A Collection of My Verses and Poems
based on Gnostic thoughts

Volume Four

Dr. J.S. Chiappalone

Presented by:

Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Printed and published 1998


Dr J S Chiappalone

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia   4885.

Copyright:   1997 Dr J S Chiappalone

ISBN 0-9587319-2-7


198       La Dolce Vita?

229       The Last Dream


If truly you did survive

the purposeful profundity

of my Volumes One to Three

and declare thyself an earnest,

bold seeker of Truth to be,

thus of that very just Veracity

wanting ever now more,

I have no hesitation to thee

then, dear, dear aspirant,

to dedicate now this,

what I truly consider to be

a very perspicacious and lucid,

luminous, humorous, crisp

and compact Volume Four.

La Dolce Vita?

"My dear doctor Chiappalone,

author of so many poems and books

with a Gnostic point of view,

I wish to say that I am another

who thinks indeed quite a lot and

I also want to disagree with you,

Why, to me this is a world full

of beauty, and pleasure,

everywhere where one can go.

Look around you and this pleasure

unmistakably will show.

Are you being purposely pessimistic

in trying to convince us of your

particular point of view?

It appears you are narrow-minded

and have no real world clue

about how wonderful this life is,

with all the pristine pleasure

and how much it, in its greatness,

we ought to really treasure."

"Indeed it is not I who is myopic,

inquirer, rather it is you who are

living fraudulently in an illusion

which will give thee now, with fracturing

of the world, even greater confusion,

for this world you call of beauty

and of pleasure will dissipate, for it

is a poorly copied fraudulence,

a gross deception, and not a treasure.

Beauty to some extent is well within

the eye of the aspiring beholder,

but it is programming, evil and

malicious, which makes one sycophantic

and, for this system, a defender bolder.

In truth, the beauty is a sham,

as we will, in due course, see,

and any pleasure is at a price

paid tragically to Evil of necessity.

We can take any aspect of existence

on this plane and see that only

one who is truly anaesthetized

to miss the actual reality,

or else is totally insane,

can say that, from this life,

valid pleasure he can gain.

Take the pleasure of the warming sun,

within minutes now it burns you

like a bun and so many have skin

cancer as a devastating disease,

sun-baking is no longer a wise

practice that does please.

Food, so much a programmed pleasure

but indeed, most no longer, for

many reasons, do treasure.

More than 11% suffer food poisoning

in many ways, in and out, every year,

and that is certainly not a statistic

welcomed by anyone, nor cause to cheer.

With carcinogenics added to the food,

people, even without suspicion, rot,

if hepatitis and Mad Cow Disease

and many other ills they have not got.

Where is the pleasure now to know

that is the way most, out of the physical,

with untimely death will go?

Adulteration, contamination,

lack of adequate sanitation,

make even essential water a

very risky, dangerous drink,

and thus many in gloom with

disease all over the world sink.

Many side-effects from simply

living in this realm are horrible,

and excused away by the demons

and robots as something that must

be taken as a normal life.

But why do this nasty pain and

utter misery have to run rife,

especially if they contend this

is a life of so much pleasure,

which they vehemently state,

repeatedly, they so much respect

and, in its falsity, do treasure?

From the food and digestive process,

I see nothing of beauty, nor pleasure

do I see in death from unknown toxic

additives, allergies, or spliced genes,

nor even from cancer of the bowel,

nor from ubiquitous food poisoning,

nor from hepatitis and anaemias pernicious.

Of any who say all such unnecessary

diseases are pleasing I would be

indeed more than a little suspicious.

Why do I say unnecessary in this way?

Because things never should have been thus.

It is only because we are living

in the false Creation, in an evil Day.

When the likes of you talk about the

pleasure of love, you mean nothing

more than physical sex, for sure.

With all horrible diseases from

copulation I will not thee bore.

But you ought to know that more

than 50% of the world's population,

suffering from HIV-AIDS,

are in need of more than

just condoms and band-aids.

For those who caught the virus from sex,

in a few moments of stolen pleasure,

there is nothing in their plight,

in their deaths, they can treasure.

`Ha, but,' you will want to say,

`a nubile lass is beauty that one

can admire and longingly appreciate!'

But, I say, only if one accepts

totally the illusion and the mocking

depravity from purposeful falsity.

Mascara, false eyelashes, tinted hair

or a horse-tail wig, silicone breasts,

girdles and lipo-sucked hips

accompany artificially painted

face and brows and lips,

such that the beauty from this deception

is only in the desire of beholders

of the illusion to be fooled,

and, by the fatuous sex and procreation

act, by which they're sucked in and spooled.

And let us turn our attention to capitalism,

exploitative commercialism, no less,

euphemistically called prospering for some,

doing daily business in this busy world.

