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Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Printed and published in Australia, 1997

by J S Chiappalone

Copyright 1997 J S Chiappalone

ISBN: 0 646 30732 0

All spirits are enslaved

which serve things


Percy Bysshe Shelley


                 O.J Simpson - The Day Justice Died

                 The Shadow Government

                 A Parting View Of The New World Order

O.J. Simpson � The Day Justice Died

The Constitution of the United States was remarkable in proclaiming the freedom and rights that people should always have, rather than privileges that are granted by the powers-that-be. Produced by less-than-perfect men who were products of their own biased society and conditioning, it sought to define the freedoms a person should enjoy from the abuses and tyranny of government and law. It did not in any way declare government itself to be somehow noble and free from abuse and exploitation, but reserved that right for the people to decide. Yet, in just a couple of centuries, rather than perfecting this system of justice, truth, and freedom, Americans now live in a society that routinely destroys these noble qualities � in the name of "law".

Sure, it could have been a Columbian drug lord's hit squad that killed Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman, as Johnnie Cochran said. But to any rational person, the evidence clearly proved that O.J. Simpson butchered those two human beings with a very sharp knife. He planned the murder, the escape, the alibi, the cover-up, and denied any guilt. It took a nearly all-black jury about 3-1/2 hours, after eight months of testimony, to find him innocent of criminal charges and set him free. If there were true justice in the legal system, O.J. Simpson would have been found guilty. Instead, he is totally free, enjoying playing golf, and selling his fairy-tale story in the media for millions of dollars. Still, he said he would pursue the "real killers" in his spare time, while rehabilitating his image (and his golf game).

There are great lessons learned from this case regarding the level of evil, ignorance, and lack of true justice in the legal system. First of all, looking at the same hugely incriminating evidence, the vast majority of blacks across America decided that O.J. was innocent, while the vast majority of whites decided that he was guilty. It would be too kind to suggest that everyone looked at the evidence, and made their decision accordingly, using intelligence, morality, conscience, and truth as their guide. Rather, all of the evidence was easily overlooked, in favour of emotion, ego, and feelings of racial pride.

What this case proved was not that O.J. was innocent, but that no matter what the truth is, blacks will believe what they prefer to believe about their heroes in life. Similarly, whites have shown in many cases as well, especially when a black person is accused of doing harm to a white person and the jury is largely white, that they will believe good about whites and bad about blacks. The case highlighted the power of racial programming and the vectors of racism.

The legal system is far from colour blind. The O.J. Simpson trial proved that truth, justice, and accountability take a back seat to egotistical, social, racial, and emotional factors. Ironically, though blacks feel that they were defending "one of their own", that is not the case. In fact, the reverse is true. O.J. Simpson, with his relentless sexual pursuit of white women, preferably blondes, and his/her Maserati lifestyle, was as far removed from black America as any rich white man. And, like any person who can spend millions of dollars to hand-pick his/her own jury, and millions more to put on a circus of lies, deception, and confusion in court, he proved that the rich can often escape the law.

The O.J. Simpson trial, and all its players, including the very greedy lawyers, only strengthened a system which oppresses the poor and exonerates the rich. Simpson condemned his hero-worshipping black brothers to still less leniency in the courtroom in the future. O.J. won a victory for the rich, famous, and evil everywhere, not for the poor, the downtrodden, the good, or the less well-known. That's a fact.

What is hard to believe is that anyone could still have faith in a system that pretends to be able to find the truth, present it objectively, and apply justice appropriately. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is quite clear from the Simpson criminal case � the "trial of the century" � that O.J.'s lawyers did everything they possibly could to distort, twist, suppress, and deny the truth. Any evidence that indicated O.J.'s true guilt was challenged as being somehow "evil" or a "conspiracy" against O.J. This is exactly how evil works. It condemns truth as a lie, and right as wrong. And it aggrandizes lies as truth, deception as honesty. The self-serving remarks of O.J.'s lawyers, proclaiming how the "Bill of Rights" was shown to work, and how they used the law to save their client, are perverse beyond belief. Is the intention of the law to allow those who are most cunning to evade it, to evade justice? Is good served when evil is rescued from any true accountability? The elation and celebration of those who stood by O.J., no matter what, rings hollow. Americans saw scenes of many black congregations led by ministers who prayed for O.J.'s freedom and who wildly celebrated the event; and we even saw a large room full of black law school students at Howard University in the nation's capital, who leaped in unbridled joy when the decision was announced. The praise for the "good job" Johnnie Cochran did was effusive. A jury member proudly proclaimed that "as a matter of fact I know we did the right thing". Truth had been totally silenced.

