New Information


The Centres of Consciousness

Amitakh Chiappalone

First Printed and published September 1989 by

by Annwn Publications for

Amitakh Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia 4885

Second Edition Printed 1996.

Third Edition Printed 1997

Copyright:  Amitakh Chiappalone and

Annwn Publications

ISBN 1 875286 02 0


This book is dedicated to Haidiyakhan Babaji and my husband Joseph




Amitakh Chiappalone, B.A., B. Ed., Grad. Dip. Sp. Ed., M. Litt., Grad. Dip. (Psych.), and Doctor of Metaphysical Science, left a very successful career in Victoria, Australia, to concentrate on teaching philosophy and practical metaphysics.

She is a clinical hypno-therapist and a pastoral councillor, and has travelled extensively to give advanced classes in spiritual development and now is a full time author and lecturer in metaphysics.

Amitakh also conducts special meditation classes and workshops for students of philosophy and metaphysics.

Her other books include :

* The Revenge of Camelot

* Of Chakras, Rays and Healing

* The Meditation Booklet

* The Existence of Evil

* Manichaeism and The Attempted Refutations of Augustine of Hippo.


The information contained in this book comes from my direct observation and experience.

Before I begin my discussion on the subject of Centres of Consciousness I would need to talk a little about how the design of our present body came into being because it ties in with the subject of my discussion.

The original bodies were ethereal form manifesting in this dimension. They were not like the ones we have now (before the takeover of this dimension by the cosmic i.e. the evil demiurge). These bodies did not have organs. There were no digestive tracts, no respiratory tracts and no reproductive organs. Nutrition was via pure sunlight and True Lifeforce (prana).

The prana we have now is NOT True prana. Each ethereal body has energy centres which allow the seven individualized entities to communicate freely and share their experiences simultaneously in various dimensions. As soon as the aberrant aspect manifested and took over this dimension, it immediately sealed off this dimension and created many things to suit its purpose. It created its "own brand" of bodies. It created and placed an electromagnetic field around its creation, even around its new brand of human structure.

However, the original structure of the original body was kept intact in toto. For more information regarding the takeover of this dimension by the demiurge, read "Revelation of the Truth".

The demiurge limited consciousnesses by placing electromagnetic fields around them. It constructed the human body for expressing in its dimension, a dimension of its creation built over the original True creation of the Divine God.

Thus, there are two creations.

Ever since the takeover, the two sides have been waging a war which will be resolved very soon on this plane with victory to the Light and total destruction of all evil.

The human body as we know it now is thus:

Metaphysically speaking the human being has a physical body and other subtle bodies which are invisible to the physical eyes but can be seen by some with well developed senses. These subtle bodies are electromagnetic fields covering the Centres of Awareness of a being, that is, around the Centres of Consciousness (or Chakras in Sanskrit) which are the subject of this book.

The present body we now have is of a design of the evil cosmic creation. It has various organs which correspond to the Centres of Consciousness and are symbolic to the Centres of Consciousness.

What are Centres of Consciousness?

The Centres of Consciousness are the energy centres at the different levels of consciousness in the human system. They look like vortices of force.

In humans, there are seven levels of consciousness corresponding to the seven major Centres of Consciousness. There are seven major centres of consciousness and several subsidiary ones in the human body. They are vortices appearing in the etheric body, that is, the invisible body closest to our physical body. And these vortices show themselves at the surface of the etheric, and the etheric body is connected to the physical body through the Centres of Consciousness.

These seven major Centres of Consciousness are located at:

1. At the base of the spine

2. At the spleen

3. At the navel

4. At the heart

5. At the throat

6. At the brow centre

7. At the exterior fontanelle

In talking about Centres of Consciousness I shall be talking a lot about energies of course and different types of energies.

The Centres of Consciousness have been much talked about - that is, their use, their characteristics, their ability and connections and their consciousness and so on. Up to now, those have proven useful and satisfactory.

Our consciousness appears through power transformation and dissemination and is not confined to Centres of Consciousness for there are ones who can operate without these Centres of Consciousness or Chakras even in this realm. That is, they can bypass the Centres of Consciousness.

The use of Centres of Consciousness has been well explored and their advantages and disadvantages, as an expression of consciousness, thoroughly examined.