More than one person I know has been

cheated quite substantially and had

his hair pulled or greyed and curled,

by deceitful rotters one finds everywhere,

to saturation point, inspite of laws to stop them.

This situation an honest person cannot bear.

My opinion is that Diogenes must have died a lonely,

lonely man in his failure to find just one

whom he could call honest and had, against evil, won.

Where is the pleasure of being cheated everyday,

by the shop-keepers, the professionals, the tradesmen,

the vendors, who know to do just that in every way?

There is no fun in being the victim of dishonesty,

and the problem is really very big and out of control ,

for the thousands upon thousands of laws passed

are inadequate to deal with things properly.

Let us talk further of pleasure in this dimension.

Only one who is completely in denial of reality

would fail to see its absence in the things I mention.

So many live in poverty around the world, while a few

have hoarded riches they cannot possibly use,

that to tell these, of the starving throng, that their life

is made of great pleasure would be startling news.

And how do we measure the suffering of so many

languishing unjustly in jails? Is that pleasure?

Sado-masochism is a ploy of devilry.

Can you not, the satanic brutality in these

ever-increasing numbers of institutions see?

They are called rehabilitating and correctional

centres very hypocritically,

for in truth they are energy extraction centres,

for the evil system, where Evil teaches the many

tormented minds of innocent victims not Good, which

it can never do, for it has no Good to give,

but how to be even more deranged demonically

so that it assures its future harvest of energy.

Do you not think it is strange that so many of the

population are forever calling for more and more of

these horrible, horrible, iniquitous torture centres?

The reason for that is because the majority are evil

and no thought of True Love, of forgiveness, of true

rehabilitation, into their black hearts and closed,

bigoted, ignorant minds ever, in reality, enters.

If this truly was La Dolce Vita, they would sweeten

it even more for the misfortunates who are forced in

many ways to deviate from the righteous path, and

change conditions so that crime would decrease,

and conditions being so good, from temptations those

previously disadvantaged would desist.

But that will never happen, for the evil scoundrels,

who are the major part of the population, would then

not share in the nefarious energy feast

which they share with the sponsoring ghoul

of this all, none other than the demiurge,

Yahweh, Jehovah, Satan, the Fool, the Moloch Beast!

Is it pleasure that is felt by the 50,000 infants

who will die today from preventable causes?

Or is it, as I contend, an unjustifiable tragedy?

It seems to me you have never seen a child die or

its distraught parents struck by such evil, fatally.

What joy is there in unfaithfulness, in motor

accident deaths, in fatal drug overdoses, in rape?

We are nonchalant, almost oblivious to these things

until we are affected intimately, personally,

then pain, and not pleasure, in them we see.

And the suffering of war is something we truly all

should, if not programmed by evil, totally abhor.

Scarred for life are victims of such violence and they

live a nightmare when affected by bellicosity.

Only a fool would value such warring atrocity.

Scientific destruction is no more pleasurable than any

other form of mass destruction as I can see.

Look at how scientists have wrecked this world acting

as they have so uncaringly, so wantonly.

Lies and propaganda from whatever the source,

especially in the media, have added to our distress

and increased the mockery of life, of course.

What pleasure, pray, I ask, is there in the falsehood

of advertising and talk of a spurious brotherhood?

Religious rhetoric delivered constantly, so deceptively,

as religious hierarchies increase pain ubiquitously,

simply has confirmed the deceit of life earthly.

In them, pleasure, intelligibly, cannot be.

Add the hatefulness of racism, patriotism,

nationalism, and we have the recipe for friction

which leads everywhere to clashes

and deaths in tragically unnecessary,

evil-created, explosive, unresolving,

energy-rendering, for the Moloch, contradiction.

Who is having more fun according to you then,

the honest adult who is ripped off by the system in

every way, and for the privilege made unfairly to pay ,

or a child sexually molested, abused and not so gay?

What about the young and old victims of genocide,

from deadly war, from starvation forced to hide?

Who find more pleasure in their lives,

those blown up in South East Asia by landmines

or those having throats, as in Algeria, slit by knives?

What about indigenes on the globe everywhere ,

bullied by brutal police, and by rorting

politicians who for others give no care?

The increasing incidents of suicide in the elderly

and in desperate juveniles clearly tells me

they're not having fun at all.

Life for them, so stark, so bleak, is no

celebration; they are certainly not at a ball!

Many others to end their terror seek escapism

in drugs and overdose even, to leave this prison.

Others perversely engage in paedophilia as a must.

What pleasure has the raped child whose life is

reduced to prostitution or to a worth less than dust?

Those who seek fun in sport often practice murder

by killing animals instead of seeking peace further.