People actually take pride in their ignorance, in their willingness to abandon reason and give in to their lowest instincts, ego, and emotion. They do so gladly, smugly, insultingly thanking "their Father" for support in their greatest delusions. The same righteous ignorance that is displayed in religious fervour is now part of people's everyday attitudes and beliefs.

The United States has become a land of self-interest, delusion, and unbridled arrogance in ignorance. And it is leading the countries it dictates to, and bullies, inexorably along the same path. The assault is pernicious. But the influence is masked as initially-shared commercial success and consumerism, with McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pepsi, and the like, leading the charge. Truth and justice have died in America and its subsidiaries like Australia which now is such a micro-clone, one wonders why it simply does not relinquish its identity and become another of Uncle Sam's Pacific states like Hawaii.

Evil has taken precedence, and untruth is wielded with pride and power by those who willingly embrace it. Today, evil even has its champions. Doing a "good job" for evil is now ironically seen as doing "good". (Since writing this, O.J. has been found "liable" in a civil trial, but plans to appeal.)

The Shadow Government

Some people conceive of the U.S. as a great experiment in equality and justice, gone bad. They are unaware of history if they think the experiment is just now failing. Corruption and evil were always there, waiting for their opportunities � making them � behind the scenes. Nathan Miller writes, in Stealing From America: A History of Corruption from Jamestown to Reagan, "Corruption is as American as cherry pie". He notes that insiders (merchants, industrialists, and financiers) have been making fortunes since Revolutionary times. They financially benefitted from the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and both World Wars. During war they sell at enormous profit, and loan money to the different sides; afterwards, when economies are beaten down, they buy up everything for pennies on the dollar; and, governments remain indebted to them. The financiers remain in the shadows, but they cast a long shadow. Miller quotes H.L Mencken, "Ruled by shady men, a nation itself becomes shady".

Most typical residents of this world have absolutely no power or say in the way things are. They have no say in the science and technology that run their lives; they have no say in the crafting of laws for the benefit of the elite; they have no say in what the media promote as "objective truth"; they have no say in how the economy and business operate; and they do not question religious indoctrination. Democracy and equality are an illusion. Religious freedom is an illusion. Economic freedom and equity are an illusion. Freedom is an illusion.

This world is totally controlled by forces that are not in any way accountable to its true spiritual residents. The most important issues never show up on the ballot. A voter, even in the most "democratic" country, is removed from any position of power by an intercessor. There is a "representative", who may or may not sit on a committee, which recommends and controls the issues that are brought to a vote, which issues are voted on by other "representatives", who are richly lobbied and financially supported by special interests, who decide which bills are written, advanced, altered, or vetoed, which eventual legislation may be perversely interpreted and regulated by a mindless bureaucracy, which laws may be unjustly adjudicated in the courts. Are you beginning to have a sense of how distant you are from any real say in how things are in this system? But, it is worse than this.

A shadow government that is not even elected controls governments worldwide. The people with the real power are never seen in public. They remain hidden, and only have their puppets in positions of authority and power do their bidding. In the same way that the "intelligence" agencies have hidden from view countless millions of pages of documentary evidence of what is really happening, and what the government is really doing, there are forces which operate behind these agencies to ensure that nothing threatening to the powers-that-be ever surfaces. It has nothing to do with national security, and everything to do with keeping the general population ignorant, controlled, indoctrinated, and suppressed.

I have mentioned names such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, the CIA, the International Monetary Fund, and so on. They have all been powerful covert forces in determining international affairs, though very little has really been known about them and their true agendas. We never read about the secretive powers-that-be or their agenda in the papers. The Bilderberg Group meets every year at a different unpublicized location, attended by more than a hundred of the most powerful international financiers, industrialists, media moguls, and political leaders, or their agents. Representing U.S. and European oil interests, international bankers, transnational business interests, and key people in government, it would be impossible to believe that members of this group have no agenda, no purpose for meeting in total secrecy. Yet, the meeting is always said to be just a bunch of people discussing international issues, informally, with absolutely no agenda. Of course, it is ironic that though key officials of the most powerful newspapers, such as the Washington Post, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times attend, they never let any reporter cover these meetings or even mention that they have taken place. Bilderberg members include Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and others in the Rothschild-Rockefeller sphere of influence.