What if another method was suddenly switched on which each here could use? Would it cause confusion or would each be able to adapt quickly and with minimum disorientation?

Prepare yourselves - for something is now coming. This is only a preliminary announcement, but its advent and use will assist those of the Light to protect themselves better and to resist energy sucking to a greater degree.

The death of our system means the birth of another. But anything new has to be thoroughly tried and tested. Much of this has already been done, for the Infinite Laboratory has been more than busy!

The energy centre system of consciousness expression has not been very flexible.

It has been tied down by time circuitry of a complicated nature that could not be relocated easily as far as wave structure and frequency are concerned. That is, we are talking about this energy system of this evil system. It also has the disadvantage of being thoroughly explored and understood by the dark side.

Therefore, something entirely new and with a very complex structure was needed to bypass this old system and awakening to this has already begun. Now it is a matter of learning how to get the most out of this system.

Entirely new instruction will be given - but only after the beings of darkness are seriously disadvantaged in another way. This information is given to create a desire within ourselves to make the introduction easier.

Vision operates through many of the bodies in man. Whilst this is so, it can be stopped at various levels. The operation of responsive sight is controllable with Higher Beings. It is nothing like the lower reflex vibration that allows non-permanent atom beings (that is, those of the false creation - the counterfeit beings of the demiurge) to use it.

The internal expression of consciousness is the usual collecting point of the vision but it can be halted at any level that forms part of the being and used at that level. This does not register in any "vehicle" that is below that level.

Consequently in this realm we cannot make use of higher vision unless we "will" it to be so. In practising this, the ability to use another set of impinging impulses is brought into play. However, we are still limited because we are using the "vehicles" of the "soul" which is an evil creation.

It is possible to get beyond the "soul" to the True spiritual "vehicles" and make use of these via a combination of the "Third Eye" and the Crown Centre of Consciousness and then step what is seen down until it responds to the optical part of the brain.

The experience we have at each of these Centres of Consciousness depends on whether the energy is incoming or outgoing through that particular Centre. When the energy is outgoing we experience a particular activity taking place at that level of consciousness. If the energy is incoming we are able to sense something at that level of consciousness.

Each Centre of Consciousness vibrates at a certain rate of frequency and each Centre appears to have a varying number of petals or spokes, according to its speed of vibration. The spokes or petals are just symbolic of the rate of vibration at each Centre of Consciousness.

This varying rate of vibration of the energy at the Centres gives rise to varying colours and colour vibrations working through the Centres affect each Centre differently.

Each Centre of Consciousness has a colour relative to it and that colour has influence over it.

Each Centre of Consciousness also has a sound, relative to it. And that sound has influence over it.

Each Centre of Consciousness has a specific function. Each Centre responds differently to different influences or input. Each Centre is a different consciousness which we can communicate with and work with.

When your Centres of Consciousness are polluted or misguided, your actions will be influenced by them. When your Centres are working on a higher vibration and remain relatively unpolluted, your actions will be influenced by the Light and you are able to overcome the opposing forces more easily.

Thought implantation via these Centres of Consciousness are very real and a most common method used by the dark side. Therefore when carried out in the right manner, any polluted Centre can be cleansed and any possessed Centre can be exorcised but very, very few people at present are ready to receive the energy or the knowledge of doing this accurately to result in a True Transmutation.

It is safer to try and help oneself as much as possible than to get someone else who does not really know how to help you, as your chance of getting a polluted being or a demonic being to assist you is far greater than finding the right person.

The chances of getting one who is a demonic being and being so-called assisted by one who is a demonic being or an evil being (evil in nature that is, for outwardly they can appear to be very nice, very spiritual and because of programming you perceive the person that way) is higher than finding the right person.

And being assisted by one who is not from the Light or who is polluted, can do more damage to you than helping you because that person can pollute you and cause you more damage in the long run.

Certain Centres of Consciousness are more prone to certain types of influence including negative or evil programming and we can learn how to get rid of the programming and prevent further programming using certain techniques.

The important thing is to understand how the problem arises, where it originates and so on, before you can effectively use any of the exercises I shall give you later on in the book, otherwise the results will not be obvious. For precaution sake I will not give you all the techniques but a few of them will be given to assist those who are interested.

