A Collection of My Verses and Poems
based on Gnostic thoughts

Volume One

Dr. J.S. Chiappalone

Presented by:

Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Printed and published 1997


Dr J S Chiappalone

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia   4885.

Copyright:   1997 Dr J S Chiappalone

ISBN 0-9587319-0-X


24   Physical life

40   A Butterfly Fluttered By


To all who truly in Light,

not Darkness,

want to be,

I dedicate these few lines

of verse, of prose

and poetry.

Physical Life

The lower ignorant minds of men, and women, fear

The blight of physical death as it grows near.

But let us look at this shared plight,

Must we all really die of fright?

O physical death, so horrifying for some,

do you really sting?

O physical life, what glory for me

when you reduce my body to absolutely no thing?

This life physical is nothing

but existential mockery,

For the truth in this fashion

cannot be.

It is the Higher Enlightened Mind

which dispels all fear,

When disease and old age,

death bring near.

Such a Mind knows the plight of souls

ensnared in a wicked mesh,

In these deceptive bodies

of putrefying flesh.

Unwarranted fear of death

does wrack the brain

When, in truth, the consciousness

has nought to gain,

either from the imagined fright,

or its perceived postmortem,

uncharted flight,

If, in fact, one of eternal stuff

reaches that realization

That death is Liberation

from this decaying abomination.

O physical life,

where can thy glory for me be?

When you know well in dark earth

to putrefy they'll bury me,

As indeed all men must do to each other,

And yet you expect us to call you

our nurturing mother.

What trick is this you play on me?

What deception must I bear,

To grow old, dysfunctional by all measures,

with no hair,

And still be expected

to sing your praises fair?

There is no joy in your empty promises,

not in the least!

What you plan to do with my body,

with me, is a wormy

rodent's feast.

The physical state,

so temporary, so insecure,

Has been created by one malicious

for genuine souls to lure.

The confining physical bodies

are really a sort of jail,

In which the entrapped consciousnesses

of Divine Ones wail.

What honour, what glory

can there be

for one who just

with the body identifies,


When it is just a sack

of draining lamentation,

of flesh and bone,

which putrefies?

Those who paint themselves,

dress in tedious fashion's finery

and parade as prostitutes and hypocrites,

Making their bodies temples of lust,

Will soon be shattered,

assuredly, to bits,

As their illusion is fractured

and they bite the dust.

Such ones have invested totally

on physicality, the human body,

a biochemical mire,

Which of necessity must end up

on some funeral pyre.

What wretched souls they be when,

Devoid of history,

their bodies sink into the earthly muck,

and their spirits form parts

of the hellish ruck!

Inspired enlightened Ones instead

to pursue Higher Ideals

will use their head,

And meditatively contemplate,

How best to quickly

enter Heaven's Gate.

Those who make their bodies

the pursuers of Lust,

Will, in time, not even be dust,

For their nefariously passionate,

exploitative fascination,

Will ensure their eventual

spiritual transmutation.

O physical Life, you have no honour,

you have no glory,

You are not worth

an aggrandizing story.

All your promises are fleeting

and mendacious,

There is nothing in your passions

or lust which are gracious.

O infant, hopeful child, newly born,

How can I, thee of these things, forewarn?

Alas, you warned cannot be,

for you'll be torn asunder

by your own hormones, you'll see,

You'll have to struggle like

all of us against the fear of death

And face it torridly, threatened,

perhaps frightened just like Macbeth.

But I wish an ear you'd lend to me,

I'd tell you there is a way out

of the fear, of Death, and its insanity.

You must find the esoteric Gnostic Key,

Which will make you realize

all this physical life

was of an evil disguise.

And as you unlock

the secrets with the Key

To see beyond death's door,

You will see that physical life,

like physical death,

Consists of half-truths and lies galore.

Thus, as you link to True Knowledge

beyond this mockery and deceit,

All fears, even that of death,

will you beat.

Hence, as the fornicators

and the demons are reduced

to hellish vipers, and do hiss,

You instead, will spurn all evil,

the body, its putridness,

And contemplate, that of true worth,

namely lasting, Eternal Bliss.

A Butterfly Fluttered By

A big, beautiful, blue butterfly fluttered by

And with its colour splendiferous caught my eye.

"O what beauty, what charm you do display,

Tell me wondrous creature,

Were you always this way?"

"O No, dear Sir, only now am I so gay, this way,

For a grub was I, even as late as yesterday.

But, you know, it was always me within, all the same;

We are all forced to play this

silly, evil, metamorphic game.

You too, in an aging, greying,

stooping body, losing sight,

Are, in truth, a wondrous creature

of Love and Light.

Soon you too will transform

into a radiant sight to behold,

As you soar spiritually,

transcending into an Orb of Gold."

"Thank you butterfly, your purpose

I often wondered in my head,

I see now your role,

pleasure to the eye to give,

and wisdom to spread,

To those who stop to think you

are not just a butterfly,

But an angel of God, on wing,

spreading Love as well,

as you flutter by."


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