The Council on Foreign Relations includes many, many cabinet members and key appointees in every administration; many, many media reporters and anchormen in television, the newspapers, and news magazines, including "public broadcasting"; college presidents and other key academics at universities; many key leaders in business, industry, and banking; supreme court justices; and people at foundations and think tanks. The Council on Foreign Relations pretends to be a "populist" group (though membership is for the elite, by invitation only), beneath the higher level Trilateral Commission, which is a front for the more secretive and elite Bilderberg Group, which is sometimes referred to as the "global shadow government". But, the Bilderberg Group (like the Bohemian Grove, the Skull and Bones Society, the Knights of Malta, and the Club of Rome) is but a front for the real powers-that-be who prefer to never appear in public, no matter what the apparent level of secrecy. They remain hidden, with their fingers on the strings of these groups, like playing with so many puppets. There is an unbroken chain of command of evil, through all levels of society. How is this possible? The leaders all share the same evil nature and are essentially of one mind.

It takes very few, extraordinarily rich and powerful, obsessively controlling people to rule this world. It takes a single message from and to the right person, to cover up the truth about anything - the Kennedy assassination - the Lincoln assassination - the shadow government - or all the devious and evil acts perpetrated in "the nation's best interest". The powers-that-be don't have to "infiltrate" or "take over" the Central Intelligence Agency, or the National Security Agency, or the Federal Reserve, or the State Department, or the United Nations � they set up (and have always had key people in) these organizations, for their benefit. And, the media is similarly easily controlled by "national security" directives and the disinformation which then passes for "news" and "objective reporting". Layer upon layer upon layer of bureaucracy keeps the average person insulated from any connection with the focus of power, but does not in any way impede the shadow government, which has its finger on every important button, and determines world policies and events with a simple phone call.

Since the entire system is already operating for their benefit, they only need to make minor "corrections" along the way. The CIA, FBI, and Mafia have been implicated in the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., and the subsequent cover-ups. John F. Kennedy was adverse to the CIA (he thought of dismantling it), the Federal Reserve Bank (he thought of abandoning it), the military-industrial complex (he was against its proposed war in Vietnam), J. Edgar Hoover (who was a blackmailing power-monger in Washington, DC, and who covertly allowed the growth of the Mafia), and the Church (whose corrupt power and dogma he reproved). And so he was assassinated, like Lincoln.

In a similar way, the Church assassinated Pope John Paul, who became aware of the illicit, illegal, and immoral activities of the Vatican when he became Pope, and was going to reveal the Vatican's money laundering and banking operations in conjunction with the Mafia. Perhaps now, it is clear how all of these institutions share the same covert, murderous, exploitative, evil agenda. They all serve the evil rulers of this world, the international financial powers, at a higher level.

The fact that the typical person has no idea what is really happening is intentional. For example, all UFO sightings, contacts, and crashes have been suppressed by governments because that is the wish of the shadow government of this world. How else could the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, and China � dire enemies who agreed on nothing � all be in agreement on covering up the crashing of UFOs in their countries? There is no evidence because the government spends billions of dollars to hide, destroy, disclaim, and suppress all evidence. Yet, all of these governments have had contact with the alien beings who pilot these ships. And, the governments even have agreements with them, to keep their presence hidden in exchange for receiving certain scientific technologies. It has been revealed by individuals who worked at Area 51 in Nevada that the U.S. government was in possession of a UFO, and that it was building and flying its own saucer-shaped vehicles, with a method of propulsion that is far beyond anything that conventional aircraft utilize. The entire "Stealth" program, though effective in producing a craft with little radar profile, is said to have concealed the development of these more esoteric technologies.