We can also de-program our Centres of Consciousness and transform them into effective Centres of expression for the Divine. Negativities in any of your Centres of Consciousness are usually accumulative over many lives. We can educate and help guide our Centres to relate to one another by counselling them.

At the higher Centres the energy vibrates at a higher frequency. At the lower energy Centres the energy vibrates at a lower frequency. The higher the frequency, the finer the level of consciousness within man. The lower the frequency, the grosser the level of consciousness within man.

Each Centre vibrates at a certain rate from the lowest (Root Centre) to the highest (Crown Centre). There are seven major colour rays and each of the seven major rays is divided into many sub-hues. Colour vibrations work through the Centres of Consciousness and affect each differently.

The seven major colours are:






Indigo, and


In the colour spectrum, red has the lowest vibration and violet, the highest.

On the musical scale we have the notes of:








In terms of music, C represents the lowest vibration and B the highest vibration.

There is latent energy dormant in the Centres of Consciousness.

The Centres of Consciousness are energy centres with many types of "artificial" energies influencing them, instead of the True pure energy called the Divine power. When the demiurge took over this dimension he came up with many different energies that give the required feeling to the one involved but have nothing to do with the real situation.

For example, when a True being succumbs to the temptations continually put in front of him, inwardly he feels uncomfortable for a time. However his evil mentors feed a little corrective energy (inferior brand) to him and he feels better and more satisfied. Should he later on feel the inner urge to try to return to the path he knows he should be following, then the artificial energy giving a sense of peace immediately reacts in such a way that he feels better as he is.

Certain types of energy can also be fed or programmed through the Centres of Consciousness to make the person feel in perfect harmony and love with another person who is totally opposite to him in vibrations and ontologically.

For example, a True being can temporarily feel extreme harmony and love with an evil, demonic being when the opposition is able to feed a certain type of energy to the Centres in order to bring about a desired reaction.

Thus it is important to cleanse and protect your energy Centres and live in the Divine consciousness to avoid such impositions.

This is why so many of the True beings end up with a partner who is not of the True Divine creation. It is done on purpose in order to trap True beings and to pollute them and rob them of their Divine energy. Once that programming wears off, they start to fight like cats and dogs.

Of course, other ways of programming can bring about this sort of reaction. But all the same, they use programming at an energy level and usually through the Centres of Consciousness and also via food which acts through the Centres of Consciousness via the energy that it carries.

Another example is a type of energy which gives a sense of wellbeing when there is little or no cause for it. There is also a type of energy that turns `idiots into saints' when programmed through the Centres. They feel unbelievable love and kindness towards everyone, exhibiting all those characteristics that impress the ones around them. This has got nothing to do with the awakening of the Inner Being in the Heart Centre.

Such beings are Robots in the first place and their reactions are nothing more than programming.

This type of energy can be used on True beings but it is not nearly as effective as on robots i.e. the non-permanent atom beings or the counterfeit beings. It takes much more energy and its effects are short-lived in the True being. With Robots, a little goes a long way. They can be kept in a state of seemingly "Divine ecstasy" for quite long periods using very little energy.

There is a lot of energy stored within each of the Centres of Consciousness. That is why deterioration of each level of consciousness has not been more rapid. The fouling-up of energy has polluted everything that is in it and that is why our Centres of Consciousness can be so easily polluted and so many problems originate from there. We can do much to counteract that fire, our Centres of Consciousness. This I will discuss at length in the later chapters.

We should aim to raise the energy in our body to the level of the higher Centres. The best way and the safest is through meditation. The rate of vibration of the energies increases as it moves higher into the higher Centres because they vibrate at a higher level and the awareness is higher in the higher ones.

If a Centre of Consciousness is used more actively than any others, then the consciousness works on that level and we express at that level.

An active Centre of Consciousness does not mean a developed Centre of Consciousness. A Centre of Consciousness that appears to give out beautiful colours of vibration does not always tell the true story.

Colours are energies and different colours are different energies. We all vibrate in different energies. When your energy repels other energies around you, there is either a disharmony, victory or defeat, depending on the "intent" of the energy.

The display of the energy, the interaction of that energy and the extent of the energy and the extent of the different energies mingling together all have an influence over one's life.

