminent, this dimension would not have been reduced to the mess it is now.

This revelation of being able to refuse Karmic consequences goes against all those false philosophies that have been propagated since time immemorial. They were distorted philosophies. They were used as tools of the evil system to further entrap the beings. We can defy the evil Lords of Karma, and we can refuse Karmic retribution due to the evil energy that we have been tricked into accepting. This defiance is our ability to stand up for our Divine right, and not be trodden on by the evil usurper and his evil system.

The suffering of others to whom we have become emotionally attached is also used as a means of exploiting us. And this leads us to the understanding of the mechanism and significance of the emotional body. As I have stated many times before, the emotional body is also part of the evil, anatomical, metaphysical makeup of beings. The true permanent atom beings in their true nature did not have an emotional body or emotions. These are mechanisms for exploitations of energy of True Beings.

Being trapped in conditions which call for emotional ties and bonds, such as families, children, siblings, connection to jobs, possessions, wealth and so on, the loss of these or the threat of loss of these things, and the fear associated with the loss are all mechanisms for exploitation of beings and making them suffer.

So you see in personal tragedies, for example the death of a chid, the child is suffering the Karmic consequences of previously acquired negative energy, but the parents and loving ones who care and are emotionally attached are emotionally exploited and energetically depleted by the death of the child, thus rendering great energy to the evil usurper.

Everyone loses in a situation such as this except the evil usurper and the evil system. No good can come from it, unless it is the realisations in those beings that to be emotionally attached like this and being emotionally drained like this is wrong. But the likelihood that they have reached this realisation and understanding before the facts explained in this philosophy is very, very small.

It appears a natural part of this system that we are emotionally attached to people and things, and yet how ridiculous this is, because if we see through the filtering mechanism and observe each other throughout many lives, some are enemies in one life and then loved ones in the next, some love us and then exploit us in consecutive lives and son on. It is all an illusion, it is all a mechanism to exploit us emotionally.

In cases of long-term suffering, for example, in mentally defective cases, in cancer cases, in physically handicapped cases, the mechanism is used to drain those associated with the victim. It is a cruel thing to do to these people, and yet that is the system which has developed because of this evil usurper.

Many have used the experience of suffering and the experiences of pain, disease, degeneration and the time of death to awaken, to self-realise, to question the significance of their lives and to return to a spiritual pathway and the thought of God.

Many more, however, have been so stricken by the severe suffering, pain, degeneration, death, and unjustifiable Karmic consequences in their lives that they were driven to the point of despising the system and blaming God for their afflictions. They turned hatefully against any Divine essence and denied the existence of a just, loving God. They became bitter, resentful, anti-social and hateful because of the punishment and suffering they had to endure.

Many have been unable to see the reason behind the punishments and suffering, and the injustices and the apparent lack of a Divine Will, and so have turned against their own Divine nature. And in this way they have lost much awareness and much emotional energy as a consequence. These in tun have become subjected to the evil system throwing away any idea that there is ultimately a loving, just God. And of course they are severely programmed and polluted and become instruments of the evil societies with which others can be trapped.

And so a vicious cycle has been set up in which the suffering mechanism has not been revealed. And because of the lack of understanding, people have turned against the Divine consciousness and they have allowed themselves to be trapped more and more in the evil system, accepting more and more programming and pollution and negative energy which then caused more and more suffering, loss of energy, awareness and Divinity.

It is difficult without an understanding of the mechanism and significance of suffering for human beings to understand what is going on in this dimension.

It is difficult for people to remain unaffected with all the suffering and injustices to which they are subjected. And the evil usurper knew this very well. It knew the people would react emotionally, and would not realise that emotional reactions would further exploit them and hence, giving him great amounts of energy.

It was difficult for people to reach the understanding because this information was never allowed to be revealed on this plane. And so with the suffering and injustices of this plane, the True Beings became more and more emotionally disturbed at this situation, and more and more depleted of their Divine energy.

More harm than good has come from this suffering imposed by the evil usurper. Most did become angry and denied the Divine Being, because of the unjust suffering they had to bear. Those who turned to the God of their origin and asked for answers to their questioning, and queried the need for this suffering and injustice have been denied these answers, knowledge and realisation until this time because the evil system had been so structured that it was impossible to bring this realisation onto this plane until now.

And so it is that many struggled under this burden of unjust suffering to remain faithful to their true source and to their true God. It just shows how evil the whole plane is and how evil the plan of the usurper was, to extract every ounce of Divine energy it could, from the Divine beings.

In thinking about this topic of suffering, bear in mind that this dimension has now been constructed in such a way by the evil usurper in order to allow the maximum amount of suffering for the maximum number of people in the shortest possible time, so that its energy yield will be maximal.

This may appear a cynical attitude to have, but look around you. Look at all the suffering in underdeveloped third world countries. Look at the exploitation in the wealthy countries, look at the poverty, disease, ignorance, degeneration and fears to which all populations are subjected.

Suffering can be physical, emotional and/or mental. Often those who live a long time are not necessarily free of suffering, in fact they may be the most exploited due to suffering in other ways. This is difficult to understand, but it is so that beings are subjected to suffering at all times in order to exploit them emotionally. Even, as I will show, in the overworlds (etheric and astral worlds) and underworlds, beings are continually exploited of their positive energy.

If you ever needed anything to convince you that this plane is not controlled by a loving, just God, but by an evil destructive usurper it would be this topic - the degree of suffering in the world.

No loving just God would ever allow the suffering that occurs on this plane.

No loving just God would ever allow the humiliation, degradation and destruction of His own creation as exist on this plane.

No loving just God would be so cruel as to allow beings to be in despair, declaring "God is dead".

It is no wonder then that the orders from the Divine Hierarchy have been to destroy this evil system and all those who supported it completely including the demigod, the non permanent atom beings, and the unfaithful True Beings who by an act of will turned against the Divine and are guilty of Treason. These will all be removed and this system will be totally destroyed for it is evil and against the very nature of the Divine beings and the Divine Hierarchy. Not a trace will be allowed to remain after this clearing phase which is upon us.

All should rejoice that all signs of this evil will be destroyed totally with no chance of this suffering and emotional exploitation of ever recurring. We can all rejoice that the countless prayers of all those members of the Light throughout the countless ages are being answered in this generation, and that they will be delivered from all the suffering, pain and fears of this valley of death.

The faithful beings should look forward to this time ahead, for although this time of cleansing and change will necessitate some degree of suffering for all, it heralds the re-establishment of the true Divine order. And this should fill us with all the Peace, Joy, Patience, Harmony and Beauty that it is our Divine right to express.

Just think, there will never be any more suffering, pain, disease, fears or physical death ever again once this dimension is completely cleared and the Divine order re-established. This must be the most joyous and momentous news anyone anywhere could ever receive.

And this is the message of this philosophy:

A Clearing of the Planet,

Destruction of all Evil,

Judgement of all,

Punishment of the evil ones and

Re-establishment of the Divine Order will occur.

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