Only a demon would find perverse pleasure in seeing

lambs being torn apart by wolves, or penguins eaten

by sharks, or even seals ripped apart by bears.

Such visions are but destructive evil which the

hearts of any non-evil, loving beings tears.

O what a sham this life really is, with its pain,

its oppression, its tyranny, its fraudulent show.

This exposé has confirmed to my mind, more than

ever, it must not last, it all has to soon go.

Even if we picture a Western child playing in a

garden, joyfully its business wanting to mind,

we can see the toxic lead in the air, and the

microwave radiation around, to it being most unkind.

And what about the ubiquitous, unrelenting fear of

many things, in which most people live?

How much thought to that did you give?

Unless they understand from a Gnostic point of view

what this barbaric and very evil realm is all about,

They bury their fears and go into denial

as they feign happiness and from useless pursuits they

claim, like you, that wanted pleasure they rout.

Many are programmed, as if stoically, not to complain

as if, in the acceptance of their misery, there is gain,

but although they may say nothing openly,

they cannot always hide their psychic pain.

Indeed, the disguise of their fear is very poor,

for doctors and psychiatrists, psychologists

and other health workers cannot fit all the fearful

patients in their waiting rooms and close the door.

Most who attend are sick, not from physical illness ,

but from the effects of their known and unknown fear ,

and such a life they do not really hold all that dear.

And in those with physical illness, it was not

pleasure that I saw when I practised as, for example,

pleading eyes sought the nature of a breast lump and

begged for reassurance, from me, to them come near

so they could dispel the obvious deadly fear.

Many a serious diagnosis gave rise, in spiritually

unawakened minds, to the deadly Gloom of Doom,

and the fear reverberated in them like a boom,

shattering the illusion that their life was so well.

It was then, confronted by their inescapable mortality

that they revealed the pain and misery of this hell,

regardless of how previously they said pleasurably

in it, in their jobs, in their dishonesty, they did dwell.

When the pain, physical, emotional, psychic,

earnest health professionals now try to ease,

more often than not with time's inappropriateness

do they muddle and even increase iatrogenic disease

and this does not, the suffering patients, please.

Even when apparently perfectly physically well,

more and more now live with several secret keys

behind locked doors, to prevent unwanted entries.

Thieves everywhere threaten all, many other threats,

in every aspect of existence, do not please.

Why even rubbish tins are chained and padlocked,

in cities whose citizens' anguish cannot be blocked.

Psychosomatic diseases have increased explosively.

If this was a world of pleasure that would not be.

Antidepressants, tranquillizers, and mind-numbing

intoxicants are the best sellers in the world, for sure.

Can we say these victims of fearfulness are immersed

in a life of fulfilment and pleasure galore?

Of course not. They are wrecks with emotionalism in

the form of baggage which ruins their lives and for

20 years or so in practice I did see them.

I have seen the pain, I have seen the tears.

Many premature deaths result from untold fears.

I will admit there appear to be many who gain

perverse pleasure from the evils of this world

and from the unrelenting suffering of others.

Entertainment has taken a turn for much the worse

as with stupid, senseless violence actors rehearse,

or else stories are produced with distortions upon

distortions to camouflage this plane's ruse and curse.

Of ignorant, perverse profanity is it a measure

when fools describe this as a world of pleasure.

It is an evil-created torture chamber to be sure ,

and with innumerable more examples of exploitation

and iniquity against this evil system I could roar.

The Law of Inverse and Diminishing Returns seems

to operate alongside Murphy's Law efficiently.

Hence, whenever some gain is made initially,

many a recipient seems to be trapped nefariously,

by hubris, ego's self-aggrandizement or gluttony,

so that more and more does he, or she, seek of gain

in which less and less satisfied he, or she, will be.

Lust acts destructively in the exact same way

and many for its supposed pleasure tragically do pay.

We have all seen this often and see well

where greed destroys avaricious demons of hell.

Knowledge and its acquisition you would think could be

pursued freely, innocently, patiently, joyously ,

but really, the system will not even let that be.

Most of what is available is rhetorical absurdity

which one must repeat to gain a higher degree.

Other books like the Bible, the Koran, the Torah,

etc., which are protected by law in many places where

it is unwise and unlawfully dangerous to criticize,

are full of nonsense, myths, half-truths and lies.

The most popular books are purposefully salacious,

of soft pornography, pandering to appetites rapacious.

Or else they are of untruthful, so-called philosophy

which tell evil ones how good they are, and will be.

Naturally those of dark hearts soak up this sophistry

and increase their illusion and bury truth deceitfully.

And, as the last disappointment for all,

is it not the case that those whom we elect

to safeguard what little we have of social security

often turn out to be the very vultures who rort

the system most and treat us all despicably?