Mingling of different energies can cause pollution, spiritually speaking that is, pollution of your Centres of Consciousness and affecting your physical, your etheric as well as your astral and spiritual bodies. When you are bombarded with energies that are invisible to you, that is, the colours that are invisible to you, you get affected without even knowing why you are affected or how you are affected or from where the energy came.

If the energy appears to be stronger than your energy at that time, that energy will take control. That energy will be the influencing energy over your energy. So be conscious of your energy and the energies around you.

If you have to adjust to other energies around you in order to bring upon the harmony, just ask yourself, " Should I or should I not adjust my own energy to suit that of the other?" If you are in tune with the True Self, you will know when to alter your vibration around you.

Sometimes it is easier for you to bring your energy a bit lower to that of those around you in order to fulfil a goal, provided it is not a negative or unwise move. There are times when you need to let go of the fact that you have to lower your vibration in order to suit those around you. Instead you have to rise up above those vibrations around you in order that you are not caught in the same situation as the person around you.

As a physical being you take up seven major colours which means you take upon seven major vibrations or energies apart from all the other energies that are influencing you and most of these energies interact and intermingle with one another. One minute you might vibrate on this energy and the next you might have changed and you might be vibrating on another frequency.

With the bombardment of other energies your mood can change also. Therefore be conscious of all the factors and learn to attune, to adjust and to control the rate of your vibration intuitively.

This can be done by being aware of your thoughts, of your moods, of your words, of your deeds, of your environment, of whom you are mingling with or dealing with, etc.

Learning about the Centres of Consciousness will help us to understand what is going on with those parts that are so much an important part of our lives so that we can learn to control the energies in our bodies which affect us and we can learn to control our lives more and more instead of allowing them to be in the hands of other forces.

Pollution by negative energies is one way people get themselves partially or totally possessed. That is, it is a condition which makes it possible for possession to take place.

Energies are expressed as wave forms with their own will. These wave forms are beings. Within the energies are information and activities. With Beings of Great Purity, the energy is pure and its intent is pure and therefore not damaging to the being using it. Energies that are not of a positive nature will of course affect people adversely.

At present a new energy has been introduced on this plane by the Light. This new energy will be fed to those who show themselves willing to work against evil and this new energy will move against the ones who oppose correction.

The ones resisting correction or purification will be caught up in the midst of turmoil which will appear very unsettling to them because of the energy involved. And this new energy cannot be polarized.

The AURA is the energy manifestation around a person's magnetic field and is associated with the flow of energy released from the seven major Centres of Consciousness.

Usually the size of the aura and the colour of the aura are related to the individual's ability to control the vibrations of the energies within the Centres of Consciousness. But of course there are exceptional cases.

If a particular Centre of Consciousness is extremely active, that Centre of Consciousness will give out a very strong emanation. Hence from the aura of a person much information can be obtained according to the characteristics of the Centres of Consciousness and its influences on the person and his environment.

One word of warning: Not all manifestations of a beautiful, brilliant aura mean that a person is very, very spiritual or that the person is a very high being because manifestations of the aura can be due to various factors including programming or pollution and so on, and it can be put on by those who know the mechanism of changing it. These do it consciously to fool others.

So unless you have the real vision and look behind the energy, you can be easily fooled. Likewise, there are those who turn off their aura in order to avoid being detected and these can be very high beings. In this dimension it will be more likely that evil beings will manifest beautiful auras at will with which to fool and trap the unwary.

The energy manifestation around a person's magnetic field can be affected by negative energy accumulated on the subtle bodies and its margins can be invaded by various entities including the discarnates. Therefore it is important to cleanse your aura, that is, to cleanse your Centres of Consciousness.

In hostile environments the wise high beings usually turn their aura down in order not to attract attention in the realms they are in. So in this dimension if you truly can see auras, beware of those who emanate beautiful auras.

Our Centres of Consciousness are energy centres which can be controlled by outside forces and also from forces within.

Each of the Centres functions on many levels and each Centre is capable of vibrating with positive energy as well as with negative energy. The basic patterns of our physical functioning both determine and are determined by how the energy flows through these very subtle Centres.

Take for example whenever we are sick, unbalanced or emotional or have negative feelings. These are always indicated by the pattern, the movement and the essence of the energy within the body. Therefore we can help heal ourselves by concentrating on various parts of our bodies and these concentration practices are simple, but quite specific.