Hidden under layers and layers of national security secrecy orders, making it a most treasonous violation of law to reveal anything about UFOs, their technology, or their crews, the shadow government has been secretly trading the slavery and ignorance of mankind for scientific marvels that promise to perpetuate their rule, forever. It has even been suggested that the "Star Wars" program spent billions of dollars to place weapons in orbit that are directed out toward space, not toward earthly targets; the rationale given is that the powers-that-be wish to defend their exploitative interests in this world from other exploitative interests of extra-terrestrial origin.

The average person has no say in what is going on because s/he has no idea what is going on. And, the fact that the truth is so unthinkable and so strange just shows how effectively the authorities and powers-that-be suppress the truth. We are living in a totally evil system in which truth and good are not just suppressed, but are systematically eliminated. There is no benevolence in the powers-that-be, regardless of the popular indoctrination that everything is okay and all is being taken care of by our elected officials, authorities, and keepers. There is no truth, just lies and cover-ups. And, though people like to think of themselves as "free" they have very little choice. Sure, they can choose what beer they want to drink and what TV channel to watch, but they are the most passive and inconsequential bystanders in the process of world events and direction.

A Parting View of the New World Order

Some people are unable to grasp the larger picture, the enormity of the global conspiracy of evil. They wonder: how can the scientists, the media, the legal system, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Vatican, the CIA, the FBI and Justice Department, the Mafia, Democrats and Republicans, preachers, teachers, international bankers, and leaders in all areas of society � in every nation � be corrupt, deceiving, oppressive, and essentially evil? How can all of these forces be wrong, or all work together? Rather than dismissing evil because we cannot grasp its enormity, we must realize that evil is more powerful and more inclusive than we had previously imagined � or been told. The problem is, due to the oppression, lies, and delusions of evil; we live little lives, within very narrow constraints of thinking and behaviour, and never see the larger picture. Many do not wish to be disillusioned in their ideas that they are being "served" by their oppressors, that life in this world has some inherent "sanctity", that what they "know" is all they need to know. Most people lack any vision of the true reality. As we have seen, this is entirely on purpose; it is the design of the New World Order. But, at last, we must open our spiritual vision to the truth.

Every system and institution on this earth has been moulded by the powers-that-be for the single purpose of maximizing exploitation and suffering of the innocent, and you should be well aware of all the following facts:

* "Leaders" in politics, government, science, religion, the media, and business today, are the most evil ones favoured by the archons.

* There is no such thing as "democracy", "justice", or equality in government, or in this world.

* Government and law are designed to protect the power and privilege of the most evil, at the expense of the most good.

* There is no such thing as fairness or "equal opportunity" in economics, or in this world. Economics is designed to exploit the masses for the sake of the few, the rich and powerful.

* There is no salvation in religion; every religion presents itself as a conflicting dogma bent upon superseding every other religious dogma, and conquering the world. Religion is designed to breed conflict and delusions of merit.

* There is no truth in the media; it is designed to be the voice of evil. It has no possibility of revealing the truth because its agenda is to cover up every little hint of the truth that might ever surface, and to promote the lies and confusion of the powers-that-be � which are their sponsors.

Once and for all, we must look beyond these systems for the solution. Various books speak to the problems of science, government, business, religion, economics, etc., etc., but they ultimately defend or validate one or more of these systems. Hence, economic books on the New World Order rationalize the system of economics, or offer it as the solution to the problem; religious books on the New World Order endorse a given religion (especially the Bible), as the solution; books critical of the legal system proclaim that it can still save us all, and so on. None of these has the complete picture or reveals the underlying cause of all of our global problems. The wrongs and evils of all these institutions are multiplying exponentially; their problems are growing; none of them has a real solution; and, together, they will usher in the end of this world. They are nothing but a tyranny of the spirit of man.

Thomas Paine once observed, "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered". Now, "reality", "truth", and the "Divine" are so unfamiliar to this world, that we may fail to see why this world is both a tyranny and a hell. Though we may have been taught that this world is heaven in God's eyes, it is not. It is just a half-step above hell, spiritually. And, it is very rapidly degenerating into a total hell. There are higher levels of reality, and other dimensions of existence, beyond this physical level. Higher realms may be thought of as "realms of Light". The beings who come from and dwell in those realms � which form all of the Divine creation outside of this localized, quarantined sector � are "Beings of Light". They live in dimensions of unimaginable purity, freedom, goodness, creativity, consciousness, wisdom, love, peace, and joy. There is absolutely no evil, suffering, disease, death, exploitation, abuse, injustice, ignorance, pain, lies, inequity, unhappiness, or deceit. For their sake, for the sake of the countless True spiritual beings in the rest of the Divine creation, evil must be contained and eradicated forever, in this anomalous portion of creation.

