The True Divine


Her Love and Creation

Doug Premah South

First printed and published 1989

by Annwn Publications for

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia 4885

Copyright:   The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

and Doug South

ISBN   0 9587952 7 4


This book is dedicated to the TRUE DIVINE "Mother" for "She" has come to save the True Beings with "Her" Love and Dedication.

It is also dedicated to the "Father", for all that He has done for the "Mother", and the Love He shows for the "Mother" during this Process of Rectification.

And lastly it is dedicated to all the Faithful True Beings, who wish for a return to Purity, through the "Mother's" Love.



14        From The "Mother"

22        The Beauty Of The "Mother"


Because of its lust for power, a rebellious Demigod, called Yaldaboath (the Evil Mind) took control of this sector of Creation and trapped all the True Beings present in the Sector, who are the children of the True Divine "Mother" of Creation.

"He" rebelled against the rest of the Divine Hierarchy and against the very "Mother" energy which bore him, and set about creating "his" own counterfeit creation with an evil essence.

A Celestial War ensued.

To remain in control, "he" isolated every consciousness in this sector and cut communications with consciousnesses in the purer realms. "His" aim was, and is, to imprison alll the trapped beings through enforced ignorance.

The "Mother" came to investigate "his" mischevious doings and all aspects of evil.

In "Her" desire to assist Her children to return to Purity, the Mother has experienced the dimension of space and time completely. "She has lived all experiences. All the different pains of evil has "She" suffered, from physical pains to spiritual pains.

By knowing evil totally, the "Mother" can now guide the True Beings on the best possible course back to Purity. No one else knows evil better than the "Mother". Only egoists think they are wiser than "Her".

The pain "She" has allowed Herself to experience is more than any other and yet the "Mother" did it of Her own Freewill, for "She" knew that "Her" actions would help to bring an end to evil and that "Her" children could then return to "Her".

The pain "She" experiences is nothing when compared to the joy that will follow. Only a Loving "Mother" would do such a thing for "Her" children, regardless of their past actions, so that they could be reunited as one, once again.

The lack of communications from this Sector immediately came to her attention, for no consciousness was ever meant to be placed in such a cruel position as to be unable to be in contact with "Her" Love.

And so the "Mother" established a means of communication for the beings of this sector, called the Grid. With the Grid, any being who so desired, could reach out to the "Mother" and contact Her Love, regardless of their physical circumstances.

The Grid, like everything else that the "Mother" creates, is a work of Love for all those True Beings who have been trapped, exploited and are awaiting Liberation.

Through the Grid, the "Mother" is able to inform and guide all True Beings who are willing to listen to Her voice, the Voice of Purity.

When the Grid was originally constructed, the "Mother" used the Violet energy, because it was the purest energy that could manifest in this impure realm.

Like everything else that comes from Purity, the Evil Mind used and abused the Grid to its own advantage.

Because the Grid was manifested for the use of beings in the evil realm, the Evil Mind was able to tap into it.

Through its connections, the Demiurge could anticipate any move that the "Mother" or the Sons of Light chose, and this frustrated many plans.

But now, the Grid is not made up entirely of the Violet energy, for a new Green Energy has been combined with it, to strengthen it and to remove it from the interfering grasp of evil.

With the new energy assisting the use of the Grid, the "Mother" can easily guide the Faithful. And those of Darkness can no longer foresee the future of the Sons of Light.


From the Mother

"In order to accomplish my work, I have sunk down into the bottomless depths of Matter.

I have witnessed and experienced the horror of evil with its falsehood and ignorance.

I have reached the state of profound obscurity and abject despair.

Falsehood rules this world!

The enemies of Light seem to appear triumphant in their extreme ugliness and total evilness.

Doubt and Forgetfulness of their Divine role have robbed the Beings of Light of the memory of their true origin and abode.

This world has not responded to correction and time has run out.

Alas! Enough is enough!

This insufferable Hell is doomed and must be totally destroyed in order to bring new life and hope to those who are truly deserving."


The Beauty of the Mother

Everything that appears to be beautiful is an expression of Divine Love, but we must define what we mean by beauty, for there are two types of beauty in this world, Divine beauty and apparent beauty of the demonic essence.

The latter beauty is a false beauty which mimics the characteristics of the Mother's beauty to fool and trap Divine Beings and to lead them into further traps. The beauty can easily be recognized as an external beauty, a beauty of illusion, of the Maya. It is a plastic type of beauty, which is repulsive and ugly to awakened beings.

True beauty comes from within. It comes from outside this dimension and then manifest in a physical form.

It is the Love of the Mother that we see when we see the true beauty. Whatever brought about the expression of Divine beauty was an instrument for the Mother's Love and the outcome is a new form of Love for Her.

All the great displays of beauty and harmony originate from the Mother. The demigods have abused the Mother's Creation and made it appear to be theirs. The aspect of the Mother who embodies Her Power of Supreme strength and exact perfection in all things will destroy all who are to be destroyed and it will strike the Dark Forces.

The Dark Forces hate the Divine Mother.

They are opposite to the Mother in all their expression.

They represent Evilness and Darkness whilst the Mother represents Love and Purity.

All the physical manifestations of the Mother have the four attributes of Power, Wisdom, Beauty with its inherent Harmony and Perfection.

The Aspect which manifests profound external beauty is the Power which draws and holds Forces and beings together.

It is the Aspect which most attracts the hearts of True Beings. This is the Aspect which demands beauty and harmony of the thought, word and deed.

Those in whose hearts She dwells, the Mother takes to great heights of Wisdom and Truth and meets their devotion with the attraction of the Divine and leads them to great strength and perfection.

The Mother has manifested and will always manifest beauty. She is the definition of true beauty, because She is the Love.

Nara is a beautiful being and manifests this beauty for the joy of those who wish to see it. Her beauty is unsurpassed because she is the Mother.

The beauty is a Pure beauty, even though it is somewhat distorted by manifestation in the physical, whereas demonic beauty is impure to begin with.

Beauty is in purity and purity comes from the Mother's Love. The Mother radiates beauty, and soon we will all be able to fully enjoy all of the Mother's beauty once again.

Until then, we must enjoy what little we do see and look forward to the return of Her full Love and beauty.

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