I am referring to none other than our politicians

whose mendaciousness is matched only by that of

lawyers, whom, with misfortune, one may be needing,

even against one's wish, when into serious matters

one is compelled by this crooked system, and into its

noxious, badly misnamed, so-called Justice system

one is forced to initiate some proceeding.

They, in turn, are no worse

or better than the clergy

to whom quite a few turn,

in ignorance, for understanding,

or for counselling, or perhaps

for spurious forgiveness

and for illicit mercy.

I have not done a hatchet job on the idea people like

you have of pleasure in what you want to call La

Dolce Vita. I have simply detailed the truth of things

and alluded to the fact that life for all should be,

indeed will be, if they are deserving, far, far, better!

Awakening to the absurdity that is stupidly called La

Dolce Vita, The Sweet Life, is what leads real

thinkers to this, my valid conclusion,

and to the much longed-for solution.

It is then that unrestrained joy,

in our lives, no matter how apparently miserable,

and God's happiness, we can rightfully employ.

Hence, if you really want to know

the truth and the value of

this land as a final score,

awaken from your damaging illusion

and see the misery,

the real pain of others,

and not just your own

selfish pseudo-pleasure.

This I sincerely implore.

As I see it, the greatest

pleasure for viable True

Beings is in the thought

that this horrible, horrible,

evil-created nightmare will soon end.

We owe sincere thanks

to the Real Godforce,

for this realization not only

awakens us, but also,

protects us mentally so that

we are not driven,

in desperation, by Evil,

at this obviously fracturing

Endtime, round the bend."

The Last Dream

And so it is that all men and women dream.

Mortal ones dream to increase the power of

their lusts and the greatest of the powers

they desire is the lust for immortality.

But for them of the mis-creation that can never be,

for immortality demands purity and they of the

Darkness, of the Corruption, of the depravity

know not the meaning of such a word as Purity.

That is why in deceit they plunder and destroy

the ones who truly are immortal as they seek

to steal that which for them can never be -

the Divine essence of immortality.

Thus, doomed in their concupiscence

they feign happiness and joviality

to mask the gloom of doom which must

for all those of the Shadows be.

And as the Light does shine as it must,

these temporal shadows are reduced to dust.

What of their dreams? What of their hopes?

Spurious, one and all, for they failed

to release the Evil within them which

is incompatible with purity and therefore

cannot gain the Divine immortality of Eternity.

Pass then they will into the phantasmic

surrealism of the time circuitry

which shortly will be no more,

no more I say, for the Light does shine

even now into all crevices of the Darkness

with the Power of a thousand suns,

sending dreams and dreamers of the artifact

into useless nothingness of fact.

What, pray, can we say of Minds immortal,

of angelic beings, and Divine True Beings,

of the elohim trapped in physicality?

What dream is it that they weave in

sufferance, in their sorrow, awaiting

still the promised New Tomorrow?

They are already of the stuff of immortality,

hence their dreams but of one type can be:

the end to all this depravity, and the return

to their abodes in realms of celestial royalty.

Dreams of lust from those of the shadows,

of the corruption, can never fulfilled be,

for the corruption itself is their greatest enemy.

And even as they try to dream and dream once more

they are reduced to dust upon cruel Hell's floor.

Their illicit dreams fulfilled can never be.

But, how different for those not of the Enmity.

For them, fulfilment was always going to be.

The dream answered in reality, as now the end

of this evil's spurious abomination we see

and the journey home booked decisively.

The Battle is done, the War is won,

the dream fulfilled and home we go,

with spirits high, never again low.

O what joy in those simple words,

"The dream fulfilled!" Can it truly be?

Are we of heads immersed in fantasy

or is this the very sensibility

we of Truth have waited eons to see?

Alas, no more is it a dream. We are to step

from this vile, temporary virtual reality

into the promised bliss of Eternity.

The Bliss and Immortality were always ours.

Captured within the Confusion of the Ignorance

and the Corruption of Deceit the Higher Reality

became the dream now fulfilled.

Only Evil could turn reality into the object

of a longed-for dream distorting all,

as it, in illusion, would unreal seem.

But we are at an end. Gone forever

are the shackles and pain of bondage

and the need to forever more dream.

The victory is ours. All that is left

is the laughter of Innocence with no tears.

Gone, gone, gone are all the fears.

What once was ours is ours again and this Joy,

this certainty, this bliss, can never be

for those of the fracturing mortality.

That very thought of loss and their dreams

unfulfilled will be their mental hell

for all eternity, for you see,

their last moment will freeze them forever

in the anguish and despair of their tyranny.

In a way then, they will have found immortality,

but not in the way they would welcome

or ever want it to really, really be.

For all this knowledge and revelation ,

O Greatest Mind, we thank Thee.

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