The resistance of evil � and its offspring � to correction, the very rejection of the offer to forsake evil and accept the love and eternal life of the True God, is their end. If they refuse to live in the Divine creation of Love and Light and Truth, forever, then they will die in their chosen hell, forever. This is how we each will choose our eternal destiny.

War, disease, chaos, and global destruction are coming, and all life will be cleared from this earth. In reality, we can hold on to nothing and no one of this world when we leave. Do you have the strength and conviction to let go and be free, to break the chains that bind you? Can you detach now, or are you so stuck in the traps of this world that you will have to go kicking and screaming? Those who welcome the Light, the Truth, and its Source in their hearts, shall return to that Light. Let your spirit soar free. Take a look at the ending of the movie Brainstorm, which tried to visualize the departing of a spirit from this realm on up to higher realms of Light. It also provides perspective on the worthlessness, emotional attachment, suffering, and despair of this life � which some people mistakenly try to hold on to with their last drop of energy � because they know of, or accept, nothing greater. They believe this physical life is all there is. But, it isn't.

Try to picture a realm of Light, truth, freedom, peace, joy, purity, goodness, consciousness, wisdom, and fulfilment beyond all worldly imagination; a place with eternal life, creativity, love, and only positive experiences; a world filled with angels, a world where every being lives as part of a higher consciousness of God, where God never "goes away" or is out of one's awareness, and one is never out of God's care; a place which does not have any evil, suffering, sickness, pain, exploitation, abuse, or upset. Picture it as a world of Light, brighter than a million suns, with all of the energy being pure Love, nourishing and guiding you, always.

Now, begin to push that image out of your mind, slowly. Push this place farther away, so that you cannot quite see it, so that its light becomes quite dim. Picture the world around you getting darker and more dense, feeling more insecure, trapped, isolated, fearful, weak, troubled. Picture this world getting darker and darker, with no clarity, little guidance, no love, no peace, no justice, no truth, no joy, no purity and goodness, no God; a place of evil. Now picture yourself in a dense physical body that is decaying, which has pain, disease, and death as its only fate. Feel yourself cut off from your source and your family of Light.

See yourself beginning to be surrounded by many evil people wanting to abuse you, with every social "support" system being just another way to exploit you and trap you, to reduce your awareness or your ability to find your way. Picture a hopeless existence of unceasing war, crime, pollution, and degeneration, all controlled and coordinated by evil powers-that-be who remain hidden behind the scenes.

The authorities who come forth deny the existence of evil; they claim there is something wrong with you for not fitting in, for not having fun; they prescribe more drugs, more sex, more entertainment as the solution to your problems. They tell you that you are nothing more than a physical body, they are taking care of you, they are taking care of everything � "this is life". Picture a world so dark, suffering and despair so great, a hell so evil, that it can spiritually assassinate you and put out the Light within you, while it is doing so to countless others, everywhere. Now imagine that this is happening; it is purposeful and intentional, and it will never willingly change from being evil, oppressive, exploitative, and destructive.

That is this world, and the reality of the New World Order. You choose. Many have been holding out, sitting on the fence, not being able to understand what is happening amidst all the deliberate confusion in every area of politics, religion, science, and the media. You must think for yourself. Each of us must choose either the Light or the Darkness. It will be our individual fate, forever. There is a place in the infinitely higher dimension of Light for those who choose the Light, who heed the call to return to the Divine. And there is a special place in hell for those who prefer, accept, promote, or serve the New World Order. What will your fate be?

Finally it must be stated that it is no coincidence that the controllers, leaders, financiers and educators, in other words, the archons, of all the facets I have mentioned including religion, banking, commerce, government, trade, science, education, medicine, the media, the judiciary, etc., are ontological or genetic Jews, the Chosen ones of Jehovah, distributed as they are all over the world. And this will be the topic of my next book entitled "The Kingdom of Zion".

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