When our physical energy is being blocked, we may feel sick or afraid or lack confidence. In a case like this, we can learn to concentrate on the stomach at a point below the navel and give it healing and cleansing. This is only an example I have given you.

Our Centres of Consciousness are Centres of accumulation of energies, energies which control certain activities.

Therefore there is an accumulation of energy at the Root Centre and those who have control over these energies succeed in mastering them and raising them up and placing them in the higher Centre of the Heart.

The Heart Centre is the Centre of the energies of progress and the will to progress so the energies concentrated in the Root Centre are pulled upwards and placed in the Heart Centre. As the energy increases considerably so that the Root Centre becomes calm and controlled and balanced, that is, when the energies from the Root Centre are raised through the spinal cord to the different Centres and awaken the Centres, they open them, and set them in motion one after another in the right manner until the energies reach the top of the head and then go out from up there.

When one has succeeded in doing this, that is, in raising their Kundalini energy, the next step is to master it, to guide and develop it, to guide it to all the Centres and to awaken all the other Centres of Consciousness. And of course once one can do this, one is master of the functioning.

And when one has mastered this process, one can then use these energies wisely. One pulls them up and puts them in the places where they are useful instead of putting them in places where they are not wanted. One can then use these energies in the right way for progress, for Transformation and for healing.

This process is what we call Transmuting the Sex Energies into the higher energies for positive transformation in our spiritual life.

All the Centres of Consciousness are in the middle of the body. They are supposed to be attached to the spinal cord but in fact these are in the etheric body although one has the feeling of their movements as if in the physical body when one becomes conscious of their movements.

These Centres of Consciousness are anchored in the lower etheric body and they correspond to the organs in the physical body which receive the flow of energy from the higher bodies necessary to its functioning.

Some of the placement of these Centres of Consciousness correspond with the nerve (or nerve plexus) centres and to the meridian points in the body. Each Centre of Consciousness is a gateway to other dimensions and each Centre of Consciousness holds numerous different experiences for the individual to explore and to learn from.

The more one is purified, the more chance of one being able to venture through the higher dimensions via the higher Centres. Depending on the ontological nature of each being, each will have a different type of experience in a different dimension. Of course those of a Divine creation can venture into the lower dimensions via the lower Centres.

However those who cannot control the higher energies (the purer energies) cannot venture into the purer realms, or even those of the lesser pure realms unless under certain circumstances when they are being helped to allow such an experience via certain means.

In most people these Centres of Consciousness are closed or unawakened or partially opened. This makes them see themselves in others. They have a distorted view of things and people. Such distorted comments like "we are all the same" or "all men are the same" or "all women are the same" are often used by those people.

It has been an evil plot to disguise the duality of essence - even in the human level. And what this information is doing is uncovering the Truth so all may see it once again.

There is no other way to say that humans -are not alike, other than to say that:

some have a Divine consciousness

some have a counterfeit consciousness, and

some have a demonic consciousness

This fact can no longer be buried. It must be exposed fully. All people must come to this realization whether they like it or not.

The division, disruption and disharmony this truth causes to the apparently `stable' fabric of society is intentional. In what other way can the Truth of things be exposed?

In what other way can the evil deluding beings be exposed?

In what other way can the treachery of the demiurge be exposed?

In what other way can the trapped True Beings be liberated?

In what other way can the evil energy patterns be fractured sufficiently to liberate other aspects of the Truth?

In what other way can the evilness of cults and sects be exposed to the Light of day?

In what other way can True Beings be forced once and for all to see the costly traps into which they have fallen?

In what other way can those strangling emotional bonds which hold them down in evil constructed traps (relationships) be broken?

In what other way can the True Beings be given the chance to make the final choice of where they wish to stand in this cosmic battle of essences?

It is vital for all beings to be aware of divisive information. For in Truth - it has to divide, disrupt and break the fabric of society to allow the True Beings to escape their exploitative and stupefying mechanisms long enough to realize what is going on and - to do something about it.

It is vital for the True Beings to hear it precisely for this reason, so that they will awaken to the Truth which has been kept from them. And it is vital that the evil beings hear it so that they will know that their cover has been blown, that they are finally exposed and that something quite definitive is being done about their mendaciousness and treachery.

And in spite of how violently they react in protest to this information - these failed evil beings will know they are doomed.

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